Quick, quick update:
- I’m making Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic perma-free for the next few months. You can currently find it for free at Kobo, iBooks, and Smashwords. Hopefully B&N and Amazon will quickly price match. I’m a bit nervous about making a book free, which is odd because this is a proven marketing strategy that has helped a number of my writers’ group find a new level of readership. I hope it will draw more eyes to the Dowser Series as well … and I need to stop being nervous about it!
- Cupcakes (Etc) and Trinkets (Etc) are both semi-finalists in the 2014 Kindle Book Awards. The Top-5 Finalists will be announced Sept 1, 2014. Many thanks to Kindle Book Review for including the first two books of the Dowser Series on their short list! I find myself in the company of writer friends’, Russell Blake (Thriller), fellow Canadian Mona Ingram (Romance), and Miranda Stork (horror). Happily – as we are all in different categories – we’re not in direct competition with each other!! Good luck in the next stage of the competition everyone!

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