LOCATION: home office, Vancouver, BC, Canada
WEATHER: Rain – currently pouring – though seconds ago the sun attempted a break through.
TODAY’S TO DO LIST: flesh out new idea for AFTER THE VIRUS prequel **Note: can it be called a prequel if the storylines eventually overlap? Will need to check into that, eventually, if the story makes it beyond brainstorming.
PROGRESS: Null – have been answering phone calls and emails instead.
MUSIC: Fidelity (youtube video) by Regina Spektor – will mostly likely be on repeat while I brainstorm, which was very helpful last writing session.
EATING: Raisin & Hazelnut Milk Chocolate Bar (Green & Black’s Organic to be specific). Gone now, was only ½ a bar.
READING: nothing currently, but have the ASTONISHING X-MEN vol. 6, FELL & IGNITION CITY on my desk. The fact that Astonishing is also written by Ellis is coincidental, though he, as a writer, was recommended to me the other day – hence the other two titles.
THOUGHT OF THE DAY: I’m wondering about the house across the street, which, today, seems to be under going a (minor) renovation. A few months ago, the homeowner carried drywall and some lumber into the house, and then, a couple of days later the house, which looks to be of fairly new construction, was listed for sale. It sold. The owners moved out. No one moved in. The house was re-listed. It sold, again. New owners moved in. The house is now empty (again) (I seemed to have missed the moving in/out part). More construction is now taking place, more woodcutting, tradesman vehicles, and perhaps an appliance of some sort was just delivered. I am waiting to see if the sale sign returns after today.
I am really, really hoping the house is haunted or perhaps it’s an alternate universe anchor point, but it is probably just water/leak/mold issues.
Too bad.
Also, not as interesting, so it really shouldn’t be holding so much of my attention today.
Oh, look the sun is making another attempt…