Update: August 20, 2013 – CONTEST CLOSED – a winner has been selected and the books are in the mail. YAY!
Yup, you read that title correctly. To celebrate the first printing of Cupcakes (Etc) I’m giving away all four of my paperback novels to one lucky (international) winner! All you need to do is comment below (making sure your email address is correct) to enter to win!
Fun! Fun!
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If you want to know about future giveaways and goodies please like me on Facebook, follow me on twitter, or subscribe to this blog. If you’d like to know about new releases please subscribe to my mailing list which I use approx. 3 to 4 times a year.
Bonus entry: cupcakes or cookies? werewolf or vampire? and what three items are in your bug out bag?
FYI – Clicking the book covers in the righthand side bar will take you to the book specific page for more info.
Eeeeeeepppp, I would really want to win this!!! I also followed you on Twitter and liked you on Facebook and subscribed to your mailing list. Cupcakes! Werewolf! In my survival kit would be water, a book and food (not exactly sure what. gummy bears? chocolate?)! Book wouldn’t be a good choice but if I’m gonna die soon, might as well read a book!
Entry# 1 – extra bonus for typing speed Dianne! Ha! I’m fairly certain chocolate would take up A LOT of space in my backpack too. Interestingly enough, the main character in my next release, WITHOUT WARNING (a novella), choses books as well … not sure that works out for her in the long run though – URK!
This is so awesome. I hope that I win. Thanks for the giveaway. I can’t choose between cupcakes or cookies. Vampires!!!! I would have food, water and a Zippo. I also followed you on Twitter, liked you on Facebook and subscribed to your mailing list.
My bug out bag would be no where near as sensible (!!) Though I do have a full emergency kit around here somewhere…
Great giveaway! Cupcakes are my favorite! A definitely Vampires! I love Vampires! And 3 things in my Survival bag would be… 1.) Water 2.) Dried food 3.) Gun or Knife Or BOTH! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Followed on:
Twitter: Alicia Batista
Like Facebook Page: Vannah Batista
Thanks for entering!!
I’m not entering to win cause I already have all of these fab books, but I did you a blog post here: http://sarahelizabethsbookshelf.blogspot.co.uk/2013/08/want-to-win-all-4-of-these-great-novels.html
Congrats on the paperbacks! They look fab!
Thanks Sarah Elizabeth! The paperbacks are so pretty. I think I’m slightly addicted to giving them away.
Awesome giveaway! I followed you on twitter and also signed up for your mailing list. I would have to say that cupcakes are my favorite. I would definitely choose Vampires. And as far as the 3 things in my survival bag I would have food, a piece of plastic like a small tarp (to collect water use as a form of shelter etc) and a knife.
I have to say all the entrants so far will survive a zombie apocalypse much longer than me – ACK! Small tarp? Totally smart idea!! And the knife, of course.
I think I’d choose cookies and vampires
No, actually, can I make a third choice? Hybrid! :))I think I’d have chocolate and maybe chips cause they are sooo good, and maybe my phone with my music and a few books on it, so that I can read peacefully
Oooo, I forgot about water. Sooo, yeah, chocolate or chips, water and my phone 
Thanks for the giveaway :d
Hybrid vampire/cookie? Or hybrid cupcake/cookie, vampire/werewolf … now that’s a story – ha! Thanks for entering!!
Vampire/werewolf, haha! But hybrid cupcake/cookie really does sound interesting :))
Haha love your questions! Cupcakes, werewolves, and matches, a knife, dried foods. But im constantly changing what would be in there.
subscribed to mailing list.
As a reader I always leaned toward vampires without thinking about it, but as I writer I think I’m totally biased toward werewolves, shifters in general. Odd, now that I think about it like that (reader/writer). Though really I just love all urban fantasy now.
I think I need multiple bug-out bags, but that’s probably cheating…
This is awesome! Thank you for the giveaway Meghan!
While it’s a tough choice, I think I have to go with cookies!! I like the look of frosting, but I don’t usually like the texture. Am I weird? Yes, probably…so don’t answer that ;).
ANNND I choose werewolves! I can just imagine them so much better, lol. I like how they (and shifters in general) are affected by their animal side – living in packs, social structure in general, etc. Such fascinating creatures!
Catherine, I’d go with cookies as well (but don’t tell anyone it might ruin my image). Good luck!!
LOL! You’ll just have to find a way to include them in your next book ;). BTW I am completely amazed at how you make time to get back to each and every one of us…my admiration of you is growing with each post you make. And thank you!
Honestly, I work alone all day (just me and the cats), so between you all here, Facebook and the other people at Pilates class three times a week this is all the interaction I get! Plus I just adore the answers coming in!!
Cookies because they’re portable, lol. Werewolves because they’re warm and still alive, albeit still dangerous. And my bug out bag? Hmmmm…My kids and I have discussed this often enough that I should know. A pocket knife with all sorts of attachments, matches, and my kids!!
Your poor kids!! Stuffed in that bag! You could at least leave the top open for air. LOL!!
I agree with the werewolf thing tho … Alive and warm,yes. I didn’t know I had a bias until I started writing ‘sexy’ urban fantasy type scenes.
Lol, I’d have to use a REALLY BIG bag since my kids are taller than me now;)
Ok, any book that says that about cupcakes is a book I desperately need to own.
Werewolves or Vampires–hard to pick, but I think it’s down to which mythology you choose. If I could choose Shelley Laurenston’s were creatures, that’s what I’d pick. For vampires, I’d have to go with Lynsay Sands versions. (Ok, I know, I totally wimped out, but, well, those 2 are my favs.)
In my bug out bag I have–my book of useful herbs, shrubs and trees (gotta know what is edible and can be used as a medicine) a Swiss Army Knife (because they are really the most versatile) and food for my 6 cats. (Can’t leave my babies behind.)
Ann – I have three cats, they are my babies as well!! I don’t know those authors and am now running off to look them up – I’m a sucker for a good urban fantasy/PNR!! Thanks! Oh, also a book of useful herbs = brilliant idea! I thought maybe I’d pack my seed collection (in a water proof bag) but I think that’s more for AFTER the apocaplyse settled down.
cupcakes or cookies? COOKIES ’cause I haven’t eaten any delicious cupcakes as seen on TV, the one like DC/Georgetown Cupcakes which looks pretty and tasted nice (they said so). Sooo yep, cookies. werewolf or vampire? VAMPIRE even though I hate blood. Thanks anyway!
Thanks for entering, Nadine!!
A chance to win paperbacks of your books?! Woohoo! This is a MUST-ENTER contest for me! I’m so horrible about reading e-books – I much prefer paper – that I haven’t even turned my Kindle on since before I got the e-copy of Cupcakes.
I’m so awful, I know. I’ve been telling myself to correct this in August; I have several e-books to read, including yours.
As for your bonus entry questions: Cupcakes for me, please. Cookies are “common” – in a more easily available way – and cupcakes are for special times. So cupcakes for “more happy!”) And definitely werewolf. I much prefer the hot-blooded shifter to the cold-blooded vampire.
As for my bug-out bag: a few (3-6) favorite paperbacks, a Swiss Army Knife, and a blanket. I’m sure I’d regret leaving something valuable behind, but so long as I have my favorite books I can lose my regrets in the stories. 
I am a huge ebook convert. I actually really don’t like reading paper anymore myself.
With that said these paperbacks are SO pretty!! But then, I am admittedly biased.
Good luck, Jen!
I would love to win these books. I am a book junkie and apocalyptic fiction is one of my favorite genres.
Thanks for entering, Dave! Only ATV is true apocalyptic, though SB & TW are set thousand years after an apocalypse.
Good luck!
Cupcakes – preferably chocolate/ werewolf or vampire – either I’m not picky.
Go bag hmm – both kindles – lots and lots of fudge, my meds and spare underwear – if it is an appocolyps – I’m doomed any way
Oh! fudge!! I need to figure out how to make a super dark chocolate fudge…. oh, yes.
Amazing giveaway!!Followed on Twitter,liked the FB page and subscribed to mailing list!
Let’s see…Cupcakes,vampires and I would have water,knife and matches!
Thanks for entering, Anastasia!! Good luck!
Woohoo!! You rock
Hmmm usually cookies unless they are chocolate chocolate chip cupcakes
Definitely werewolf
*insert girly sigh
Hmmm 3 items only, my Gerber because it is versatile & has a knife, water, & some MREs because they have things like matches and toliet paper
Oh! Chocolate, chocolate chip cupcakes? YES!! I think “Jade” needs to “try” those… Good luck!
Fantastic. I’d take cupcakes & vampire.
My bug out bag would have a hunting knife, water purification tablets & soap.
FB: Mary Preston
Email Subscriber:
Cupcakes & Vampires … that’s a book in and of itself! Yum! Thanks for entering!
Cupcakes and Vampires!!!! My bag would have water, chocolate, food and a good book. Maybe more that 1 good book because I love to read. Guess I would have my cell phone and a laptop to pass the time until the battery went dead!!!!!!
I know it is silly but I’d bring my phone (etc) as well. My Dad actually gifted us with a charging station that lets you burn twigs (etc) and charges your phone with the energy!! Crazy, huh?
Can’t wait to read these books by my ever so beautiful and talented and brilliant cousin xx
ah … hugs!!
Oh and cupcakes and cookies …. Preferably a vampire if he looks like Brad Pitt in interview with a vampire lol and my bug out bag … Beef jerky chocolate and a snugly blanky lol
Reblogged this on dyke writer.
Thanks Nina!!
kindly welcome!
happy to artist support
especially for actual pals
Awesome opportunity to win! Thanks for the chance…
already “liked” on FB, already following on Twitter and via email.
Drat, got ahead of myself and forgot to answer… can I have cupcakes with cookies in the icing?, werewolf (warm blooded), and bug out bag: blanket, survival knife and I’d have to have a few books
Cupcakes with cookies in the icing ….hmmm… why not?! Good luck!
OMG I want to read these so bad (especially After the Virus)! Thank you so much!
1) cookies
2) vampires
3) Water, Food, and Ereader (or maybe a book if I can’t charge it)
Thanks for entering, January! Good luck!
Omg! Omg! Omg! Eek! OK trying to compose myself! (Takes a moment) OK! I really really really must have these books! I mean if I won (eek) I would run through the house screaming (tripping over toys probably breaking my neck) but Omg! I would definitely choose cupcakes and vampires. (Hmm not a bad mix) in my bag would be my phone (it has my kindle app) , my most comfortable pj’s, and a machete lol! (I love to be comfortable even in if I’m about to die lol) Thank you for the awesome giveaway!
OMG, Pjs and a machete!? LOL! Love it!
I love this! Amazing giveaway
cupcakes or cookies? How bout cookie cupcakes?
werewolf or vampire? Depends on which one the author makes dark, brooding, sweet, and ruggedly handsome..
and what three items are in your bug out bag? Current book, phone and blanket.
LOL! Way to hedge you bets! Good luck!
Even though I have them in e-form, I love real books!! Esp. yours. Sooo, CUPCAKES, of course, Werewolves, (I’m a dog person) and my bag…. I would say for sure book, some form of chocolate and dt. coke. The things I can’t be without daily.
What a great way to celebrate, such an awesome giveaway. Thanks for the fun 8)
Congrats!!! Can’t wait for the next one, heehee…. no pressure
Good luck, Michelle!! I’m currently editing the novella, Without Warning (ATV universe) and have completed the first draft of the Cupcakes (Etc) sequel, so hopefully you don’t have to wait very long!!
These sound awesome and to have them signed would be amazing!!! OK I think Cupcakes, Werewolves and in my survival bag Id have an entrance to an alternate universe
Id have books, one of those things to make any water safe to drink and maybe a hunting knife.
Thanks so much for the amazing contest!!
I liked on FB (Natalie Cleary) followed on twitter (@natcleary) and joined the mailing list.
Entrance to alt. universe – perfect!!
Thanks so much for this giveaway! Congrats on the first printing of Cupcakes (Etc)!
So, I pick Cookies (chocolate chip!), Vampires and in my bug out bag I’d take a magic bottle of water (one that fills up itself every time it’s empty, go figure out how…;)), my phone (so I can listen to music and read on my kindle app) and finally a giant bar of chocolate because I can’t live without it…
I follow you on twitter: _Marcia_94_
Email subscription: prateado30@hotmail.com
Shared on Google+ username: Márcia Monteiro
Magic bottle of water … Now that would be brilliant!! Good luck!
Yay! Thanks for the giveaway! I am most interested in After the Virus!!
Yay! Thanks for the giveaway:) After the Virus sounds soooo good! Hmmm, my survival kit? My kindle, my favorite paperback, m&m’s definitely! How much room would I have left? Lol
I’m currently editing a novella set in the ATV universe but without the main characters …. I miss the main characters, they made the universe bearable.
Good luck with the contest!
Thanks for this amazing giveaway – I would love to win your books! Cupcakes, vampires and my bug out bag has books, chocolate and a stuffed animal!
susanw28 (at) mindspring (dot) com
Thanks for signing up, Sue. Good luck!
Okay, here we go. Cupcakes or cookies? That really depends on the type of cookie. If it’s peanut butter or sugar cookies with frosting, that will be my choice. Otherwise, if the cupcake is Red Velvet with cream cheese frosting, I’ll go that route. Between werewolves and vamps, I’ll go with the werewolves every time. All vampires are interested in is sex. Werewolves are genuine meat-aterians, and like killing things. Finally, my BOB will have my Kindle Fire, a miniature solar powered recharge kit, and some kind of wireless internet rig that would access Amazon from anywhere. 4G maybe? I figure as long as I’m going to die anyway, I have a lot of books I haven’t read yet, and I won’t get a chance to read them after I’m dead. Unless, of course, I come back to undead life as a zombie, but I haven’t encountered any scholastic documentation suggesting that zombies can read. And I don’t care for brain. I ate some once, and that was enough. So, there you have it! Thanks for a GREAT giveaway! I’d love to have all four of those books. acwa at netscape dot com
OMG, Lee. LOLLLLL!!!! Good luck … nice plan with Without Warning, BTW.
I have one of the books (Spirit Binder, which was so good!!) but kindle edition so bring them on. Also…does the cupcake book come with an actual cupcake? That would make it even better!!
Marilyn – LOL! You can have a cupcake anytime!!
wait you have tons of comments!
some of the answers below are brilliant!! I love my comments!!
ooo comment envy… I miss my original blog…
I lost the password and had to start over
I really hope I win!! Cupcakes! Vampires without a doubt! And my survival bag would have food, water and a knife
Sorry Ali. This giveaway closed on the 15th.