Speaking of writer friends, my online writing group has published another anthology of short stories, The Bitten. The proceeds of The Bitten are going to (hopefully) help author Brandon Hale in his battle with cancer. The collected shorts are vampire or werewolf themed.
Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to contribute a short in a timely fashion as I was finishing Dowser 3 at the time. I’m saddened that I wasn’t able to offer my support ‘in writing,’ but I’m also so pleased that 28 members of my authors’ group wrote and donated a story specifically for Brandon!
I’ve spoken of Brandon’s fight on Facebook and twitter before, but I don’t know him personally. He is a massively positive presence in my online writers’ group (which I feel seriously blessed to be apart of). We’ve really been missing Brandon, who isn’t able to participate as much right now as he undergoes his treatment. The group is more subdued without him, even a bit tentative and lost. We miss Brandon’s humour and stalwartness, but he’s using it all in the fight of his life right now.
I – we – miss you, Brandon Hale! You have a hell of a battle going, but I know you will win the war! #vampsforbran

Grab Day Soldiers #1 for free and get hooked on the series!!
Other blog posts about Brandon Hale and The Bitten anthology:
N.B: I have NOT used any affiliate links in this post.
Meg, I will repost this for you tomorrow. I want Deborah’s interview up top for at least 24 hours, then yours comes next. This is an important issue – especially since I have “up close and personal” experience with how absolutely devastating cancer treatments can be.
Hugs! Leiah
Thanks Leiah! I’m very sure Brandon will appreciate it!!
As it is the 4th, I am going to leave my 4th post up today. Pushed back to the fifth….