I write stories of good versus evil, epic demon-infested battles, and life threatening scenarios. My heroes are loyal and stalwart, willing to sacrifice anything and everything for duty and morality.
You know, sword and sorcery saving the world with some chocolate and true love rolled into the mix. The battered and bloody hero always triumphs to win the day, the battle, and the war, sort of thing.
But, in my real life …
The cat always wins.
Even when voices are raised and pillows are being tossed at 5 a.m., or pages desperately need to be written, or the bathroom door has to be closed because there are guests in the house or a business meeting being conducted over Skype in the living room.
The. Cat. Always. Gets. His. Way.
And there are two of them:

I guess that’s just the life of a writer.
We have four. One’s a blue smoke Persian, the rest are our faux breeds. She is Evil Incarnate and the rest of the house her helpless thralls. I so recognize that innocent expression.
We had a lovely smoke Persian, Periwinkle. He was one of those perfect cats. Never scratched the furniture, or jumped where he shouldn’t, and travelled with us effortlessly. These two … well, not so much of ‘perfect’ going on with them. LOL
Your fur-babies are so darn cute!!! Love those faces! We have four felines ruling our house! 🙂
We also have a turtle, fishes and (currently) 15 chickens! I’m feeling like the chickens might be a little much.
Oh my. I’m allergic to cats. I wish I could relate but all I can say is catnip? Good luck!
I’m not sure luck helps with these two. LOL!
They are adorabubbles!
Well, they LOOK that way. 😜