I know, I know, I made this big announcement about how I was going to cut back and refocus, including taking Saturday mornings off. And then I worked all day last Saturday (I really, really just wanted to get the first draft of Dowser 8 done) and now I want to spend more time with Mory (aka the opening novella of Dowser 8.5) this morning.
But being self-employed has to have some benefits, doesn’t it? And tomorrow I’ll reward myself with a chocolate milkshake and buying/planting a pear tree (I’ll try to remember to take a picture. It’s a two combo espalier and I’m planting it in the raised garden bed outside my office window).
And really, the recycling/groceries/mail can totally wait. Ahem, ah, yeah, confession time, if you won a copy of Dowser 7 from me like a long time ago, I still haven’t managed to get it in the mail. Sorry! But the padded envelopes I needed finally showed up yesterday, so the paperbacks will be on their way soon!
Now where did I leave Mory … oh, yes, Mountain View Cemetery. Where else would she be?

Ohhh can’t wait!! And yes please, pix of the pear beauty!
Yes! I’ll take a few pictures through the spring, planting, budding, etc.
I know you have to take a break from work but yeah for Dowser 8! 😀 Looking forward to seeing the pear tree 🙂
Oh I’m happy about Dowser 8 as well!!
Yay! Dowser 8! And pear tree and beautiful pic from Salt Spring Island..absolutely gorgeous!
Looking forward to pear pics too…thanks<3
You’re home is so beautiful 😍
We lucked out finding it!!
Yep, had the same lovely experience this morning. Walked outside my building and TADA, no snow in Nanaimo, warm (ish) weather and little birds playing in the breeze. Kinda just wonderful. Have a great day and hug a pear tree for me!