Name a cupcake!

Two new cupcakes are featured in the opening chapters of Dowser 8. And, for the first time, I find myself slightly stumped about what to name them. Yesterday, after completing the first draft of Dower 8.5 and apparently freeing up some headspace, I decided it might be fun for a reader (or two) to get a chance to name a cupcake.

Fun? Fun! Yes!

The background. Jade and Bryn are about to open a bakery in Whistler, BC. The two to-be-named cupcakes have been designed exclusively for the Whistler bakery. Whistler (in the winter season specifically) is known for great skiing and other winter sports, high-end restaurants, great spas, etc. Jade and Bryn have designed the bakery with a cozy, but modern feel. Think white counters, wood, and glass, comfy chairs and low tables. Big, sleek gas fireplace.

The cupcakes-to-be named are:

Cupcake #1: chocolate mint cake with chocolate mint buttercream

Cupcake #2: chocolate mint cake with mint buttercream

The caveat. Feel free to suggest any names you wish, but the Cake in a Cup cupcake names are usually evocative of some emotion or emotional state.

A complete list of Cake in a Cup cupcakes. For reference and to avoid doubles.

Serenity Carrot Cake Cream Cheese
Solace Chocolate Carrot Cake Chocolate Cream Cheese
Comfort Banana Cake Buttercream
Cozy Banana Chocolate Chip Dark Chocolate Buttercream
Sin Spiced Cake Mocha Butter Icing
Sex Cinnamon Cocoa Dark Chocolate Buttercream
Blitzen Chocolate Mocha Eggnog Buttercream
Vixen Chocolate Gingerbread Salted Caramel Icing
Heaven White Cake Coconut
Harmony White Cake Cherry Butter
Delight White Cake Lemon Butter
Thrill White Cake Mocha Butter-iced
Wonder White Cake Dark Chocolate Buttercream
Lift White Cake Coffee Buttercream
Euphoria Fudge Cake Chocolate Cream Cheese
Bliss Fudge Cake Peanut Butter Icing
Happiness Peanut Butter Cake Honey Buttercream
Glee Peanut Butter Cake Peanut Butter Icing
Elation Peanut Butter Cake Chocolate Buttercream
Enchantment Chocolate Peanut Butter Peanut Butter Icing
Exultation Chocolate Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate Buttercream
Delirium Chocolate Peanut Butter Chocolate Peanut Butter Icing
Buzz Mocha Fudge Cake Mocha Butter
Ecstasy Double Chocolate Cake Lemon Butter
Desire Chocolate Raspberry Cake Dark Chocolate Buttercream
Lust Dark Chocolate Cake Dark Chocolate Cream Cheese
Love Chocolate Cake Strawberry Butter
Kiss Chocolate Cake Cherry Chocolate Butter
Hug Chocolate Cake Buttercream
Joy Lemon Yellow Cake Buttercream
Sunshine Lemon Yellow Cake Lemon Butter
Charm Lemon Yellow Cake Strawberry Butter
Rapture Yellow/Chocolate Swirl Chocolate Cream Cheese
Flirt Blackberry Cake Chocolate blackberry buttercream
Sass Chocolate Blackberry Cake Chocolate blackberry buttercream
Tart Blackberry Cake Blackberry buttercream
Tease Chocolate Blackberry Cake Blackberry buttercream
Clarity Apple Spiced Cake Honey Buttercream


How to enter: comment below with your suggested names for cupcake #1 and/or cupcake #2.

I will edit the entries down to my favourites, then ask Michael to pick his favourites from my short listed names. If we are torn between suggestions, the editor (aka SFG) will be asked to weigh in.

The TWO entries/cupcake names selected will receive a thank you on the Acknowledgment page of Dowser 8 as well as an audiobook and postcard prize pack (pictured below). Yay!

Notes/Rules: The giveaway is OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. One entry per person (but feel free to list as many suggestions as you wish). Two winners will be selected by the process detailed above. If there are doubles, I will select the entry with the earliest timestamp. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than to contact the winner. No purchase necessary.

Giveaway closes SUNDAY MARCH 8, 2018 at midnight PDT.

Are you new to the Adept Universe? Book one is Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1).

Click here for the reading order of the Adept Universe.

125 thoughts on “Name a cupcake!

  1. When I think of mint I think of the cool, clear taste and smell. What about Chill for either one of them?

  2. Oh, this is fun! Mint makes me think of cool, as does snow and skiing.
    How about ‘Frost’

    That’s all for now. They both sound delicious!

  3. Cool in a cup, Excitement in a cup, or Fun in a Cup using the combinations of the cupcakes but also what people probably feel while doing winter sports?

  4. I love the mint idea! Its perfect for the new opening! When I think of mint I think of something in perfect condition or something cold. So the names “pristine” and “forbidden” comes to mind. Forbidden because I dont like the cold. Lol. Although Ketts thing is peppermint I feel a cupcake named “forbidden” would fit into his category. 😊

  5. How about Memory in a Cup for one – mint enhances memory and chocolate, what can I say, chocolate conjures all sorts of good memories. 😊 Maybe vitality for the other (another benefit of mint…)

  6. Hi Meghan,

    How about Glitz in a Cup, Glam in a Cup, Glitter in a Cup, or Frost in a Cup?

    Can’t wait for Jade’s next adventure!

    Jacquie Russell

  7. I submit: Fizz and Sigh. A good mint always gives me a fizzy feeling and the forest always makes me sigh in peace.

  8. Hi – had some thoughts on this

    1. Tingle in a cup
    2. Party in a cup
    3. Cool in a cup
    4. Mmmmmm in a cup
    5. Zing in a cup
    6. Menthe in a cup
    7. Breath in a cup
    8. Tender in a cup
    9. Inspiration in a cup


  9. alpine dream or ski dream? refreshment comes to mind as I have always thought of mint as a way to perk up or freshen up. Perk Up in a Cup has a nice ring to it as well

  10. How about….
    1. Refresh in a cup
    2. Decadence in a cup

    Mint and chocolate are my absolute favorites together, so I cannot wait for the recipes!!! 🙂

    1. Peppermint = Kett. These are two qualities that come to mind when I think of him. Passionate, and/or envoking passion. (Peppermint is also an aphrodisiac for some women.) And I like that Kett is devoted to his relationships with other characters within this fantastical and amazing Adept world. Depending on the flavor notes of chocolate you’ve incorporated into one of the cakes, I believe both passion & devotion can describe some attributes of Miss Candy. (Wasn’t Jade looking to make a cake mixed with both those creatures?)

      You must forgive this long rambling reply and any nonsense typos. I just had a tooth pulled. The anaesthesia makes me chatty & my brain work overtime. But that is the reason i chose those two words for my entries. 🤓💟

  11. Ooooh what a fun idea! Ok so Whistler makes me think of skiing and cold and mint always makes me think of Christmas with mint hot chocolate and candy canes. So:
    Snug in a cup
    Content in a cup
    Luxury in a cup
    Splendor in a cup

  12. How about:

    Nippy in a cup
    Enchantment in a cup
    Wild in a cup
    Fresh in a cup
    Shiver in a cup
    Frosty in a cup
    Zippy in a cup
    Seduction in a cup
    Wicked in a cup

  13. Revelation in a cup.
    Nippy in a cup (couldn’t resist that one sorry)
    Dove in a cup

  14. #1 (thinking of jasmine) Refresh in a cup. Charge in a cup. Crisp in a cup.
    #2 (thinking of Kett) Calm in a cup. Control in a cup. Stillness in a cup. Breeze in a cup.

  15. I feel like there’s a need to combine skiiing/snowboarding with emotion by using ski lingo? (Seeing as it’s in a ski resort) 😍😍

    Ripper in a cup
    Gnarly in a cup
    Schussing in a cup
    Shredder in a cup
    Carve in a cup
    Piste in a cup
    Steez in a cup


    An accomplished skier who skies even when he is dreaming. They ‘rip up’ the slopes with their skills.

    Something over the top extreme, radical or dangerous.

    Skiing straight downhill without turning, normally done when a slope flattens out but attempted anywhere to achieve gnar points.

    Like the ripper, an accomplished snowboarder who knows what they’re doing.

    A series of clean turns using the edge of skies or a snow board, can be tight turns or swooping s curves, if you are a piste skier, this is the holy grail

    A downhill ski run of compacted snow

    the term has been coined by Snowboarders and combines the word ‘style’ with ‘ease’. If a trick is done in a smooth, cool and clean fashion it could be described as being steezy or that the rider landed the trick with steez.

  16. #1: Symphony in a Cup (for Whistler – Symphony Chair – or could do Harmony)
    #2: Crystal in a Cup (for Blackcomb – Crystal Hut, plus the icing looks like a crystal on top)

  17. Well I’m excited… these are my best so far!

    1. Stamina in a cup
    2. Xhilaration in a cup
    3. Wrath in a cup

  18. Pulling from ski terms that could have parallels with characters or story lines:

    Schuss In A Cup (rapid movement) 😉
    Gnarly In A Cup
    Kicker In A Cup
    Binding In A Cup (keeping the 2 connected)
    Canting In A Cup (process of making adjustments)
    Shred In A Cup
    Death Cookies In A Cup

    I also like Grace In A Cup for #1, rich chocolate with an underlying energy of mint.

  19. Freedom for being out in the open air of the mountains in minty freshness and lots of other reasons..
    Wistful for those times it doesn’t go the way Jade wants.

  20. I came up with a few…

    Mints just makes me super happy so I tried to think of words that describe happiness.

  21. Y’all I’m so living these names so I came up with a few more!

    1. Sexy Siren
    2. Cool Mist
    3. Lovestruck
    4. Love story
    5. Forever

  22. How about nostalgia in a cup or whimsy in cup?
    Chocolate mint reminds me of childhood and bright green mounds of mint chocolate chip ice cream…

  23. I like ‘composure in a cup’

    –seeing kett as visioning himself as very composed (and not easy to supprise) –as his magic is minty.
    Either for #2 as it’s the most minty or #1 because he secretly is supprised by the dowser hence the chocolate mix in the mint (of the buttercream)

    Other ideas:
    Zest in a cup
    Zing in a cup

    For either cupcake. 🙂

  24. I don’t know if these have been stated yet, but Warmth in a cup (think hot mint cocoa),
    Just Kissed in a cup,
    Brr in a cup,
    Frozen in a cup,
    Frosty in a cup,
    Blush in a cup (think pink cheeks and nose),
    Meditation/Meditate in a cup,
    Moment in a cup,
    Meaning in a cup,
    Healing in a cup,
    Balance in a cup,
    Peace in a cup,
    Wellness in a cup

  25. Brain stormed with my husband on these. I think they fit with the characters personalities. cupcake #1 – dark cool & creamy
    Cupcake #2 – cool temptation

  26. Don’t know if these are duplicates or not…
    Chocolate Chill in a Cup #1
    Coolness in a Cup #2

  27. Ummm always making me hungry!
    Ok, so ski mountains and mint ..

    Brilliance in a cup
    Vitality in a cup
    Lively in a cup
    Lush in a cup. (Inspired by green March 17)
    Frolic in a cup
    Summit in a cup
    Agility in a cup
    💚 And I think whoever said Cool in a cup had a really good one!! Simple, clear=perfect!

  28. #1 Rush in a Cup – rush of chocolate and mint
    #2 Chill in a Cup – flavors to sit back and chill with.
    This is really fun, and thank you for involving us!

  29. #1: Spark. The bright spark of mint glimmering through the sweet depths of chocolate.
    #2: Aurora. The fresh brightness of mint dances above the dark of a chocolate landscape.

  30. Oh how fun! Hoping it’s April 8th, I do get behind on my email!
    Alpine in a cup
    Pathbreaker in a cup
    Pathfinder in a cup
    Journey in a cup
    Peace in a cup

  31. There are some great names up here 🙂

    #1 Daydream in a cup
    #2 Andes in a cup

    Also Yen in a cup or Whisper in a cup.

    Hmmm…. I need a peppermint mocha now…

  32. Rush in a cup… what a rush!
    Awe in a cup… what you may feel surrounded by mountains and snow…

  33. Ok… I have come up with a few different options:
    Cupcake #1

    Cupcake #2

    Elise Wilson

  34. In the U.S., the Girl Scouts sell cookies for fundraising for their troops. The most popular cookie is the one called the Thin Mint which is a chocolate mint wafer and truly delicious. I know that all of your cookies have catchy/sexy names – but pay homage to your U.S readers and all of the U.S. dollars our snow bunnies funnel into Whistler and call your mint and chocolate cupcake the Girl Scout.

  35. #1 – Fulfillment – opening new store was a fulfillment of a dream and not a bad name for the first cupcake.

  36. Ooohhh…love the idea of the contest and love the new flavors. My suggestions: Cupcake 1: Exhiliration; Cupcake 2: Intoxication. Thanks!

  37. Mint and chocolate is my absolute favourite combination.
    Here are my suggestions
    1. Serendipity
    2. Salvation
    3. Energy
    4. Anticipation
    Thank you for the opportunity 🙂

  38. 1. Freshness in a Cup (like toothpaste!)
    2. Coolness in a Cup (just like Kett!)

    Looking forward to the recipes

  39. Cupcake #1 makes me think of a chilly, twilight time, so Noctilucent in a Cup for #1. It means shining at night.
    Cupcake #2 makes me want to snuggle up in front of a fire with a good book and a great snack, so Snuggle in a Cup for #2.

  40. What a fun game! When I think about mint I think cool wind like when you suck in a breath with a mint in your mouth. That makes me think of movies that have the heroine standing on a cliff with the wind in her hair, looking on to something more over the horizon. I think mint icing with chocolate mint cake should be:
    Chocolate mint icing with chocolate mint cake would be great as:
    because nothing makes a girl more confident than having chocolate mint anything in her mouth! hahahaha. Thanks Meghan for such a fun thought project.

  41. Cupcake #1: (Whistler- I think of snuggling in front of warm fire at ski resort cabin and treating myself after fun hard ski day or even at a spa)
    – Dream in a Cup
    – Snug in a cup

    Cupcake #2: (starting a new second bakery chain and that it represents to Jade & Bryn of new dreams being fulfilled. Oh- and also green- which always reminds me of Kandy)
    – Luck in a Cup
    – Courageous in a Cup
    – Green Diamond in a Cup (ie Skiing)
    – Adventure in a Cup
    And even though Jade wouldn’t probably want it out there but couldn’t help thinking:
    – Dragon in a Cup (lol!)

    Wish you lots of luck in finishing the book!

  42. #1. Rush in a cup….that feeling slwhen down hill skiing
    #2. Peace in a cup…..when your exhausted from a workout and cold cheeks and your sitting by a fire in a quiet room with a soothing mint treat.

  43. For the first one I think Exuberance in a cup and for the second I think tranquility in a cup 😊

  44. Cupcake 2: Exhilaration in a cup
    Either cupcake: Breathtaking in a cup

    Mint is refreshing and reminds me of winter air and how it can be exhilarating and can take your breath away at the same time. (Also, Whistler is listed as a breathtaking skiing spot.)

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