For most of you who read the blog this is doubled (or even tripled) information but I’m about to launch what is called a reengagement campaign for my new release email list – culling the non opens – and I wanted to have a post on the blog for anyone who wishes to remain on my list to click through to.
So! Things I published in 2018:
The third (and possibly final) Dowser trilogy, including Dowser 7, Dowser 8, and Dowser 9. I also published three novellas that fill in the few days between Dowser 8 and 9, and those stories can be found in Dowser 8.5. These books are available in ebook and paperback.
The audiobooks for Oracle 1 and Oracle 2, narrated by the wonderful Jennifer Grace, are now available as well.
Looking into 2019:
The Amplifier Protocol (Amplifier 0) will begin releasing on this blog on January 8, 2019. This short novel (40k) is set seven years before the events of the main series and I thought it might be fun to release parts weekly for free and read along together. The book will be made available on all retailers in March 2019.
Amplifier 0.5 (novelette) will be available as the preorder giveaway for Amplifier 1. Amplifier 1 should release in April 2019, though that is subject to change.
Amplifier 2 will follow Amplifier 1 within 90 days (unless something goes wrong).
And then! Well, there are three possibilities: Amplifier 3, or Jasmine 1, or Misfits 1. Or ideally all of them in some order by the end of the year.
Audiobooks: Oracle 3 will release in January. The Reconstructionist trilogy should release in February, March, and April, followed by the final three Dowser books.
Places to find me:
I’m rejigging my newsletters, etc, to focus more on blog posts, so make certain you subscribe to the blog. On your computer, you will see the subscribe window on the top right. On a mobile device, you will need to scroll down through the blog posts. You will find the subscribe option after the ‘older’ button but before the image of the book cover for Dowser 9.
You can also find me on Facebook (mostly writing related posts), Instagram (mostly food, cats, knitting, and sunset posts), and Twitter (a combination of posts).
On a personal note, we are still recovering from the crazy windstorm but every much looking forward to 2019. Thank you for reading this far and I hope you enjoy how the Adept Universe unfolds over the next year and beyond.

I really can’t wait till you start releasing A0, having withdrawals 😉
You are going to be one busy bee this year and can’t wait to benefit from it 😀
Rechecked I’m subscribe, because I can never remember, I am!!
Bring it on 😀
So soon now!!
Meghan, that bookshelf is amazing. It’s a damned fine body of work if you ask me. All of your stories are so well thought out. I for one am looking forward to reading all of your next works.
Congratulations on surviving the windstorm, power outage and all that!
Happy New Year to you and Michael!
Happy New Year to you!!
I am happy for you for all the books you have written be proud YOU wrote them!! Please keep me on your list. I might not respond to all of your posts but I do read them. Can’t wait for the new book to come out.
The mailing lists are separate from the blog, no worries.
I have significantly slowed on reading because of grad school, but I keep getting your books to support! I’ve also slowed to savor them. I know you release many a year, but if I devour them, then I’ll want more and more too soon! Hahaha. It’s because they’re JUST SO GOOD. Seriously, when I finished Reconstructionist three last year I literally cried because it was just so good. I’m going to be started the final books for the Dowser this year, at some point. Life is hard and keeping me away from my books! But you were my most read author last year! 😛
It is terrible when life gets in the way with reading. I struggle with that myself.
I am so happy you released Dower 1 for free several years ago. That’s how I found you and I’ve been following you ever since. Thank you for the years of entertainment – I cannot wait to see what you have in store for us. Your family should be so very proud of your accomplishments. You’ve made thousands of us very happy.
Thank you for reading (and all your support)!!
I am so relieved to have started reading Amplfier 0. I can’t wait for it to continue next week! I was worried about having to start all over at the beginning. It amazes me as to how prolific you are! And every last one is great!
Thank you! Looking forward to a great new year of reading!
Thank you! And me too!!
Apparently I am confused between blog and newsletters but am subscribed to both (I checked). I never thought I would enjoy reading about vampires etc but you caught me within your first page! Despite what you have gone through with power loss, pain etc you still are very upbeat. Thank you for the many enjoyable hours you provide.
Looking forward to the read along starting 1/8/19…So happy I found you…this is fantastic writing!
I’m glad you’ll be reading along. It will be fun!
January 3, 2019 11:59 AM
I am so happy you released Dower 1 for free several years ago. That’s how I found you and I’ve been following you ever since. Thank you for the years of entertainment – I cannot wait to see what you have in store for us. Your family should be so very proud of your accomplishments. You’ve made thousands of us very happy.
I so enjoyed the universe you have created and I can’t wait till the next books are available!!!!!!! Wonderful writing!!!
Thank you!
Glad to hear you are recovering from your storm, so glad your house and car survived (and you guys of course!!!) hope all goes well in 2019
We crammed a lot of craziness into the last weeks of 2018 so I’m hoping we got it out of our system. 😂
I love your books, read them as soon as a new one comes out. Then I have to reread the others just because I can’t wait for another new one.
I have every book you’ve published but…darn I can’t put them on a physical bookshelf.
But I’m sure they look pretty all lined up on your ereader!! 😊
Love Love Love your books!!! Keep them coming
Will do!
Thank you for so many hours of happiness!!
Thank you for reading (and commenting).
I just wanted to echo every single post here! I love everything you write and have a hard time waiting for the next. I’m so happy you are so prolific in your writing….much love from Western Massachusetts..<3 xoxoxo
Wow! You are so organized. I love it! You let us know what to expect and you deliver. Really excited for all your new additions. It IS going to be a great 2019! Thank you for your work and creativity 😃
Thank you for reading!!
I am anxiously awaiting the Amplifier series…and any others. I wanna know what they’re doing. 😊
So soon now!
Once again thanks for your generosity! You’re always rewarding us with these special treats. 😊 One question – do you know if Dowser 9 be will coming to Overdrive anytime soon? (I don’t remember waiting this long to see a new release appear.) Happy New Year!
Odd. It should be on Overdrive already. I’ll check on it!
Please keep me on the list as well (on sure which link needs to be clicked through). Also, have you heard anything regarding Overdrive? Thanks so much!
Hi Linda. If you clicked any link in the newsletter it likely registered you as opening. If you are concerned, feel free to hit reply on that email and ask me to keep you on the list. That way I have your email address. I just found out today that the shipping servers were upgraded for Overdrive causing a backlog. But they now have the book so hopefully they will post it soon.,
I enjoy all of your books. Is the Dowser series ending or are you just not writing them in trilogy form anymore?
Dowser 9 was the final book of the third trilogy. So far I don’t have an idea expansive enough to fill three more books, so I’m focusing on the stories immediately in my head. But I’m still writing within the Adept Universe, so anything can happen!
Looking forward to as many releases this year as possible. I was going through withdrawals the minute I finished dowser 9. Eagerly awaiting March! Happy writing!
Thank you !
Happy New Year! D9 was another great read. Hope the storm clean up is going well. Looking forward to your next adventure for us. Will you still throw in a recipe or two?
We will have to see. The recipes are connected to the Dowser Series and the fact that Jade is a baker, not just everything or every character I write. 😊
Just wanted to say how much I love your books & your posts/pics where ‘ere they be. Can’t wait for what this year reveals. xx
I’m so glad, Denise. 😊
I love your work and am working my way through all of the books, so illI be ready when the new ones are released. Please keep me on the list. Thanks ever so much.
If you clicked the link that should register and keep you in the list, Diane. If you’re concerned please feel free to hit reply on my email and I’ll tag your email address. 😊
2019 is going to be a good reading year. Than you for keeping us updated.
I hope so!
Cannot wait for all the new releases. Have my mom hooked on you as well.
Hurrry,hurrry,hurry…we can’t wait…😀
I can’t hurry. I can only work as steadily as possible, and do my best to make each story as solid and entertaining as I can. But I’m glad you enjoy the books. 🙂
I absolutely love your books. I started with Dowser# 1 because it was free and I’ve continued to buy and read since then. I have reread them once ( cause I’m weird like that, and do that with all my fav series) and am really hoping there will be more Dowser books. Although I love all the different series inside this universe, I love Jade the most!!