The second book in the Kick-Ass Heroine Fantasy Book Club is Amaskan’s Blood by Raven Oak! I will start a discussion thread in my reader run fan group as well, but feel free to comment on this post if you aren’t on Facebook.
FYI – Amaskan’s Blood can currently be found in the 2019 SFWA Fantasy Storybundle but only until Feb 14, 2019 <<< ends tomorrow!

Short Synopsis: Two sisters. Two loyalties. One path together.
About the Author: Award-winning and bestselling speculative fiction author Raven Oak is best known for Amaskan’s Blood, Class-M Exile, and the collection Joy to the Worlds: Mysterious Speculative Fiction for the Holidays. She also has several published short stories in anthologies such as Untethered: A Magic iPhone Anthology and Magic Unveiled. Raven spent most of her K-12 education doodling stories and 500 page monstrosities that are forever locked away in a filing cabinet.
When she’s not writing, she’s getting her game on with tabletop games, indulging in cartography, or staring at the ocean. She lives in the Seattle area with her husband, and their three kitties who enjoy lounging across the keyboard when writing deadlines approach. You can find Raven at: Twitter, Instagram, or her website.
MCD’s thoughts/notes (as of Feb 13): again Amaskan’s Blood is a different read for me – a fantasy setting and written in third person POV (that occasionally shifts). But I’m halfway through already and I only started reading yesterday so I’m obviously enjoying the book. The lead character Adelei is engaging and her background/ current situation is intriguingly layered.
Let me know your favourite parts in the comments below or over in the fan group discussion. We have two weeks to read and chat. Also please feel free to chat amongst yourselves!!