Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to review Mystics and Mental Blocks (Amplifier 3)!! I’m so, so glad that readers appear to be enjoying Emma’s series. YAY!
Here are a few selected review quotes (beware of spoilers):
5 stars. Riveting as always. The continued story of Emma and her family sucks me right back into this amazing Adept universe MCD is building. The glimpses into the past and hints of the future make me so hungry for the next installment. Emma’s growth, both personal and magical, is knitted together with quiet, gentle moments and kickass displays of power and action. What more could you want?! – Kirsten, Amazon USA
5 star. Enthralling! This book was packed full of action, plot twists and magic! But the part I loved most is the ongoing growth of the characters. They take your heart on a journey through tears, joy and heartbreak. – Diana, Amazon USA
5 star. *bam* That was one mind blowing ride I just took with Emma. (hehe) More insights into everyone and, well just MORE of all the good stuff. – Brenda, Amazon USA
5 star. Amazing! A real page turner! I just finished this book and as usual I was enthralled throughout the entire book – on the edge of my seat! – LCinVT, Amazon USA
5 star Amp 3. It’s a darker whirlwind of magic that will catch you this time around … I took my time with frequent breaks to mute the non-stop action a bit so I could withstand the tense imagery and the threats to characters who seem strangely real to me. Go now. Go read it. – P Chez, Amazon USA
5 stars. Stunning! I have never resonated and connected with a character as much as I did with Emma in this book. To say this book had me feeling ALL the feels, is an understatement. The fact that Meghan Ciana Doidge can combine extreme stress and tension, sadness, betrayal and heartache, with solidarity, warmth, comfort and unconditional love is a true testament to her story telling gift. This series just keeps getting better and better! – Carmin, Amazon CANADA
5 stars. A must read! Another amazing instalment in the lived of Emma, Aiden, Christopher, Opal and Paisley! I couldn’t put it down. I loved every minute of it. I laughed, I cried. I was angry and sad and happy and pleased! All the emotions! Can’t wait for the next book now – KaiR, Amazon UK
5 stars. Amazing! Complex shenanigans make this an amazing read. You won’t want to put it down once you start! Love the new characters and the dimension they add to the story! – David K, Goodreads

Models: Devon Ericksen and Jonathan Cannaux
Are you new to the Amplifier Series? Start with the prequel, The Amplifier Protocol (Amplifier 0)
Are you new to the Adept Universe? Start with Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1). It’s currently FREE!!
Click here for the full reading order of the Adept Universe.
Reviews are welcomed and appreciated. As are shares. 🙂
As always I was part of the adept world and didn’t want it to end. Great story.
I’m so, so glad!!!