GIVEAWAY CLOSED. LUCKY #5 had been emailed.
Narrated by the ever-brilliant Tia Rider, Bonds and Broken Dreams (Amplifier 2) is now available in audiobook – YAY! I absolutely loved every minute of listening to Tia bring this book to audio.

Models: Devon Ericksen and Jonathan Cannaux
Fun! Fun!
Reviews are welcomed and very much appreciated.
Would you like to win an audiobook of Bonds and Broken Dreams (Amplifier 2)?
Yes? Yes!
Comment below and let me know why you’re interested in listening to book 2 of the Amplifier Series. For example, a fav character or fav scene or fav situation that you are looking forward to hearing. Or …? Any other reason you like audiobooks! I’ll select THREE winners by random number generator.
Likes and shares are always welcomed and appreciated.
Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. But you must be able to download the audiobook from or One entry per person. Three winners will be selected by random number generator. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than to contact the winner. No purchase necessary.
Giveaway closes SUNDAY, JANUARY 19, 2019 at 8pm PST.
Are you new to the Adept Universe series? Click here for the reading order.
Oh, and full disclosure, the audible links are ‘bounty’ links, so if you aren’t an audible member and you sign up for a membership via one of my links I get a kickback. Just FYI.
I love the audiobooks for any of your books. I am better as ble to immerse myself in the story with audiobooks.
So exciting! I’m relatively new to the adept universe, having just found it the past May, when dealing with some health issues and needing to take time for personal care. I’m exited to listen to book 2! I finished the Dowser, Oracle, and deconstructionist series before starting the smokier, of which I’ve only listened to the audiobooks thus far.
While I’ve read a lot of the books, the audiobooks have saved me from going insane the past year.
I’ve been recovering from not 1, but 2 concussions and post concussion syndrome. I’m still recovering from concussion #2, and have been limiting my time reading and on the computer, so audiobooks are wonderful to help with eye strain (all of this while finishing my dissertation). I’m going through the audiobooks of the Dowser series for a second time, as a nice escape!
Can’t wait to listen! And eventually read!
I would love to win an audiobook because listening always gives you a better appreciation of the nuances of the dialog.
I love free audio books. I always reread the previous book in a series when a new one is released audio books makes that easier.
Love the adept books… I wasn’t sure about the “amplifier” series, but am now totally, in love with the characters… I have not purchased any of the audio books, but have all of your published books as e-books on my kindle. I was totally “sucked in” with Jade, then came Wisteria, and now Emma…… WOW!!!
Lucky #5 – emailing you now!!
I drive a long commute to work, the audiobook would definitely liven up the daily slog!
I love to listen to audio books while I am crafting or cleaning around the place. Also on long drives.
Emma and Jade are two of my favorites.
At the moment I’m listening to the Dowser series on audio and loving it. I find that my head voice is so completely different to the voice I listen to over audio and I’m ‘hearing’ things I missed in my previous read throughs! I can’t wait to start on the Amplifier series and hear a completely different voice! I love all the books so far and I’m loving each and every scene and scenario and confrontation and interaction!
Reading is my most favorite activity but I find as I get older I get more headaches so I’m trying to ease my way into audiobooks….
I haven’t listened to many audio books, but I love all of your books. It would be fun to get a new perspective of favorite characters work an audiobook!
I’d love the audiobook because having a baby makes it harder for me to just sit and read your wonderful books!
I would like to try an audio book. My fav character is Emma. I have often thought about audio books but wonder if I would lose something with audio as I Love the written books. You keep us guessing hoe Emma will evolve.
Audio books give a totally different perspective on the story. And this series is already edgy considering the background of the characters and their now trying to live life without the haunting of the past.