I’m about to post SEVEN administrative posts on the blog, namely a welcome sequence. Hopefully you find it somewhat interesting, but I apologize in advance for spamming your inbox and I offer this snippet of Misfits 1 and a cool shot of a headstone that features heavily in the book in recompense.

“Where did you park?”
“On West Forty-First.”
“But you came in on Fraser.”
He went quiet for a moment, then asked in a deceptively casual tone, “How did you know?”
I laughed. “That’s for me to know, sorcerer.”
“And for me to find out?”
I grinned, feeling myself starting to flush again. What the hell was going on with my hormones? “I’m cultivating an air of mystery.”
He cocked an eyebrow at me. “With the undead turtle, the knitting, and the … “ He peered down at the colorful fringe of my poncho. “… beads clicking and clacking while you walk?”
“Yes,” I said haughtily. “You have absolutely no idea where to even start figuring me out.”
He laughed. A little uproariously for my taste. He sobered quickly though, murmuring absentmindedly, “mysterious through and through.”
I didn’t press my point.
Mysteries didn’t explain themselves after all.
– Misplaced Souls (Misfits 1), third draft
Love it! Thank you!
Thank you Meghan. Looking forward to reading it!
Cool headstone! Thank you for the teaser, can’t wait for the book to come out!
Yeah, I thought that was super cool. 😊
Love her. Let’s see what trouble she gets out of.
First she’s got to get into it. 😂 That’s two-thirds of the book!
Thanks for the snippet. Can’t wait to see what “mystery” is revealed. 😁
Love the snippet! I’m so excited to get to know more about our “mysterious” Mory! And which sorcerer is she talking to? One we know, or someone new? I know who I hope it is!
Well damn, now I’m jonesing after another book. Did you HAVE to tease us?? Huh?? Seriously Meghan, it’s just not fair that you have all the answers in your hot little hands. LOL. It’s like knowing your friend has chocolate in her pocket, then she tells you all about it’s origin and doesn’t let you have any. Cruel. So totally cruel. ;o)
I always share my chocolate. 😂
I love Mory and her style!
Ha. Me too!!!
Interesting… I’m liking this side of Mory and am super excited to learn more about her. I never realized she was so playful, this is going to be fun!!
Funny. That’s an actual beat in the beginning of the book, her recognizing that she is acting different (around a certain someone).