The Adept Universe currently consists of five series, each with a different first person narrator. Book one of each series stands alone as an entry point to the universe, and the series themselves can be read separately. But, if you are a purist, you’ll want to start with Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1), which is currently free! Click here for the full reading order, which can also be can be found at the beginning of each of the books.
Nine books (COMPLETE), plus three novelettes (collected in Dowser 8.5).
Narrated by Jade Godfrey. An effervescent baker of cupcakes, maker of trinkets, and creator of chaos. Jade excels at collecting powerful friends and vanquishing even more powerful enemies while trying to generally be on the side of the ‘light’.
Jade also appears in Oracle 1 and 3, Reconstructionist 1, and Misfits 1.
Fun facts: Jade will do anything for chocolate, but it better be the good stuff. She is a magical magpie and identifies other Adepts by the taste of their magic. The dowser has an obsession for certain shoes, getting her nails done, befriending wild things, and sleeping with her jade knife.
Fav quote (from Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic): “The customer looked familiar, like maybe he’d been in the bakery a few times before. The vampire, however, was new.”
Trilogy (COMPLETE).
Narrated by Rochelle Saintpaul. Haunted by hallucinations, the oracle believes she is mentally ill. Despite aging out of the foster care system, she is determined to build a life on her own terms, meeting and falling in love with a man who is much more than he seems. With Beau at her side, and hunted by a sorcerer whose intentions are unclear, Rochelle begins to understand that magic actually exists and that she is an oracle, imbued with the gift of seeing the future.
Rochelle also appears in Dowser 6, 7, 8, and 9. She also narrates one of the novellas in Dowser 8.5.
Fun facts: Rochelle has a thing for apples, drives a 1975 Brave Winnebago, and makes a living selling charcoal drawings of her visions. Also, there might be more to her tattoos than simply black ink.
Fav quote (from I See Me): I sat on the bed to draw. Right now, that was all I could do. But later, I was going to thwart destiny.
Trilogy, plus three short stories (COMPLETE).
Narrated by Wisteria Fairchild. What could go wrong when a no-nonsense witch with family issues is forced to work alongside a powerful and obnoxious ancient vampire to solve a murder? Unfortunately for her, Wisteria Fairchild is about to find out. And end up facing a foe she never expected.
Wisteria also appears in Dowser 4 and 7. Jasmine, who will be getting her own series in 2021, also narrated the second short story and a novelette in Dowser 8.5.
Fun facts: Wisteria would drink coffee via IV if it was at all practical. She considers fine dining a requirement, not simply sustenance. And would do anything for the only two people she loves in the entire world, including sacrificing herself.
Fav quote (from Catching Echoes): “We’re following a centuries-old vampire with extensive, unknown powers into a funeral home. What could possibly go wrong?”
Currently four books, plus one novelette (ONGOING).
Narrated by Emma Johnson aka Fox in Socks aka Amp5. Emma is … complicated. Born in a test tube, raised and trained to be a sociopathic killer, she breaks free from those who her bred her and runs all the way to a small town on the edge of the West Coast of Canada to build a life for herself, only to fall hard and fast for a dark sorcerer who’s dragging his own past behind him.
Fun facts: Emma is a huge Downton Abbey fan. Huge. She adores afternoon tea, usually accompanied by ginger snaps. One of her best friends is a demon dog hybrid, Paisley. And she has never, ever faced an adversary who could counter her ‘touch.’ Not yet, anyway. 😉
Fav quote (from Demons and DNA): “Are you here to kill me?” I asked in a whisper. “Or am I supposed to kill you?”
Book 1 to be released Spring 2020. (ONGOING) First person POV changes from book to book, the first novel is told from Mory’s perspective. The necromancer comes home from attending the Academy to find that more than just her friends are waiting for her.
Mory also appears in Dowser 3, 4, 7, 8, and 9. She also narrates one of the novelettes in Graveyards, Visions, and Other Things that Byte (Dowser 8.5).
CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL READING ORDER, including a list of main characters and a link to each book.
The next post in the welcome sequence is: INTRODUCING THE DOWSER SERIES
So excited for Misfits series, have read all the others and have mega enjoyed them!
Glad to hear it!! ❤️
Hello, Having problems finding A Momentary Retrieval/Moments of the Adept Universe. Are they not available or am I just not looking in the right place. Thanks so much! I love your books and reread them. I also regularly bake the chewy ginger snaps. Yum!
I gave Archivist 1.5 away to my newsletter for free in November, so if you are subscriber it can be found in the archives. If not, it will be included in the Moments of the Adept Universe collected stories that I hope to release by the end of the month.