Sir Terry Pratchett (Wikipedia) passed away on March 12, 2015. I blogged about his passing here.
On the anniversary of Sir Terry’s death, I would like to celebrate his work by giving away a copy of Wintersmith, which – completely out of order – was the first book of his that I ever read. A friend mentioned the book in passing, I picked it up, and became immediately enthralled within Discworld.
I still haven’t managed to read Sir Terry’s final book, published after his death. I got partway through it, dissolved into a sobbing mess (those of you who have read it will know exactly where I broke down) and couldn’t bring myself to continue reading.

To celebrate Sir Terry’s life and his work, I would like to buy Wintersmith for THREE of you – for Kindle, or AppleBooks, or Kobo, or in paperback, or in audio. You name the format and I’ll buy it.
Comment below to enter. Tell me your favourite book of Sir Terry’s, or why you’d like to read Wintersmith specifically, or if you’ve read Wintersmith already who you’d like to gift it to (and why).
RIP Sir Terry Pratchett. Thank you for the entertainment, the inspiration, and for the strong women and inspiring world you created and shared with us all.
Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. Each comment will be assigned an entry number. THREE WINNING ENTRIES will then be selected via random number generator. One entry per person. Please make sure to fill out a valid email address in the comment form. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than notifying the contest winner.
If you haven’t commented on the blog before, or you comment from a different IP address, the comments are moderated. So don’t worry if you don’t see your entry right away. I will approve it, then assign it an entry number.
Giveaway closes SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 2016 at 8 p.m. PDT.
This is on my list of books to read to my daughter. Lovely giveaway.
I love trying new authors and introducing my favorites to my daughter.
Honestly, I’ve never heard of this series, but I would love to experience something that moved you so much you would buy and giveaway copies of it. That’s one heck of a recommendation.
I have not read Terry Pratchett, but the term “Discworld” intrigues me. So many possibilities! If I were to win, I would desire a kindle version please.
I love Terry Pratchett!
I have not read this, but would be very interested and trying out his books! And then, pass it on to my nieces/nephews when they are old enough! I just looked into his story, and wow! What an amazing writer with an astounding audience from kids to adults!
Thief of Time is my absolute favorite because it was the first one I read.
I’ve never read any of his work. Apparently must put it on my to read list.
I have read a few disc world novels but my husband has read everything he has written. Love Terry Pratchet!
I haven’t read any of his work yet. However, I have quite a few friends who constantly recommend his books so it’s probably about time I dive in.
I haven’t read any Terry Pratchett books, but I would love to.
I haven’t read any of Discworld, but I’m always ready to discover something wonderful!
You are in for a treat. Once you enter Discworld, you never truly leave. I believe that the first book in the series is The Light Fantastic. You will not regret it. It requires a strong sense of humor and appreciation of the “rediculous”. Enjoy
Ooops…The Light Fantastic is #2. The Color of Magic is No. 1 Anyways..Read!
With all the reading I do, I was surprised to have never heard of these. I followed your Wiki link, then found the first book on Amazon. Even if I dont winthis giveaway, I’m gonna be exploring DiscWorld for awhile.
The Fifth Elephant was my first Discworld book. The world is a sadder place without Sir Terry. I love that one of my favorite authors (that’s you, MCD!) shares my love of the Discworld. I don’t want to be considered for the prize; I already own Wintersmith. I would strongly encourage everyone to embark on the fantastic journey that is the Discworld whether you win or not. Unforgettable characters, unforgettable world building, and something new every time I read the books. The Turtle Moves!
It broke my heart when I heard that he had Alzheimer’s since he is an awesome writer and person. I have had close and personal experience with Alzheimers’ and I would rather contact Cancer. At least that is quicker. When Sir Terry passed, I was actually relieved but sad at the same time. Somewhere, Sir Terry is writing more Discworld, we just have to hunt him down…
Your recommendation is enough to give me the interest in reading This book and others if his!
I have never heard of Sir Terry! Where have I been?!? I just read a synopsis of his books. Sounds like a story line I’d really enjoy. And I’m always open to new authors!
I have not read anything by Terry Pratchett – but I am about to go research him and Discworld.
I would like to read anything you recommend as I have loved to read as far back as I can remember, and fell in love with your books, so feel like your recommendations should be taken seriously… 🙂
Omg I fell in love with Terry Pratchett when I read Wee Free Men😊💖 I have not read Wintersmith yet but would love too
Have never read got in the way.
My fave is #1 because it got me started on the romp through Discworld. The Color of Magic rocks and you will never look at the concept of insurance: house/fire the same way ever again. The elephants were totally cool too.
I’ve never heard of Sir Terry but you loved his writing I’m sure it’s spectacular and I’m always looking for new authors and books to devour. You are a good soul to do this for a fellow author 😊
I have never read any of his books, which leaves me a tad embarrassed. Finding new worlds to experience is so exciting! 🙂
I love Terry Pratchett books. I think my favourite (if I’m forced to pick just one), is She shall Wear Midnight. I haven’t read Wintersmith but would love to.
Hello Meghan, I would LOVE to read this story. It is by a British author – a spot close to my own heart and love-able for my own childhood memories having been born and raised in the UK. Also, it is in the fantasy genre – which I, too, love to read and I write. 🙂 Super duper, many thanks, Caroline
I’m always open to new experiences, especially extreme emotional ones. I would love to add a new author to my favorites list. Win or not, I’ll be looking in to Sir Terry … thank you Meghan for another wonderful suggestio .
Truckers! My dad read it to me And my sister as a kid and we didn’t get it (too young I think) so he put it on my bookshelf and a few years later he tried again and I absolutely loved it. I haven’t read all of discworld yet because my sister stole most of our copies (my parents have them all) to take to uni with her and only left me a few audio books! 😂 Which are very good. I’d love to read this (yes I will read it first! 😂) then give it to my sister as she hasn’t read it yet. And I’ll also let my dad And mum read it. Since they introduced me to this wonderful man with his amazing mind. And books in general.
I work at a small rural library, and I see a lot of Pratchett come through the branch, I have been wanting to read Hogfather, but haven’t gotten around to it… This book you are gifting looks like fun though!
My mom loved Discworld. I have one of the books that I took from her library after her death but haven’t read it. I’d like to read Wintersmith as a way of being introduced to the series by someone other than my mom.
There are so many amazing books he wrote to choose from. Carpe jugulum is one of my favorite maybe because I got that one signed. I love the whole series and would enjoy reading Wintersmith again
I enjoy his quirky writing – first book of Sir Pratchett’s I read was “Discworld” and I came back for more.
I love ALL the Disc World books. I’m really bad about remembering titles but THUD came to my mind when I tried.
Honestly, I’ve never heard if this author… but the cover artwork would definitely pull me to read it.
“Wyrd Sisters” and “ Colour of Magic”! Love Terry Pratchett’s books!
I have not read any of his books but to know that he inspired you and I love your books well that is enough for me to be ready to dive in to read. I hope you may have another Dowser book in the midst?? Nookbook would be my choice if I was to win. Thank you!!
I have not read any of his books but I am always fascinated by my favorite authors read.
Sir Terry Pratchett has been on my To Read list for about a year. I have read a few short stories over the years and I was looking at Audible just the other day trying to decide what to use my next credit on. I think you’ve pushed me over the edge and I’ll delve into Disc World with The Colour Of Magic
The Hogfather was really good 🙂
I would actually like to read this book since it is a book of his you started with, and I love your books so much.. I have not read any of his work, but I have always wanted to for many reasons, one of which, he’s a favorite author of one of my close friends. I think this could be a good start for me!
I haven’t read it but I’d love to! I’ve heard of it, just hasn’t come up yet 🙂
Since I’ve tried so many of the authors you’ve suggested and only found hits I’d love to try this book. Looking it up I see I’ve missed a mammoth author. It’s the only thing about reading that sucks, one will NEVER catch up.
If you love his work, then I want to read it.
Never tried it, but I would love to find a new author.
I’ve never read anything by nor heard of Sir Terry Pratchett. But I love Meghan’s books and trust her to recommend an author and/or book.
I feel your pain! I adore all Sir Terry’s books! I have read them all, many times over and I love the witches and Death the most. I have read The Shepherd’s Crown and know exactly why you are crying. If you can get past that part, the book is great and a good ending for the series. I couldn’t pick a favour book, I have 3 hehehe Reaper Man, Carpe Jugulum and Thud!
The Wee Free Men was my introduction to Terry Pritchett and I have loved everything I’ve read of his since then. I am in the process of building a library of books I love — for my grandson to hopefully love. Wintersmith is one of the books on my list as part of Tiffany Aching’s tale in the Discworld universe. 💕
Autocorrect — arrgghhh. Pratchett! (It just tried to change it again.