“Okay. Just so I’ve got this straight …” Ryanne lifted up on her tiptoes, leaning into Trand’s personal space. “Some crazy mercenary —”
Ryanne bared her teeth in anticipation. “Some thief recognizes her Royal Highness Astrea’ea Torval, second in line to the throne of Tor’valla, daughter of the Priestess Zara, born in the waters of the fount itself. But …” She held up one tattooed finger. “They don’t know that she can shred their minds or skin them alive from kilometres away?”
“Technically I can’t flay skin with my mind,” I said, trying to not laugh as my friend schooled the new recruit.
“You just bought two knives,” Ryanne growled. “And you can wield both at the same time with your obscenely powerful magic. Consequently, the flaying of skin.”
I looked at Trand. “She has me there. If the blades are sharp enough I suppose.”
“They’re sharp enough.” Ryanne sniffed. “Because your freaky ass magic sharpens them, doesn’t it?”
I made a face, looking at Trand apologetically as if I’d been trying to be on his side of the argument. “Technically … possible.”
– untitled space opera, chapter one, first draft
OMG that sounds awesome 😮 😮 😮 Please Mrs can we ave some more 😀 just a smidge 😉
Fun ~ I always look forward to everything you write!
Looking forward to this flavor of supernatural…. 😊
This has def peaked my interest!!
I like it 😁👍is this a new series for you or a novel
Not sure yet. Trilogy maybe.
OMG. You only put a teaser up for your space opera and I already Love the chemistry between the two characters here. Hope the preorder is soon.
I’m pretty sure I’ve never read a “Space Opera” before. This sounds interesting!
More, more, more!
Love everything you write!
Not sure yet. Soon. I’m planning to release it chapter by chapter on the blog.
Wow. Just wow! You out do yourself over and over again. Just when I think nothing can top your current book, you prove me wrong. I don’t normally do chapters at a time, but I definitely will pre-order as soon as it becomes available. Can’t wait.💖💖💖
Fantastic teaser! I started off being a sci-fi space nerd reader, and moved to horror and fantasy. I’m thrilled to be able to read this!!! Yay!! Thanks so much for the sneak peek <3