In between writing (apparently, I’m randomly working on an Opal short story that falls after Amplifier 4) I’ve been thinking about branding because it’s a topic I’m discussing with my SFWA mentee, Natasha. We’ve been chatting about book covers and finding something simple but evocative to convey the genre and tone of your story in a single image. Which made me think about my very first novel, After The Virus.
So … here is the evolution of the book covers for After The Virus with some thoughts on each and why I rebranded at each stage. At the bottom of the post I’ve made some copies of After The Virus free via BookFunnel just in case you haven’t had a chance to give it a read. I’ve capped the giveaway at 50 copies.

This was the first cover for the ebook. I designed it myself, which I’m sure you can tell at a glance. Lots of mistakes here, including that I didn’t need the ‘by’ (a holdover from writing screenplays for 12 years prior to writing a novel). My author name is WAY too small. And overall the cover isn’t dynamic enough.

My absolutely brilliant editor Scott Fitzgerald Gray asked if he could take a stab at the cover and he came up with this tweak. Instantly, so much more dynamic. And the lighter colour really popped whenever ATV was grouped/listed with other post-apoc or horror novels. But still not really conveying the themes of the novel itself …

Then I commissioned an original book cover from Irene Langholm. And I absolutely, utterly adored it. The art/photo manipulation is outstanding. But, in hindsight, my name and the title of the book are far too small. It definitely conveys genre, but it doesn’t ultimately fully express the main aspect of the book – that it’s a love story. If you happen to have (a typo-ridden) paperback of After the Virus from way back when it had this cover.

I decided I wanted to refresh a bunch of my older book covers in early 2017, and I asked Elizabeth Mackey to take a crack at After the Virus, adding in the tag ‘a post-apocalyptic love story’. This cover is much simpler and utterly evocative. It nails genre and tone. The title and my name are much more prominent. Readers know exactly what they are getting when they buy based on this cover. And, in my opinion, fulfilling expectations (while entertaining) is a writer’s ultimate goal.

So there you go!
Interested in reading After The Virus? Yes? Well, that is cool because I’m giving away 50 copies!
>> Grab After The Virus for free from BookFunnel <<
Synopsis: “Plunge headlong into a decaying world of ruined cites, ruined lives, and ruined aspirations.” After the virus decimates 99.9% of the world’s population and all traces of humanity along with it, Rhiannon and Will are forced to move beyond their past fame, fortune, and personal demons to rescue a mute girl from the clutches of two warring cults.
Very interesting how a book cover evolves. I have purchased books based on Name and cover! Thanks for the free copy as well.
You are very welcome!
THank you for the free download of After The Virus!
You’re welcome!
Thank you for the freebie!
I have actually discovered and loved new authors and series by following the cover artist. Maybe I’ve gotten lucky but I suspect that artists tend to stick with authors, styles, and bodies of work that they also enjoy?
It think designers often work in genres they enjoy, and then cultivate a client base from that, yes.
Book covers usually catch my interest first. Then I read what the book is about. I found the development of the After the Virus book covers interesting. Thank for the free book. I can’t wait to dive into it.
Thank you very much for “After the virus”.
Book covers are very important to me, they influence whether I will get a book or not after I read the summary; specially if I start a new series; once I’m in it, it is less important since I’m captured by the characters.
The cover is like the presentation of a dish at the restaurant, if it is too full, it overwhelms me, if it is too skimpy, it feels cheap. It has to fit the book but also gives the mood to the upcoming reading experience.
Your book covers are out of the ordinary, combining ordinary items and lethal weapons, like introducing a pinch of ginger to a hot chocolate. Thank you for walking us though your thought process.
Yeah! Thanks for the book! I thought I read everything you’ve written, now I have two new books to look forward to!
Books covers are like the old saying about lovey meal presentation…”we eat with our eyes first”
Thank you been wanting to read this and the time walker, again thank you so much
I loved After the Virus, Spirit Binder, and Time Walker! I’d love to read more about these characters!
Also, super psyched about reading more about Opal! I love her!
“After the Virus” was the first book of yours I’d read. I later downloaded Dowser 1 from an Apple freebie, not even connecting the author name until it was in my library. 🙂 now I own them all!
After getting and reading and loving Dowser 1, I bought everything I could find that you had written. I loved everything!! Thanks so much for sharing your talent with us. It’s greatly appreciated!! Stay safe <3
You too!!!
Just to let you know I like the 3rd cover.
So do I.
But the post is about marketing, branding, and finding the right audience for a book. 😊