As is my release day tradition, I’m giving away four autographed paperbacks and a full set of oracle cards to celebrate the release of Idols and Enemies (Amplifier 4). I’m timing this giveaway to go live at the exact time that the eBook goes live on all platforms – 9pm PDT!
Whoot! YAY!!!!

Would you like to win the beauties pictures above? Yes? Then just comment below and tell me your favourite scene or moment or quote from the AMPLIFIER SERIES [note: other MCD books are not eligable].
Likes and shares are always welcomed and appreciated.
Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. One entry per person. Only entries that follow the entry requirements will be considered [note: the scenes/quotes MUST be from the Amplifier series, not any of MCD’s other books]. One winner will be selected by random number generator. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than to contact the winner. No purchase necessary b/c the Amplifier Protocol (Amplifier 0) is currently free on all platforms and all the Amplifier books are available via your library’s online portal.
Giveaway closes SATURDAY, OCT 3, 2020 at 8pm PDT.
Are you new to the Adept Universe? Click here for the reading order. Or click here for the Welcome! sequence.
Has no one commented yet? I want to know why Emma likes to wear dresses?
Because she wasn’t allowed to in the program she was in. She wasn’t a person only an asset.
I get that. It’s probably more of an ‘I don’t see how she does it’ thing…. because when I try to wear one, it is constantly in the way of doing anything. Either the fabric of the flowy skirts gets in the way, or the limit of a trim skirt restricts much movement.
My favorite scene is the farmhouse ‘demise’… there is so much going on I have a hard time keeping my head wrapped around it… and how they come out on the other side. It isn’t the nicest scene … there are others like that… but this was so unlike anything I remember reading before.
I really love everything! I really like the tea & ginger snaps & feel like having those things available whenever my kids come over.
I love how Emma has found a refuge, and how she cajoles her werewolf friend into actually knowing and accepting who and what she is.
Just got my pre-ordered copy… starting it tonight! 🥳
I loved the snowball fight scene in Ch 2 of Mystics and Mental Blocks. So normal. So bonding.
Oh I love that scene too!! ❤️ Such a sweet, normal, moment!!
I like the character growth of both Emma and Christopher. How they were able to use their past to forward their future while saving the girl lost in the woods
Not so much a quote, but I really liked the writing style in the first book. Her narrative was clinical, like a sit rep. Not that I don’t like adverbs and adjectives, but it was so true to her character and different from your other works.
Pretty much everything said by Opal is my favourite hahaha. “I was scared for Paisley” just straight up saying she wasn’t scared of Emma but was scared for her. Lovely.
My favorite is the slow development of Emma realizing that she can have a family of her choosing. Her realizations are so pure, and I lovw the life she has built.
Well, I’m glad to know I wasn’t the only one who loved the snowball fight in Amp3. I need a plush Paisley, haha!
I love all of your books. I only have them on my Nook. I would love to have an autographed book that I can smell. Love the smell of new or old books.
Hard to narrow it down to one, but when Emma decided to adopt.
I’m so looking forward to this! I love the kick ass Emma and can’t wait to see how she grows in this book. I love all of the little things that she has decided to define what home means to her. Gingersnaps and tea, her favorite teacup and Christopher in the henhouse or garden.
My sheets. My bed. In my own home. That I had chosen to share with Aiden
I love that Emma knows what she, owns it and wakes up every morning with the mindset that she can be better then what she was created to be. She chooses to embrace her future one decision at a time
I murmured against his lips, “Thank you for the anchor spell. For looking after Opal…for joining me on on this screwed up …life…ride…”
In the kitchen baking ginger snaps.
I realy liked the dark.scene at the farm where they start out in the trees, get into the house and then blackness is just sticking to them as they try to find a way out.
Love love it😁💖💖💖
‘Death was peaceful and still. And I wasn’t alone within it.’
I love a beautifully turned phrase…
“In a heartbeat, my love. Every day, any day by your side.”
Lucky #83 – emailing you now!!
Opal & paisley scenes are the best. I loved when Emma realized she had her family and Opal is a part of it.
I’m so excited! I can’t wait 😊
I love the scenes in the kitchen because I would love a kitchen like that. 😁
“Are you here to kill me?” I asked in a whisper. “Or am I supposed to kill you?”
My heart still felt like a piece of lead in my chest.
I liked it when she saved paisley! I was so sad about all the dead pups 😭 but it showed Emma’s true character that she saved her.
Yay! My copy landed on my kindle last night…. if I can hold out till the weekend, I’m going to read it in one sitting. Otherwise, I’ll be back to report I finished it today!!
My fav scene is the repeated drawings of the oracle cards by Christopher. You can’t run from this. This is what’s happening and it is what it is. The symbolism of this repetition moved me the first time I read it and it still does just thinking about it.
There are plenty of other scenes.. Paisley chuffing at things Emma says; Emma and Aiden interacting and playing and connecting. Christopher scenes. I could go on and on…
I love the interactions that Paisley has with EMMA and Christopher. But specifically how she used her tentacles in the snow ball fight. Such a fun family moment for all of them.
“Ginger. Rose. Strawberry. Something was coming. Something had already arrived.”. ~~ Still my favorite quote!
I love how Emma has a tea ritual. She has created “normalsy” with this ritual. It seems to keep her grounded when she needs to be what she no longer wants to be.
Any scene with Paisley usually makes me laugh.. such a personality!
AMP3 “I smiled as brightly as I could, though I felt like raging. I raised my hand, waving and smiling like an idiot, because I understood that was what the young witch needed to see. That was who she needed me to be.”
I love the way Emma has incorporated “normal” things like gingers snaps and afternoon tea. Also like anything Paisley, especially her bone “divining”
Oh my goodness, where to start!
Tea time is my favourite time too and Emma has created such a delicious ritual. I blend my own teas and hadn’t thought of peppermint and lavender until I read this little nugget (so thank you for that Meghan).
I think the house where Emma and Christopher have carved out a gentle life for themselves … peaceful and ordinary?? always make me want to live there too. Well, except for the interludes of mayhem!! And who wouldn’t want Paisley as the cherry on the top.
I love all of the scenes with Paisley! I especially liked the ones where she would steal Aiden’s mail
I love so many things about this series. Emma, Aiden, Christopher, Paisley, Opal… I also love the interactions that Emma has with the townspeople and her consternation with them…like when the girl from the thrift store sends or saves Emma something she thinks she’d like…the simple kindnesses that she appreciates, but doesn’t quite understand. It’s wonderful to see her gathering her circle, her chosen family.
Oh and I just loved it when Aiden fixed Emma’s broken saucer.
I love how Emma is always fiercely demanding that she is no longer Amp5. Her name is Emma. That she is owning herself instead of being owned.
I love the bit when Emma tells Paisley off for stealing gingers naps and Paisley just chuffs at her, really any scene with Paisley
“Her name is Paisley” I love Paisely, so much a dog and more, funny, scary and loyal to Emma.
I love anything and everything Paisley! Especially anything related to food and Paisley, like when Aiden joins then for dinner and Christopher makes a plate of spaghetti for her and she won’t take it until he gives her the garlic bread too.
I like when Aiden and Emma met for the first time. Who knew what their future held.
Emma wanting the teacup. She wanted to place it in the china cabinet and collect more of the pattern. Realizing that she hadn’t ever had those thoughts, never thought that it would be possible to have, to own, to have a permanent place to be able to do this. Made me sad and happy.
There was a vary small bit about finding the perfect cardigan at the thrift store. And the magic of perfect finds (ex, tea cup set). Love it.
Feeding ginger snaps to Paisley. I love that dog.
Anything and everything Paisley! My favorite Paisley scene is her getting her new bone, that she probably shouldn’t have but definitely belongs with her.
I love the slow burn romance of Rmma and Aiden. I love how patient he is with her and how steadying he is. And I love anything with Paisley!
Like chocolates, I can never pick just one.
From Close to Home. This cemented my love of Paisley.
“Paisley ate all the ginger snaps. Including swallowing the plate.
“That’s a set,” I said mildly.
She gently placed the plate back on the island counter with a flick of her forked blue tongue.”
From Mystics & Mental Blocks. Everyone wants an Emma in there life.
“It’s because Emma makes you feel safe,” Opal said. “Not like nothing bad will ever happen. But like when it does, Emma will rescue you. Always.”
Paisley, Paisley, Paisley
It’s so hard to choose!! I love Paisley. I love how when she was so badly injured trying to save Emma that Emma saved her before doing anything else. You see how they love each other.
When Emma forgives Christopher in Amp 3. and just like that you forgive me.
I always have a hard time picking just one moment in your books! So, that being said, I think that her concern and growing love for Opal is my favorite because it proves she’s not the “machine” she thinks she was programmed to be. She can love back those who love her. I like that she loves all those close to her with a determination and passion she doesn’t realize she has. She protects them like a mama bear, all in no hesitation! Just like I am with those I love and care about.
When Aiden is telling Emma how he’s feels and how he’ll destroy it all with her if that’s what she wants, but he hopes to build a life together, within the one she’s created! Plus anything with Paisley.
I love Paisley and my favourite scene(s) is everytime she needs to check on the chickens 🙂
Paisley is my absolute fav! I love how she’s so protective teeny, little baby chickens, but can kick some major butt in the blink of an eye!
I think one of my favorites is when we meet Paisley in the Amplifier Protocol… “It was a blue-furred puppy with viciously sharp teeth. And a tiny mane of tentacles that hummed with magic. So, not just a dog.” – I loved her from that first description!
Emma telling Opal she will wake up if Opal promises not to run away. Opal: “Her mouth dropped open, then she snapped it shut and frowned. “that’s like … blackmail!'” That whole scene is so visual for me.
“ Just give me a pen. I can’t remember the last time I killed a sorcerer with a pen.” Then I cackled
I love when the characters are drawn to one another:
It was his magic, or lack o f it, that intrigued me.
Can’t wait to read this series.
From Bonds and Broken Dreams:
I waited.
Nothing more happened.
I turned to Paisley. “I’ll bring a treat back. Pasta?”
The demon dog grumbled, refusing to look at me. Or to move away from the door.
I sighed. “A turkey burger, then.”
Paisley’s ears flickered.
I grimaced. “Beef …”
She side-eyed me, a gleam of red highlighting her pupils.
“I’m not ordering bacon. Cheese, yes. I can even ask Brian to put a fried egg on it. But not bacon.”
Grumpy Paisley makes me laugh.
I’m loving Paisley and her bone… to check things out!!
“The clairvoyant and the sorcerer were systematically slicing through any demon that sprang forward to hinder their progress. The slick, dense swamp parted around them so thoroughly that I could see packed snow under their feet.
Both of them were shirtless, bare limbed–and completely covered in black-inked runes.”
My favorite moment was meeting Paisley. I love pets!
“Kader Azar knew where Aiden was. And if and when he came to collect his son, he would find me waiting.
A pleased grin spread over my face. Apparently, it wasn’t just the little things that made me happy.”
I love this one. Just read it❤️
Thanks Meghan, already an amazing book.
“Stay with me Aiden Myers?” I whispered. “I thought you’d never ask,Emma Johnson”.
Bonds and Broken Dreams
I loved and laughed about the scene where Emma is watching Paisley go through the books and wondering if Paisley might be trying to learn how to cast a spell and then casting the thought aside because it was sort of scary. And, I love making ginger snaps to eat while reading Amplifier Books with Earl Grey. I’m addicted to MCD books.
There are so many scenes that I live and re-read. I love the complicated relationships that Emma has with all the characters, but I have to tell you, the opening of the last book. Here goes the part that has me chuckling and looking forward to the rest. ( Confession – I was reading “Meditating” the whole time and was puzzled until the light bulb went on 🙄)
I could wipe a small city from the face of the earth. I could vanquish a horde of demons with only two shortswords. I could infiltrate a magically fortified compound without detection, stand against black witches, and defy even those capable of manipulating minds.
What I couldn’t do was mediate a family squabble that stretched back decades, replete with kidnapping, magical coercion, and rape.
Or I couldn’t mediate with words, at least. Thankfully, though, draining everyone of their magic was always an option.”
Excerpt From
Idols and Enemies
Meghan Ciana Doidge
This material may be protected by copyright.
Any of the scenes that feature Paisley are just brilliant for me because there’sa real understanding of what makes a dog tick. I adore that she’s in control of changing and her fantastic tentacles.
Emma’s heart felt like lead.
As I was rereading this time around I was struck by how the meeting between Emma and Aiden was phrased. I didn’t remember it being so fated when I read it the first few times through.
“Hello.” I spoke as if I knew him. As if I’d been waiting for him. And for the moment that the word hung between us, I thought it might just be true.”
Ahhh- the romantic in me just sighed!
Do we have to pick just one thing?? I love Paisley and her Bone! Just imagining the sulking, and how much of her personality comes through! How many of us have a pet who acts like they’re the size of a lion sometimes? *squee* I’m sure you can tel I’m just so excited for the new book!! 😊
I love the new book! Fav quote is of course about Paisley! “Paisleys mane snapped forth, crackling with power. She wove her tentacles through the intricate magical grid. Then she tore that grid down, gathering it into a pulsing globe of power. Her maw unhinged, and she swallowed the glowing orb. She flicked her tentacles out a second time, scouring the island of all the cards and eating them too.”
I love everything about with bbn Paisly in it! One of my favorite is when Paisley takes the Bovine femer from Aiden and keeps it as her own. Emma becomes so protective of paisley afraid something bad may happen to her. It warms my heart.
Paisley when she is sucking in her demon bone or any time she gives the evil syare or an eyeroll. Love the animal caracter. Also any of the casual interactions of Emma, cause I know she appreciate those the most too. Just a normal life.🐶
I know my favorite scenes are the ones where Emma realizes what it feels like to love someone. I believe its Amplifier 3…i love this, “But … I’m not anyone’s idea of a mother. I can’t possibly be anything like Opal’s birth mom….”
I can’t remember a specific quote, but I liked the scene in amp 0 where they escape the compound and Emma realizes that if they all stand together, they will always be stronger than those who created them.
I love every scene where Paisley is being Paisley! Especially love the use of her magical bovine bone.
The snowball fight!
The scenes that comes back to me often are when Emma makes tea. From putting the time,waiting, then pouring. Tea preparation and consuming is a ritual for her and obviously comes from Downton Abby. It has made me appreciate the process of tea preparation.
I love Emma’s ritual of tea and gingersnaps. It really is the little “normal” things that keep us grounded. Such a simple thing that gives Emma’s character such depth.
One of my favorite scenes is when Emma and Aiden find out that they get to keep Opal. When he tells her “Though you seriously scared the shit out of me.” ……..”I love you, including the fact that you are everything you are, inside and out.” Melts my heart every time!
I also love any scene where Paisley is trying to get someone to buy her a burger. LOL
So I’m currently listening you read the first chapter of idols and enemies. I love paisley. I just love th way you right. Don’t ever give it up
Opal taking her milkshake outside the diner to share with Paisley
I just down loaded book 4, going to try and make it last a few day, but probably won’t
I’m barely into book 4, because I had to adult and work and do homework – but I love the scene where Aiden asks what he did to deserve Emma, and she says, you found me, me, Emma. I had an awww and maybe a little teary eyed. I can’t wait to read the rest, and I’m moderately disappointed that I have to adult again tomorrow and I can’t just binge read! Maybe for your next release I’ll take a vacation day 😀
One of my favorite scenes is in the restaurant when Aiden and Emma meet. They were drawn together from the beginning. I also liked when the five escaped from the Collective. The action was so intense. I would get so excited, I would have to go back and read it again to get all the details. I’m a huge fan of your work and have read everything I have found that you have published.
I wasn’t sure I would like this series as much as I did the Dowser series. It did not take long to be just as hooked on this series as I was on all of the Dowser series! Emma & Aiden are great together. I love how she has slowly learned her own worth as a person not just an asset. Can’t wait to get started on the latest book!
I always love any scene with Paisley so here’s a fave, I can just see it happening… “Paisley was sprawled out by the kitchen table, waving the bovine bone overhead while peering at a book open between her two front paws. She appeared to be attempting to cast a spell.”
I love that scene too!
I love that it was Opal dream walking that brought Emma back after her fight with the mystic. Actually, I like everything Opal – her blanket caves at the end of Emma’s bed, running away, scolding her elders, night afraid to join in the fight. Opal’s my kind a girl!
Paisley holding a gaming remote in her tenticals as she plays an electronic game with Opal just jummped off the page at me.
There are many wonderful moments in these books. The fact I paused at what felt absurdly nomal and not remotely normal simultaneously felt like pure genius. I’m invested in your characters.
Paisleys behaviors oddly remind me of the Anslin Mice in Keri Aurthur’s work.
Glad to have stumbled upon your work this past week, ive consumed O, .5, 1 & 2 of this series – just found your website today! Off to start teading 3 now. Excited 5 eill be avaiable shortly
Paisely, hiding gingersnaps in her mane. It set the stage / tone on several levels.
I LOVE Paisleys scenes. They make me laugh out loud!
“Not that I was concerned about either of us being naked in front of the demon dog – she was the one who had invaded the bedroom after all. I just didnt trust her not to test whether or not Aidens ‘tentacle’ worked like one of her own tentacles…”
I love that Emma is tea lover and how she has set a routine for afternoon tea. I am also enjoying he evolving sense of enjoyment of “normal” things, like the snowball fight, Can’t wait to read more this weekend!!
I hadn’t even tapped into the potential of what Emma would do to protect those she loved.
Those I love.
When Opal arrives unexpectedly to the property in Bonds and Broken Dreams and the death curse is trying to stop her from talking.
“It’s a spell,” the sorcerer muttered.
“I know it’s a goddamned spell,” I snapped. HA! She’s so sassy even when she’s worried, our Emma.
I love Emma’s loyalty
I love when Emma first meets Aiden in the diner. So much intensity. But this new book is having all kinds of great new moments for them- the Mustang for one.
So far it’s the Amplifier’s murder of Macy 🥰
Any time that Paisley shows her demon side for the first time and the recipient gets a fright 🐶👹 Love Paisley. She’s so cheeky.
From Mystics…Emma Johnson was more deadly than Amp5 had ever been.
Paisley’s relationship with Kadar…sizing him up when he showed up at the farm. “A single tentacle sprang forth from her neck, wrapped around a large bovine bone….Then she poked him in the thigh with the bone.” I can’t wait to find out what significance of the bone (vetting)..very small part of the overall story, but I’m sure you have a bigger reason for it 🙂
I love all your books. Very hard to pick one scene!! Once of the first Paisley scenes that had me laughing out loud was…Christopher and I continued to eat in silence. Paisley half hidden in the shadows on the back patio, threw her head back and let out an undulating howl. Aiden flinched. “That’s enough”, I said firmer this time. “Join us or don’t eat”. Paisley stepped inside skulking up to the table standing just so the top of her head, eyes and ears were visable over the top. She stared at Aiden. He froze with a piece of garlic bread halfway to his mouth. Christopher reached over, dropping three quarters of the remaining pasta and three scoops of sauce on the fourth plate. “Take it with you” Paisley grumbled. Christopher added two pieces of garlic bread to the plate. LOVE her personality!!
I think my favorite scene is in Mystics and Mental Blocks Ch8 where Paisley has the bovine bone above her head and the book in her paws trying to cast a spell. To be fair I just love Paisley in general.
I wasn’t sure how to comment; I’m terribly inept with technology, so I hope this is ok! I have devoured the entire series over the last week and am heartbroken to learn I’ll have to wait for book 5! Lol. It’s difficult to narrow it down to one scene, so I’ll just say that as an adopted child, the bond between Opal and Emma speaks to me tremendously. As a mother now myself, when Emma and Aiden had the exchange where she acknowledged that she would always put Opal first, that resonated deeply as well. I adore this chosen family and their bonds. Thank you so much for this world and these characters!
About Paisley being in the bedroom.
“Not that I was concerned about either of us being naked in front of the demon dog – she was the one who had inv aded the bedroom, after all. I just didn’t trust her not to test whether or not Aiden’s ‘tentacle’ worked like one of her own tentacles, currently tucked away. Without a doubt, that was an experience I new the sorcerer didn’t need to endure.” 😉
Love it!
It is so hard to pick just one, but I love the scenes where Paisley steals cookies….and the scenes where people get to see Emma kick serious butt for the first time, and they are terrified, in awe. It’s pretty awesome.
I love Paisley, I mean, who doesn’t? She’s Amaze-balls! But I also love Emma’s tea rituals, it seems to help settle her, kind of cement her into her new life.
I’m such an idiot. I’ve been here for months. I knew what inviting my father through the wards meant, and I …” He clenched his teeth, shaking his head. I closed the space between us, placing my hand on the center of his chest. His emotions welled under my touch, battering my senses. I blinked, steadying myself. “You’re in your own home.” “And I’m letting it be invaded.” I bared my teeth. “Luring enemies into your lair is not the same thing, sorcerer.” He barked out a laugh, then pressed his forehead to mine. “Yes. Yes.” We stood like that in the hall, energy and magic shifting between us”
— Idols and Enemies (Amplifier Book 4)