Reconstructionist 1: audiobook now available & giveaway

Narrated by the epically talented, Whitney Dykhouse, Catching Echoes (Reconstructionist 1) is now available as an audiobook – YAY!! I absolutely adored every moment of listening to Whitney bring the first book in Wisteria’s trilogy to audio.




Fun! Fun!

Reviews are welcomed and very much appreciated.


Would you like to win an audiobook of Catching Echoes (Reconstructionist 1)?

Yes? Yes!

Comment below and let me know why you’re interested in listening to book 1 of the Reconstructionist trilogy. For example, a fav character or fav scene or fav situation that you are looking forward to hearing. Or …? Any other reason you like audiobooks! I’ll select THREE winners by random number generator.

Likes and shares are always welcomed and appreciated.

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. But you must be able to download the audiobook from or One entry per person. Three winners will be selected by random number generator. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than to contact the winner. No purchase necessary.

Giveaway closes SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2020 at 8pm PST.

30 thoughts on “Reconstructionist 1: audiobook now available & giveaway

  1. I hate impossible choices, being backed into a corner where you don’t like any option. I would love to hear that struggle come alive in audio.

  2. I am planning on getting all the books on audio. I read them all and now want to go back and listen. I think my favorite thing in this series are the cube charms! I want one!!

  3. Loved the concept of the cube charms. Really looking forward to this series hitting audio – ever since COVID, my Audible collection’s been keeping me going at work, where I’m usually the only one in the office…

  4. I love Kett!! He’s my favorite besides Jade and learning more about him and Wisteria is always amazing.

  5. I have every audiobook you have made. It gives all of your books an amazing next level. I have listened to them all multiple times. I just adore audiobooks. If they would have been on cassette tapes they would have been worn out, lol 😉! I would love to win❤️

  6. I love how I can multi-task with audiobooks. It’s very difficult to read and vacuum/fold laundry/cook dinner/ect, I do it, but housework is so much easier with audios.

  7. The Reconstructionist series is my favorite spinoff in the amazing Adept universe. So glad Kett got his own story and a love interest.

  8. My husband was having problems with high blood pressure and it was at its worst when he was driving. I started having him listen to your books while driving and now he looks forward to his commute. So happy to have another book for him to listen to.

  9. I really would love to have this brought to life. I have recently fell in love with audiobooks and I love your books so much, so I am excited to have this particular trilogy given life in this way. Especially since I absolutely love the Reconstructionist books because of Wisteria’s relationships with everyone are unique. I am most anticipating her and Kerr’s reactions.

  10. I can’t wait to hear Wisteria’s story! Especially all the Kett parts! He’s my favorite by the way. I’m still holding out for her to get Declan out of her system. 😁😊😝

  11. I am trying to empty a house where I’ve lived for 30+ years and it’s really cutting into my reading addiction. Audio books help me get through the horror of eliminating things.

  12. I love Kett and I love Wisteria. I totally get why they aren’t together together but am looking forward to listening to them together nonetheless 😂

  13. I love to hear books brought to life. Especially work there author is so excited about the results. That means it was done well. I love Wisteria and how proper she is and then of course there’s Kett. Kett is next level amazing.

    1. I hate auto-correct sometimes. That should have read….Especially when the author is so excited about the results.

  14. I adore the adept universe you have created, the depth of the characters and the way you have combined the magic with the everyday. Baking and knitting especially. Wisteria is such an enigma with how proper she is and the front she presents to the world, I really enjoyed reading her story and seeing her evolve and her journey towards embracing how bloody brilliant she is. Audiobooks means I can “read” whilst I’m knitting my latest project.

  15. I adore reading about the adept universe, the characters have so much depth to them and the way you have combined the magical with the everyday like knitting and baking is bloody brilliant. Every time I re-read your books I feel the urge to bake or grab my knitting. I really enjoyed reading Wisteria’s stories, seeing her journey, how she grows into herself and seeing beneath her proper facade. I like listening to audiobooks as means I can read whilst I work on my latest knitting project and not have to choose between the two!! 🙂

  16. I would love to listen to this new series you are an amazing author. By the way where did you get that adorable dragon.

  17. I listen to audio books when I’m driving or when I’m sewing or crocheting. I’m slowly adding your books to my audio library and would love to have this one.

  18. You “know” I love listening to your books while I run, clean, garden, bake…..especially run. Nothing like mentally going on a journey while pounding the pavement at 5am in 40 degree weather!

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