I’m very possibly in the middle of losing a battle with a techgod. It’s subtle, but ignoring the signs of the demise of my computer set up might just be pure stupidity at this point.
Firstly, it probably important for you to know that I’m not great with change. See the keyboard I’m still using after all these years as just one speck of evidence.
Secondly, I promised myself six years ago that I would replace my laptop every three years (as the AppleCare ran out) because I’d been left without a computer three times in the past due to massive crashes. The first crash lost most of my early writing (screenplays, etc) and the second one was crazy inconvenient because we’d just moved to an island with no Apple Store (or Apple tech repair).
Now. I’m due to replace my current laptop at the end of December (Michael is operating off my six-year-old laptop, so he’ll get to ‘upgrade’ to my current laptop as well). But … the price has REALLY increased on the MacBook Pros and we’re in the middle of a major addition to our cabin (aka hemorrhaging savings) … plus with the constant headache, I’ve only managed to release two books in 2020 instead of my typical four. So … I’d been thinking about not replacing the laptop as planned, just pushing it for a few more months … maybe another year?
Apparently that line of thought was enough to rile at least one techgod.
Because yesterday my laptop crashed three times in a row. While I was proofing the audiobook for Unleashing Echoes (Reconstructionist 3). It normally crashes – MAYBE – two or three times a year.
Then, this morning, I head out to the office, all ready to write, only to find a strange little plastic dot on my desk next to my trackpad.

Apparently this foot is needed to trigger one of the ‘touch’ sensors of my trackpad. And yes, my trackpad is almost as ancient as my keyboard. It’s also cracked across the front. In two places.

The point is, I can’t figure out how the hell the foot fell off. There are no moveable (or loose) parts. No way to replace it without cracking off the back of the trackpad.
And that is just … weird.
It also might be a sign [other sign?] of pending computer doom.
I might have to give up, give in, and order new … everything.
But first I’m going to put the $$ I dump into Dropbox to good use and actually back up a bunch of files. Yes, I have a backup hard drive that I use every ten days. But it is also six years old …
I so feel your pain! My new-in-2016 MacBook decided to lock me out of my own computer 5 minutes before my first meeting with my organization’s new lead to talk about a special assignment. Took two days to get back in. Theoretically it is slated for replacement in ‘21 but not sure … the last person who got their replacement had to send it back because the specs didn’t support the work we do …
Hang in there, bite the bullet and maybe bite some chocolate too, as I hear it makes the change easier to bear. 💕💕💕
Oh geez! Not good!
Back up is key to appeasing the techno god. Interesting about your track pad. Have you added gremlins to your universe. New models have just been introduced so look for a previous model that would be cheaper. Can you buy in the US? Maybe shipped FedEx or UPS.
Also remember your computer is your lively hood so planning for upgrades is essentially. Sometimes trade-ins are offered on 2-3 year old machines. Hope things work out.
Yeah, my every ten-day schedule for backing up needs adjustment. I just automated a backup to Dropbox as well. I bought the ‘previous model’ last time so I might be out of luck this time (I’ll look). And Michael will take the old laptop (and sell his).
First a quip: Remember to respect your technology; it can sense your fear.
Next real advice: The most likely reason the rubber foot came off is that it adhered to your desk and was simply pulled out of the hole. Getting it back in is likely not worth the effort (yes cracking the case is the most likely fix).
More: While I still have my 10yr old MacAir (and it works just great for my technical writing), you may wish to consider using on-line editing tools like Google Docs or MS 365/MS Cloud Storage – then you can use just a tablet (such as the iPad Air with keyboard – $700). Everything is backed up, you get a touch screen (no more trackpad!) and you are in the cloud.
I am a long time reader of you work – and while I like baking it is mostly for bread not cup-cakes (not that there is anything wrong with that, of course) 🙂
Okay. Mystery solved! Thank you. LOL Since I’m not good with a ton of change at once, I should probably stick with the laptop/software/walking desk set up for now. But I do have a keyboard for my iPad for when traveling (though, unless it involves an airplane I usually lug the laptop with me as well).
Not tried it on that particular device, but you might be able to wrestle it back in by warming it up. If it’s just soft plastic, ‘rubber’, try heating it with a hair dryer, or dropping it in a pan of hot, not boiling, water for 10 mins. It might go soft enough to squeeze back in place
If you are up to using a desktop versus a laptop I can say I have very good luck with Mac minis. They are cheaper than the laptops and very stable. Plus they allow you to use whatever peripherals you want. I have never had one crash on me. I hate to sound like an Apple sales person but I would suggest a Cloud account with them instead of Dropbox. I have had both but lets be honest Apple works better with its own products. I choose what I want backed up and it does it automatically whenever I change that file or folder. I don’t even have to do anything which makes it easier when I use my iPad or phone. BTW, just finished Misplaced Souls and really enjoyed it.
Yeah, a mini would be great but I have commitment issues, including the idea of being perpetually tied to one space when I want to work. When I was a filmmaker I went through two mac towers, and they were great! I don’t need that kind of power now though.
If your Mac keeps crashing; maybe it’s time to look at another type of computer/laptop. May I suggest a Linux operating system? Works well with non-linux apps. Way better than windows. Resists viruses.
Less prone to crashing as well.
It’s exceedingly rare for my mac to crash. And, especially with the constant headache, changing systems right now would be a seriously bad idea. I need to comfort of the known right now (which is why the idea of anew laptop bothers me as well).
You need to buy a new backup hard drive immediately. Those things aren’t made to last that long. You (meaning all of us who are addicted to your books) can’t afford to lose your work.
I read a few months ago that we should be replacing our backup hard drives every year!! So yeah, that is going to be on order soon. I’m also all backed up to Dropbox now (I was partly backed up before) so no worries!!
Did not read through the comments to check if this was suggested, but look into Carbonite as a safe backup system for your files. It mirrors your computer. The first transfer is quite long, but then it does it on a regular schedule so it is effortless on your part.
It also allows you to access your desktop everywhere you have access to Wifi and a computer. I have been using it since 2010 and I can access all my files from anywhere.
It is a yearly fee that I have found to be reasonable and it has not been breached or ha led like other systems.
Good luck!
Hi Meghan. When I read your posts I keep hearing about your headaches. I have suffered with them for over 30 yrs. A few years ago my doctor sent me to a specialist who after running some test felt that I should try Botox injection. It didn’t totally get ridden of my migraines but it made it so that I could function better in my daily life. For some of his patients it took the pain away totally. I know in Ontario they cover the cost of the Botox for this procedure but not for the injections them selves. Botox ix around $1,000 every 3 months but covered. The injections cost $200. So $800 a year isn’t too bad if your headaches are so severe. You might want to look into this. If so, good luck. My doctor said the only side effect is it makes you look younger. That was something I had a hard time with. I like my laugh lines.
Thanks Cathie. I’ve tried Botox twice now. Waiting to see if the second set of injections help. 😀
Sorry to hear about your computer woes Meghan! I would be happy to contribute to a “buy me a coffee” or “go fund me”
You are so lovely. I’m okay. Just with the addition and all the audiobooks I’ve been spending a lot of $. And I’m a bit of a baby about large purchases.
I get that! … but the offer stands. Like me, I bet many of your fans want to help ensure you keep writing!!😊
I spilt a can of coke on my almost new laptop about 2 years ago. The tech gods told me it would last 6 months till the coke corroded everything inside. 2 years on, and I can’t use the laptops own keyboard because some of the keys stick, but it’s still going strong otherwise! Touch wood…. 🤜🏼🤜🏼
Nice. 😂
This looks like a painful year of change… first your Kitchen-Aid and now your computer… change can be uplifting if you let it 🐉🐉
Very true!