I launched into January 2021 with a multi-tiered plan. Not resolutions, but a tweaking of a few aspects of my writing life. Okay, I’m always attempting to reduce portions sizes and get back to daily yoga/pilates. But those are continual personal goals that I’m pretty good at maintaining unless something extreme happens, such as my hip bursitis flaring.
Yes, I’m a 47-year-old with a bad hip. It’s freaking hilarious.
Anyway, I digress.
One of the ‘tweaks’ involves switching up how I do giveaways in 2021. Not all giveaways, but most. I’ve decided to focus more on the digital realm so I can reach (and hopefully treat) more of my readers at once. And, in switching up my giveaways, I’m also putting more focus on writing and less on the effort it takes for me to manage a physical giveaway.
The idea is to set a couple of Saturdays aside a month to write (and rewrite) a random short story set in the Adept Universe for my newsletter, one per month. Most of the shorts will be prequels to the currently published books. At the end of the year, I’ll bundle all the shorts, get them properly edited and proofed, then publish them on all retailers.

Today was my first Saturday devoted to this new endeavour. I intended to draft the entire story in one day, using a second Saturday to redraft, and a third to proof/polish. But apparently Kandy’s tale needs more than what I can give in a single day because I wrote 6165 words (read: a really good writing day for me) and it’s still nowhere near finished.
So … only two days into January, into my multi-tiered plan, and I’m behind schedule.
Typical freaking werewolf. Always taking over every scene she’s in. I really should have known better.
So … I’ll write the rest of the short tomorrow. Because on Monday I’m supposed to be working on Archivist 1, not playing around with a snarky werewolf who, when bored, apparently enjoys getting herself into entanglements that completely screw with her worldview. And yeah, the first short is going to come with a content warning. Did you expect anything less from Kandy?
In case you missed it, I released the first chapter of Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0) yesterday. Also, Kim, over on the reader run fan group, is hosting a discussion of the new book, chapter by chapter, if that interests you. ETA: as of Feb 26 these chapters have been removed, pending the release of the book on all retailers!
Happy New Year!!
These shorts sound amazing!! I can’t wait to read them. Also, I looooved chapter 1 of Archivist, really looking forward to the next one 🙂
Thanks for all your hard work!
I’m so glad you are enjoying Archivist 0!
Loved the archivist teaser and the give away idea is like the best Christmas gift. Thank you
This is awesome!! I love getting the backstory on the characters we already know and love!!! I can’t wait!! Thank you!
I just finished “A difficult funeral” and “Love, lies, bleeding”, anything you write is amazing so, yes, I’m in with your “tweaks”,….and I get you with the hip,….I have my own “malfunctions” and I keep telling my hubby that my warranty went out at 40 🤨
Great idea! I love the idea of more stories! I get you. I’m a 68 yr old dance teacher with 2 bad knees, but we do wht we love despite the pain, simply because we love it.
I like your thinking! I’m really excited about being your fan in 2021! It feels like it’s going to be an entertaining ride!
Love the idea of a book of short stories. Not to put pressure on you but it sounds as if Kandy wanted her own book though 😁.
She has one coming. Misfits 2. As far as I know. 😊
Woot! I forgot about that. 😁Another thing to look forward too!
I love the idea that the giveaways will become digital instead of traditional print books. I travel for months at a time and having a e-book reader allows me to load up on books without requiring bulky baggage. Even some of the older books that I bought as paperbacks, I have started to buy in digital form to re-read. Who doesn’t love to go back and visit with our favorite characters after a couple years away!
Agreed. I never read paper these days.
I am so excited for the shorts!
Ohhhh…thank you. I love Kandy and appreciate the back story. Helps me understand the why’s. You rock, Meghan. Thank you for your Universe. Your writing brings me such joy. 💕