Archivist Series: bits of inspiration

When I start really digging into a new series, I deliberately surround myself with little visual touchstones. These items usually find a semi-permanent home on my desk or windowsill and I trade them out when working on different books/series. I was in the very first moments of brainstorming the Archivist Series last fall when I indulged in acquiring two new touchstones, one of which is the inspiration for Infinity itself (Dusk’s personal archive):

On my desk today …

Under Infinity’s watchful gaze, I added 3800 words to Archivist 1 today for a total of 45k+. I’m pretty pleased with how those words are flowing onto the page this week and I hope the muse sticks with me through the first draft!!


Leather-covered sketchbook (aka Infinity): created by Mille Cuirs (who I discovered through Hailey Edwards – Thanks, Hailey!!)

Also enjoying: The 6th Scent Candle, Chocolate with a wood wick. And yes, I just realized I could burn a candle in my office without worrying about Leo singeing his whiskers. It only took me five years to realize that particular benefit of an exterior office.

7 thoughts on “Archivist Series: bits of inspiration

    1. Ah 3.8k is a good but not great day for me. But I’m pleased with anything over 2k. That is a classic Mont Blanc rollerball. It’s easily … 20 years old? Given to me as a gift and I’ve yet to find a pen that fits my hand so well (when pillared). 🙂

      1. Pillared . Is that a euphemism for drunk? “She would have written 5000 words today but, after a boozy lunch, was absolutely pillared and could barely hold her pen!”

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