After almost a year, Michael and I finally forced ourselves to leave the property/immediate area and do a proper hour and a half hike at Ruckle Park on Sunday. We’d been in the habit of hiking almost every Sunday for a good portion of 2019 into 2020 but got derailed by Covid19 and the fact that we are really, really bad at taking days off. Well, full days off. We are particularly skilled at pushing ourselves too long/far and then collapsing on the couch for a half day.
That is a pro/con of loving what you do for a living, I suppose. It doesn’t seem like work, but if you do it seven days a week, and therefore get little else done on the day you (occasionally) take off, you forget to at least go for a walk!
Anyway, I have no pictorial evidence but we saw two baby goats hiking the trail yesterday. Two and half months old, hiking with two adults and a six-year-old girl. Yes, like dogs. Nigerian Dwarf goats. They were insanely cute, nibbling on everything and not even sparing us a glance despite all our cooing.

The writing has stalled a bit. Not surprising because the constant headache had been really bad (spiking from the Estrogel and then back to being on nothing for two weeks) and therefore I had to focus as much as possible on getting Archivist 1 into the editor. For me, especially when I’m not feeling great, writing needs to be a daily activity so I can maintain it through deadlines, stress, etc. So now I have to either force myself back into it – maybe write something fun and frivolous – or just start writing a random scene for Archivist 2 even though I don’t have the novel perfectly plotted yet – I do have the opening, the midpoint, and a KICK-ASS ending all worked out, so it really shouldn’t be a problem sinking back into it.
Except, I’ve also been crazy neglectful of the other part of my job (for like over a year now) – marketing. And marketing, which I’ve been setting up/doing for a few days now, is a completely different mindset than writing. For me, at least. So I’m sort of blocking myself.
Anyway (x2) that is the long version of saying that I’m doing a marketing push on the Dowser Series specifically and the Adept Universe in general for the next four or so weeks, and any shares/likes/etc are greatly appreciated if you see any of my posts on your social media feeds.
And, it is possible, that there won’t be a new freebie short for April. I’ll try, but no promises. I’ll at least do a giveaway of some sort.
Okay … back to hoping the muse comes calling …
Have a lovely week!
May/June freebie is awesome!!! Take some time for yourself! We’ll be okay..well only until late May anyway🥰🥰🐰
You have got to take time for yourselves. I think covid has stalled a lot of activities and its easy to become hermits…cute sounding goats.
The problem is taking down time at home isn’t the same as a mini vacation in the city. It’s silly to complain but I know it’s wearing on all of us.
You are astoundingly productive, even without considering all of the challenges you’re faced with. I’m certainly grateful for your work, especially through COVID!
Glad you got outside in the sunshine 🌞
Thank you!
COVID has been a nasty experience all around. Because of what I do (food, essential service for hospital and such), I didn’t get to stop much. I do find though, that my social experience has been greatly impacted and my “workalickness” has taken over. So yah, I can relate. I have been taking walks daily since the sunny weather is back and I look forward to hiking soon.
Let’s all hang in there and thank you for bringing magic and fantasy to our days. You are great 😊
Note, I would so adopt a goat if the city would let me 💕💕💕
I literally just shared a picture of Nigerian Dwarf goats on FB this morning because its Monday, gray, raining and I had to to invoicing and bills today and they at least made smile. They are soooo cute!
Glad you got out for a good walk, it’s not only important, but necessary to take time to take care of yourself. So while giveaways are fun, they can wait. New books from you however, ARE necessary, so I’m glad to hear you are still writing. 🤣
Hi Meghan,
I am sorry to hear that you are having bad headaches.
What is the location of the headache? Frontal lobe? Tepmles? Occiput?
As I can suggest some acupuncture points for you to activate with essential oils
It might help the headaches to go away
Hi Liesl. Thank you. But this isn’t that kind of headache. It’s been over 20 months of straight pain. I’ve seen every specialist you can think of. And tried multiple types of therapy. Fingers crossed that HRT (patch) helps. 🙂
I do so admire you! I had an allergy triggered sinus headache last week and thought at the time that I didn’t know how migraine sufferers endure the pain.
Ugh, I’m so sorry Lisa.
Please take care of yourself first! We can wait for anything else! I’ve for sure shared all marketing posts of yours, and all this talk about the Dowser series has made me go back and read it again! It’s just that good!