Chi-Wen – guardian dragon. Aka one of the nine. Territory: Asia. Asian accent. Elder. White hair. 5’5. Usually wears a white, gold-trimmed robe and sandals. Aura is white gold. He inherited the mantle of the far seer from his mother and can see so far into the future that he often doesn’t have a great sense of actual time. He is also an uber-powerful telepath, and known to divine the occasional prophecy. Or, as the case may be (see Dowser 4-6), screw around with the destiny of others. He is the eldest guardian, over 900+ years old. Drake is his apprentice, destined to become the next far seer. According to Jade, his magic tastes of spiced bitter cocoa.
The far seer resides in a small, austere room the nexus. Nexus door: red, carved with a Chinese dragon, inlaid with red jade and gold.
T-shirts (spotted in the wild): fuchsia pink Cake in a Cup (Oracle 2). Oversized green tee with 3 bananas and the phrase “Eating Out?” (Dowser 6) (courtesy of Kandy).
Chi Wen first appeared in Dowser 2, Dowser 3, Dowser 4, Dowser 5, and Dowser 6. Featured in I See Me (Oracle 1) and Oracle 2.
Pronunciation: CHOWWHEN or click to listen to the audio, Note: I pronounce it CHEE-WHEN.

I pronounce it Chee Wen too lol – and I seriously love these sketches.
Thank you for sharing you worlds vision