I keep getting asked about … well, every novel (from every series) that random readers seem to want (which is lovely, but seriously impossible). Short answer? Yes, the Dowser, Oracle, and Reconstructionist are all complete series. Archivist 2, Amplifier 5, Misfits 2, and numerous Moments of Adept shorts are in the works, to be released as soon as I’ve written each (in the above order). I do try to keep the bottom of my About Meghan and TBR page vaguely updated, as well as the Reading Order. Just FYI.
I submit the following snippet as evidence that words do continue to be written.

Chuckling, Kandy placed her hands on the ground and levered herself up into a crouch and then to standing.
The skin across her upper chest and arms was darkening, reddening, then rapidly blackening.
Crying out despite myself, I flung my hands forward. The outer circle responded instantly, reaching out for the injured werewolf and gently enfolding her upper torso in the healing I’d instinctively cast. I’d had no idea I could manipulate a barrier in that way. Though perhaps sitting in the middle of the epic flow of the ley line had something to do with it.
Kandy giggled, rolling her shoulders back and stretching as if she just gotten a great … well, I was going to say massage, but I doubted the werewolf luxuriated in anything less than mind-blowing —
“Ooo,” she purred, leering at me, and completely ignoring the interlopers. “That tickles all the right places, healer.”
Every single one of the interlopers turned to look at me. Even through my barrier I could feel their regard.
“My turn,” Kandy said, bouncing in place with anticipation. The burns had completely healed, and not only thanks to my spell, the werewolf healed quickly on her own. “But, let’s make it a party, otherwise I’ll just hear … yadda, yadda … so freaking bored … yadda, yadda … why do you get to have all all the fun … yadda, yadda … Text the dowser, Burgundy. Tell her to come play.”
She turned her attention to the heavily armored interlopers. “But … while we wait …. six … five … let’s see how many of you I can grab on my little, tiny lonesome … four …” Energy swirled around her, brightening and expanding. “Three … two …”
The leader threw an arm up to shield its face. Yes, I assumed there was a face behind the faceplate of the helmet. Anything else was far too creepy to contemplate at the moment.
“One!” A behemoth creature tore through Kandy’s clothing, then skin — all gray, patchy fur, thick muscle, and sickled claws. Standing easily seven feet, she lowered her large head between her massive shoulders, lips pulling back along an elongated snout to reveal wickedly long, sharp teeth. She had a strip of bright pink hair, like a mohawk or a mane, snaking across her head from her brow, down her neck, and along her spine, ending around the middle of her back.
The monster that was now Kandy cackled. Gleefully dark. The sound somehow amplified, brutally eager and malicious.
Fear grabbed hold of me, freezing me in place. Not that I’d been planning to move — what with being a three-hour hike from civilization and facing off with six armed, armored foes with unknown intent — but being able to breath was always nice.
The leader opened fire …
– excerpt from Momentary Incursion (Moments of the Adept, Burgundy 0.5), first draft
Thanks for the update. Will read whenever or whatever you publish. I must say I have been enjoying your archivist series more then I expected too, have reread both the prequel and first novel several times.
Tease!! You are a Tease to play with my emotions thus!
The promise of Kandy-coated action and then those 3 little dots. I may cry. *pout*
Seriously though great start. Can’t wait!
Of course we want more! You are a great writer. Ignore us when we get greedy about wanting more
As always this is fingerlicking good. (Not sure how to adapt it to reading but you got me) can’t wait to hear more of the story.
Whatever little tidbits you offer we are happy to gobble up! Thank you for being willing to share💜💜
Holy BAJEEZUS … 😳🤯 … Looooove it!!!
Progress!!! I do so admire your work ethic knowing you are still hurting. Thank you for your perseverance.
Please take all the time you need. We will wait.
Just brilliant
Wow, the muse is keeping you busy!
As much as I enjoy reading the worlds you create, I really really do.
I respect your process and appreciate the quality of your writing.
When the next story drops I’ll be here to scoop it up.
I’ll keep reading as long as you keep writing. Long live your muse!
Wow, I cannot wait to read more. (I obviously can, but I don’t wanna!!)
*Gasp* I spy with my little eye a golden phantom selenite nearby to inspire the muses 🙂 I can’t believe I missed this post early last month. I’m almost all the way through all of the books for the second time. Love, love, love the dowser universe!
Yes! The muse was pleased.