T-minus 15 days!!! Are you ready for the next book in the Archivist series?

Sisu patted my cheek. “You’re always good, Dusk. That’s why I’m allowed to be … less than good.”
I snorted doubtfully. “That’s not how it works.”
“It totally is,” Neve chimed in from Kellan’s shoulders. She patted her uncle on the head, then added, “Just like Mom and Uncle Kellan.”
“Mom is the good one,” Lile added, just in case I couldn’t figure that out for myself.
Kellan growled. I stifled a smile.
“See?” Sisu said.
“Right …” I said, looking up at Kellan. “And I’m the bad influence.”
Sisu threw up his hands, then executed a flawless pirouette, somehow managing to slip out of Kellan’s grasp without damaging the backpack.
“Ta-da!” he cried, golden sparkles shooting from his fingertips. “Race you back!”
He took off toward the woods.
Neve and Lile cried out, wiggling and protesting until Kellan set both of them on their feet. They took off after Sisu.
Kellan tried to glower at me again. “I blame you.”
I shrugged, hiking up my dress to undo the sheath on my thigh.
“I’ll be right back,” Kellan said, eyeing me like maybe he wanted to wait around to see what else I was going to strip off. “Wait for me.”
“Nope,” I said, setting the sheathed bone blade to the side just for a moment.
He snarled under his breath — an interesting mixture of curse words in Irish and older Gaelic — but then he loped off after the kids.
– excerpt from Compelling Infinity (Archivist 2), Chapter 6
Are you new to the Archivist series? The first book is Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0). Or click here for the complete reading order of the Adept Universe.
Can’t wait!!
I am so looking forward to this book! Can’t wait! Thanks!
Sooooo excited!!! Preordered and ready!
Each tease gets better and better! And I totally agree with Sisu’s logic. I love that little dude!
I can’t wait I’ve been waiting for this for sooo long 😆
So excited! So excited! So excited!
Already pre-ordered! Can’t wait!
So ready. Something new while I recover from knee replacement surgery. Can’t wait, but will re-read 1 in anticipation.
Officially over excited! Thank you Meghan and Merry Christmas x
Meghan, I love you, but you are such a tease. Of course we are all ready.
I have just finished binge-reading the Archivist series and CANNOT WAIT for more! Found you almost by accident and now am going to read everything you’ve written. (It is also wonderful to see a fellow-Canadian be so successful.)
I’m so glad you are enjoying Dusk’s books!!