It’s been taxes, taxes, taxes around here – Michael is in the process of adding his receipts to the excel document we forward to the accountant so I’m off the hook for a few hours, hence the list of other things I’m working on today (see below). Why is it that jumping focus between projects is so draining? You’d think it would be the opposite, be invigorating.
[Deleted: a minor freak out about taxes, needing to spend less and release more books – MCD].
It’s Tuesday, May 31, 2022 … seriously? Crazy.
Here is a list of all the things I’m working on but can’t show you yet. And yes, I’m suffering. You know how I hate holding anything back. 😂
Gene Mollica Design has finished the cover art for Amplifier 5 and it is freaking gorgeous. Might be my fav of the series yet. Though I’m seriously partial to the cover for Bonds and Broken Dreams (Amplifier 2). They are starting on the art for book six now. Yep, I’m getting everything lined up!
The audition call is about to go out for a narrator for Zans’ novella: Recon Mission: Bee (Amplifier 5.5). Tia will be voicing Amplifier 5, of course, but Zans needs her own voice. I’m working with Tia’s engineer, Julie, at Whole Story Studios instead of doing the casting/producing/etc myself. So I can keep focused on the writing!
Memo is working on some illustrations for the Amplifier series. She’s done Paisley (including wallpapers for you to download – squee!) as well as Emma. And she is working on Aiden, Christopher, and Opal. I’ll get to share those soon.
The editor (aka SFG) is doing his story edit pass on Amplifier 5, and will also story edit Amplifier 5.5 once we get notes from the sensitivity reader, Natasha Lane. As soon as we get through this stage, I’ll be able to firm up release dates.
Note: I’m going to release Amplifier 5.5 separately in eBook and audiobook (because of the different narrator) but combine them in paperback (since the printing costs are already so expensive!).

Such exciting news! Sorry about the taxes though…they suck for all of us.
My Michael here in England also has a real hatred of doing the taxes – hateful job that never seems to get any easier!
Keep up the great work. We await with anticipation
Soo excited!! Take easy on the taxes. I think we all hate tax seasons. Lol
Meghan, what is a sensitivity editor? Thanks for sharing your writing process. I find it intriguing.
Sensitivity READER. Needed because Zans is a Black woman and I am NOT. Normally I wouldn’t write in a character POV that is so different than mine, but Zans also wasn’t raised in her culture so I thought, with help, I might be able to write in her POV without upsetting anyone.
A sensitivity reader is someone who reads for offensive content, misrepresentation, stereotypes, bias, lack of understanding, etc. They create a report for an author and/or publisher outlining the problems that they find in a piece of work and offer solutions in how to fix them.
That’s very interesting! It makes a lot of sense though. You learn something new every day. ☺️
“Memo is working on some illustrations for the Amplifier series. She’s done Paisley (including wallpapers for you to download – squee!) as well as Emma. And she is working on Aiden, Christopher, and Opal. I’ll get to share those soon.”
Makes me SOOOO happy!