Paisley: Demon Dog. Usually seen in her large blue-nose pit bull aspect but can also shapeshift into various sizes with or without ‘extra’ attributes, such as a mane of tentacles, red eyes, double row of teeth, and a pinkish-blue forked tongue. Rescued by Emma and the Five from the Collective as a puppy. Genetically constructed, and magically enhanced. Tied to the Five via DNA. Approximately 8 years old in Amplifier 1. Can walk through shadows and cross through the demon dimension (to be verified). Maintains a ‘stash’ of various stolen items in a pocket dimension (to be verified) that she somehow accesses via her tentacles. Eats magic, and can also regurgitate spells. Intelligent. Moody. Fiercely loyal. Personal Objects of Power: a bovine bone from a sacred cow, uses unknown to her humans but perfectly clear to Paisley. Purloined spellbooks. Lives with Emma, Christopher, Aiden, and Opal at White Owl Farm in Cowichan Lake, BC, Canada.
Paisley first appeared in The Amplifier Protocol (Amplifier 0) and is a supporting character in all the Amplifier series books.

The Amplifier Series is set within the larger Adept Universe but can be read separately. The main series starts with Demons and DNA (Amplifier 1) but there are two prequels (bundled together) as well. Click here for the full/recommended reading order of the Adept Universe.
*Reminder* There are Paisley wallpapers for your devices!
Love it 🥰
Me too!
I LOVEPaisley!!💜💜💜
I love Paisley and would also love to have a dog like her! 🙂