Guess what finally made it all the way to the West Coast of Canada?! Instincts and Impostors (Amplifier 5) paperbacks! Whoot! The Amplifier 5 paperback also includes Recon Mission: Bee (Amplifier 5.5), which is why they are more expensive than my regular paperbacks (but way better value than having a separate paperback for a 22k novella).

Interested in winning an autographed paperback of Instincts and Impostors (Amplifier 5)(pictured above)?
Then, please comment below and let me know who is your favourite AMPLIFIER SERIES character and why!
Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. One entry per person. One winner will be selected by random number generator. Only entries that follow the stated requirements will be valid. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than to contact the winner. No purchase necessary – all my books are available for free via your local library. The comments are moderated. I will approve your entry just as soon as I have a moment to do so.
Giveaway closes THURSDAY, OCT 20, 2022 at 8pm PDT.
The Amplifier Series is set within the larger Adept Universe but can be read separately. The main series starts with Demons and DNA (Amplifier 1) but there are two prequels (bundled together) as well. Click here for the full/recommended reading order of the Adept Universe.
Paisley! She’s the 5 distilled into purity of intent. The perfect family pet. Loyal, loving and that shot you put in my brain of her playing video games with Opal, Doritos in every tentacle makes me smile.
Ooooh toughie. Favorite Amp series character…Paisley really is phenomenal. She’s got such a full personality that runs the gambit just as she rides the edge of the light and the dark side of herself. Not unlike Emma, clearly. Her chortling can be heard through the pages and that’s always fun to read.
Christopher is my favorite I think. He has such a hard gift and he is so patient. Love him
I would love to win both books together! I really, really loved Amp 5 though. It’s one of my favorites of the series. It was just so emotional, and happy and then sad, then happy again. My favorite Amplifier character is Emma, but Paisley and Opal are CLOSE seconds (and thirds)!
Emma – the glue and heart that holds everyone together, only ever wanting a home and to be loved. All the while thinking she is the epitome of potential evil and cold calculation.
I love her progression and raw vulnerability she’s just an amazing character all round…. And also a total badass!
Paisley for sure, she makes me laugh and cry and makes me want to own a demon dog lol
That’s really hard, but as a mom myself, I have to say Emma. She may not have birthed the others, but she acts as the mom/center of them all.
Emma is definitely my favorite. I have loved watching, well reading, her growth both as an amplifier and as a person. Paisley is definitely my second favorite and then Aiden.
Paisley! Love her inter dimensional travel! She is just a way too cool part of the family!
Favourite character… so hard to choose. I guess Emma. She is the one that holds them all together as well as having the best wit. Paisley is definitely a close second. I love her character as well.
I would love to win a paperback, I have only purchased the ebooks. But I love the Amplifier series. To be honest, I have loved everything you’ve written. But I think my favorite character, I don’t know, there are so many, I love Emma, but I really like Opal. I love how Opal has brought a “family” together. Sometimes, families are what you make, not just what you are born into.
It is so hard to choose just one. It is hard not to love Emma and Paisley equally when they are together. The way they play off each other and have each others backs no matter what. I am very much a fan of female superheroes! Assuming Paisley is female… I guess I dont know that for sure… do we? She comes across as a bad axx female…
Emma. She’s so real. Flawed but not flawed. She’s a character that you can get your teeth into. Relatable and so very vivid! Paisley, Opal, Christopher and Aiden are very, very close behind!
Love Aiden in Idols and Enemies and Emma, they are so good for each other. I want more of them and Paisleys antics.
I love all your characters(well, mostly) but I’m really enjoying seeing Opal grow and come into her strength and family.
Opel the no fear and love she has for her new family
Emma has always been my favorite character in this series. Despite her programming she is willing to work to overcome it and open herself up to love and being loved. She is vulnerable, tough, relatable and determined to do the right thing.
Gotta love Paisley too.
Paisley – paws down! She has so much personality and is such a sassy pants. I work at a veterinary hospital and I love how you describe everything about her – so spot on! 🤣
I love Paisley! She’s bada**! I love that she’s smart and protective. I find it amazing how you’ve given a demon dog a personality that you can see in your minds-eye as you’re reading.
I enjoy all of them but without Emma, the five wouldn’t be. So Emma with all her struggles to learn her new normal, is my fave. Paisley would be a quarter notch down. Without Emma there is no Paisley, without Paisley a heart of light and dark would be missing.
Paisley is definitely my favourite character but Opal is really starting to grow on me too.
Paisley for numerous reasons, but mainly because she is so otherworldly but still a normal loving woofer. She always reminds me I’m NOT part of this universe, well, not in the way I would like to be that is. And she is sass, brass, love and devotion…in a cup 😘
That’s really hard, but as a mom myself, I have to say Emma. She may not have birthed the others, but she acts as the mom/center of them all.
I’m torn between Paisley and Emma. Both are amazing, such personality, so many flaws (which I still love) and so much loyalty to those they care for, others be damned! Love them
Definitely Paisley! I wish I owed a demon dog!!
I gotta go with Paisley. I love big mutts and I cannot lie. Lol. Also she’s badass and can teleport. Hard choice… but the doggie wins out.
I love Emma because she’s so strong and yet so vulnerable and has so much growth. But. You can’t have Emma without Aiden. I love how he compliments her perfectly. He has the world experience and politics that she didn’t. I love them together.
Favorite is Paisley just cause she is such a pet but with a distinct personality. Close second is Opal because that’s how I’m trying to raise my kids (without the trauma).
Paisley for sure!
I do love Emma the best. She second guesses so many of her natural instincts. I think we all do this to an extent.
I feel like it changes with every book but really it’s Emma. She’s a great example of how we can become who we want to be instead of staying who we were raised to be.
Without a doubt, Paisley is my favorite! She has such a funny personality, and loves her humans unconditionally. I was about to get REALLY mad at you as I reading Instincts and Imposters! If Paisley died, well, I just didn’t know what I’d do! I should have trusted that Emma would figure it out!
Paisley is my favourite. She has developed with Emma and has become a true family member with her own very unique personality. Love her! Chortle, chortle, chortle!
While this feels as painful when someone asks me what my favorite book/song/movie is, right at this very second I’m leaning towards Opal. What she went through and survived, finding her true family and thriving. Which couldn’t have happened without Emma, Aiden, Christopher, and Paisley…and a cast of many more! I love (almost) all of them.😉
PAISLEY! 😍🥰 She’s so mischievous and funny 🤣 a loyal pup!
I think paisley has to be my favourite side character in the series, he makes me think that’s what my dogs would do if they could. When she was kidnapped…uhhh.
Emma she is constantly evolving and learning to understand her powers better. She always looking out for Christopher, Paisley and now Opal. She has learned how to love and be loved for herself and not just the blood ties. She cares for the other three more then she admits to herself
I honestly love them all.
Always love Paisley, her loyalty and hilarious attitude is so fun to “witness.” Also Emma and her emotional growth through the series, her capacity to love despite everything she’s been through and the fierce protector she’s always been are just a few things to love.
I really love Christopher. His gift/power is wielded with confidence, compassion and love. The scenes with him and Pearl Godfrey were so touching. He immediately respected her all knowing proclivities just as Pearl was astounded by his. Both characters were rounded out and bloomed for me in that meeting.
Christopher. Because he is finding his way just as Emma is.
Paisley. She is so mischievous and lovable and completely badass.
That’s like asking someone to pick Just one book. Normally I’d say Paisley, Emma, or Christopher.
Today, I think Lani Zachary is shooting into the top five.
She has taken so much in stride. It’s a whole other world to learn about. Especially as an experienced adult, most people get set in their ways.
So hard to choose since I love everyone. I guess I would choose Emma because she is tough, caring and able to bend when she needs to.
wow!! this is a really hard question because all the characters fit so well in the books together but if i have to pick one it would be Emma. She is the heart and soul to her family as she navigates what it is to be a family not just a killing team.
Emma! I love how complex she is! She works to better herself all the time and confronts her demons head on. I love how she is a bad-a but also super feminine. Her femininity isn’t even discussed as a big deal, it just is. Often when a woman is strong and fierce it’s commented on when she does something girly… like wearing sundresses, baking, collecting dishes. She’s completely at peace with both sides of herself and because of that, so is everyone else around her.
This is a really tough question. I love Emma and absolutely adore Paisley, but I’m so drawn to Christopher. He gives me all the feels and I very much want him to be happy and at peace.
Oh yeah – pick your favourite child she says. It’s easy, right? Nope not easy at all. It would have to be Christopher when all is said and done. I love all the characters equally, but….
I love Paisley. Dogs are #1, to begin with, and she’s part demon and helpful in a pinch? No brainer!
It is so hard to pick. But if I must, I will go with Emma. I just love the way she has grown through the series, how she has created a family and how she just keeps going and facing what she has to face.
Emma, because she’s so sure of herself, but also so unsure of herself. The dichotomy makes her very relatable.
This is tough-I love Paisley and Emma! But I think Emma has had such amazing character development so I pick her. She has grown so much and the fact she now has a family shows she is changing, Paisley just needs to learn not to eat everything lol
Opal and Paisley are my faves…..
I really like Christopher. I think that his abilities are probably the hardest to deal with, and his missteps show his humanity.
I think at this point, my favorite character is Opal. She seems so earnest but nuanced.. she really wants to keep her found-family and I relate to that so much!
Paisley is my favorite. She has so much personality and intelligence. Not a pet or a side note, but a full character that is so underestimated by many.
Definitely Paisley! I love her sassy nature and loyalty.
My favourite Amplifier series character is Emma, because…her character emerges through layers. She slowly breaks through and finds who she is and what she wants. Because she is principled and values and needs her little family.