Shower glass and other minor musings …

The shower glass just got delivered! Whoot! We MIGHT get into our new bedroom/ensuite by Christmas! But definitely by New Year’s! We’re racing the winter storms right now because we don’t have a functional wood stove, so if we lose power we’re pretty screwed. The wood stove needs to be moved from the corner of the ‘dining room’ to where our ‘bedroom’ is currently situated. 

For those of you who don’t know, we’ve been living in a one-room cabin with two external tiny offices for SEVEN YEARS! And Michael has been – single-handedly, except for electrical and plumbing – building an addition for the last (almost) three years.

I desperately need to get more words refined (and then books published) because we are hemorrhaging money as we race to finish up over the next two to three months. 😭

But also: EXCITED!!

In other news, I’m commencing draft 3.5 of Endings and Empathy (Amplifier 6) today so that I can get it off for story editing before the holidays (fingers crossed). I’ve been working away on the Dowser 1 Tenth Anniversary Kickstarter in the background as well. [Most] everything should be ready to go for launch day on January 10, 2023. [I should have a ‘follow’ link via Kickstarter by the beginning of January, and I promise I’ll blog and talk about it a lot so no one misses out!].

Sunset shot from our property aka the reason we’ve lived in a cabin for so many years.

Okay! Coffee break and then back to work!

10 thoughts on “Shower glass and other minor musings …

  1. How exciting! What a great Christmas gift! We were in the same “middle of construction” boat that you are last Christmas – it’s so nice to finally see completion. That view is absolutely amazing!

    And, I’m so excited that Endings and Empathy will be here soooon! YAY!

  2. As the saying goes,

    If it was easy you wouldn’t appreciate it and everyone else would be doing it.

    I find that true, if painful, at times… BUT I just know how much you appreciate all that work and time investment. That view alone is worth it, well done to you both for sticking with it 🥰

  3. I get it! Scheduled bathroom remodeling (take out tub, update shower to make easier for husband with Parkinsons and my crap knees) finally started 3 weeks ago, might be finished next week…living room and sewing room filled with tools and stuff shifted from a to b…good luck with yours

  4. Best of luck you get it done before any bad storms – if you were here in Ontario – you would have already lost the race!

  5. Good Luck with the renovations. I am sure it will be so nice when done. Love the picture! I am making cookies today for a couple of get togethers over the weekend, your ginger snaps are on the list.

  6. Your persistence is inspiring! When I read you blog post I was reminded of a quote about Persistence by Calvin Coolidge that got me through many of my own life struggles. Your wonderful books are all the more remarkable given your daily challenges. I hope your renovations are finished on time and that you take some time to enjoy them. Hugs and Merry Christmas 🎅🏼😊

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