Am I only about 30k into writing a new series?
Do I have any idea how long that series is going to be? Or how I’m going to brand it? Or if anyone will even read it?
Do I vaguely regret making readers expect recipes from me every time I post a picture of anything dessert (or food) related? So much so that I actually carefully curate what I do post?
Yes. So much yes.
Am I considering using the main character of the new series’s (currently mild) obsession with ice cream (and milkshakes) as a way to justify buying an expensive (compressor) ice cream maker? And therefore, in order to fully justify the purchase, having to write up even more recipes?
Very much yes. On both counts.
This post has been brought to you by MCD being pissy about having to wait 24 hours to chill her ice cream base and freeze her ice cream bowl. This dissatisfaction is also known in many philosophical circles as ice cream-blocking.
My favorite homemade flavor is cardamom icecream. But I’ll make a special trip for that chocolate cocoa
If I can’t have chocolate, I choose lemon. Growing up it was tradition to have vanilla and lemon homemade ice cream for birthdays. I had no idea lemon was not a common flavor until I was an adult 😁
😃😃😃😃 More books and treats coming our way, yeah!!! 😃😃😃😃
Will I read anything you write even if it is just your blog journals? Yes, yes I will. Do I expect recipes? No, cuz I can’t bake 🤣 Am I jealous your characters can eat all the yummies and not gain weight because they kick ass? Yes, yes I am 😆 You can totally write off that new machine. It’s for research. Yes, that’s it. Research 🧐 Thank you for your wonderful stories. I’m excited to read this new world you are creating.
I am going to ask for your recipe, chocolate coconut ice cream sounds delicious! Also if the new series is anything like your other series (aka awesome) then it will be great!
Chocolate and coconut. Sounds delightfully delicious. Wish l had some. I don’t expect a new recipe each time but it is a wonderful added bonus. I do look forward to them .
Will I read whatever MCD writes? Yes!
You crack me up! 🤣
I’d even read your grocery list…love all you write.
will your next series be in the Adept Universe?
I’m writing multiple things. But the series I’m talking about in this post ^^^ is an alternate/new universe.