[Yes, I’m supposed to be taking today and tomorrow off – and I am really trying to NOT work – but this is time sensitive (only seven days to bid)!]
I’m donating two sessions to the SFWA silent auction (links below) this year. The proceeds from the auction support SFWA’s advocacy for and professional development of creators working in the speculative fiction genres, including scholarships to the Nebula Conference, the Writer Beware program, and benevolent funds such as the Legal Fund and the Emergency Medical Fund, etc. The silent auction closes June 26 at 3:00pm PT.
Click here to browse all the items on offer (rare books, collectibles, etc): https://www.biddingforgood.com/wbi/sfwaauction

MCD’s Specific Sessions
Virtual Kaffeeklatsch* with MCD: four readers will join MCD for a chat about her books/universe specifically, and/or a general, casual conversation about about favourite books, chocolate, and other treats!
*Kaffeeklatsch: an informal social gathering at which coffee is served. Virtual = bring your own beverage of choice!
Note: This virtual session will take place by Zoom on July 22 at 4 pm Eastern Daylight Time.
Bid here: Seat 1: https://www.biddingforgood.com/auction/item/item.action?id=342812146
Bid here: Seat 2: https://www.biddingforgood.com/auction/item/item.action?id=342812147
Bid here: Seat 3: https://www.biddingforgood.com/auction/item/item.action?id=342812148
Bid here: Seat 4: https://www.biddingforgood.com/auction/item/item.action?id=342812149
Career session: chat with MCD about indie/self publishing, building the uber fan, and branding. A 30-minute conversation that can be shaped to the winning bidder’s level of experience and current needs. Newbies to indie publishing can get help mapping out a publishing plan, midlevel authors can brainstorm accessible ways to build their platforms or talk about what marketing techniques are working in today’s publishing landscape. Trad pubbed authors thinking of going hybrid with their back list would be a good fit as well!
No critiques offered, just career brainstorming, please.
Note: This virtual session will take place on July 22 at 5:15 pm Eastern Daylight Time.
Bid here: https://www.biddingforgood.com/auction/item/item.action?id=342812151