Because these absolutely gorgeous mythical creature illustrations by Jade Merien are spoilers for Awry (Conduit 1) I’m posting them here without any extra info. If you are interested, and haven’t already, please read Awry (Conduit 1) for more info (and, presumably, please avoid reading the comments on this post). 😁

These are amazing! The detail, everything is just so similar to your description in the book! LOVE them!
I’m so glad!!
Wow! Stunning, absolutely stunning!
absolutely inspired, gorgeously done
I wouldn’t want to run into any of them in a dark alley. 😜 Fantastic illustrations. They really bring the story to life.
Ha, you really really wouldn’t want to run into any of these ‘guys’. 😂
Absolutely gorgeous 😍
Beautiful! I remember them from the story descriptions.
Stunning illustrations! Would make amazing cards or posters…