The map of Cascadia (by Amanda at Eternal Geekery) appears at the beginning of Awry (Conduit 1) but (for now) the map of North America only appears in the back of the limited edition. I’m posting both here so I can add the link to the Extra and Freebies page. 😁

Question! So I absolutely LOVED Conduit1, my question is how you are writing this series (if you know). Are you doing each intersection and then bringing them all together or will we get Zaya’s story then Mirth’s etc? Only curious, about who I might read about next🙂
I’m so glad you enjoying my new universe, aka the Conduit World! You will get Mirth’s two books next. They are only LOOSELY tied to Zaya’s book. Zaya is ‘The Conduit’, so she will be the main series of this universe. The reading order (not including short stories) is:
Awry (Conduit 1)
Mirth, part 1
Mirth, part two
Conduit 2
Conduit 3
Conduit 4
Thank you!!! That does clear it up a bit! I am excited about Zara’s story!
I’m so glad!
Can’t wait for the next book.
Enjoying the Conduit series, but are you ever getting us back to the infinity series? I’m missing my dragons 😀
Archivist 3 is outlined. But I won’t be writing it any time soon. When I launch a new series – as I did with the Archivist – I usually focus on it for a bit. Unfortunately, with the constant daily headache (going on 4 and a half years now) I can only write as quickly as my brain allows. 😊
I love the maps! I noticed here the road following the Washington and Oregon coast until it hits the Gage Estate! 🤣 Then the road skirts around it. Pretty funny. And very telling… not only about the Awry avoidance, but also how long the estate has been there. Brilliant!
Love the exploration into this new world. Love that Infinity and Misfits are also coming. Loved the short revisit with Jade.
Thank you. 🙂
Yes! On all counts. 😁