Adept Universe Bible: Yazi

Yazi: guardian dragon. Aka one of the nine. Aka the Warrior of the Guardians. Territory: Australia. Jade’s father. Romantically involved with Scarlett. Loves to laugh. Big, blond. Tan. Light brown eyes. Looks around thirty-five years old (though begins allowing himself to age slightly when he finds out he has a twenty-something daughter). Favors jeans and T-shirts but wears samurai gear when quashing demon and elf invasions. Wields a golden sword with a broad blade and a pommel encrusted with jewels and pearls. The sword is actually a manifestation of his guardian power, and he is actually the executioner of the guardians. Fourth youngest guardian, he is approx. 350 years old. According to Jade, his magic tastes like chocolate, spiced like Chinese food.

Yazi first appeared in Trinkets, Treasures, and Other Bloody Magic (Dowser 2), then again in Dowser 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. He joins Jade in vanquishing the elves in Dowser 9.

Resides in the nexus.

Yazi. Dragon. The Guardian of Australia. Capable of decapitating a trio of demons with a single strike of his massive broad sword. Loves to laugh. Lover of Scarlett. Father of Jade. Sketch by Memo.
Though I knew him to be over three hundred and fifty years old, Yazi appeared to be no older than thirty-five. His tanned skin and sun-bleached blond hair screamed ‘surfer dude.’ His grim scowl and the golden sword he carried casually by his side screamed ‘pissed-off demigod.’ The fact that his hard-shelled, samurai-inspired armor was splattered with blood and ash didn’t ease the intimidation factor. – Dowser 4
Sketch by Memo.

Adept Universe Bible: Bixi

Bixi – guardian dragon. Aka one of the Nine. Territory: North Africa. Great-great-great-grandmother of Dusk. Looks like Cleopatra. Wears a lot of gold chains. Dark hair. Olive skin. Dark eyes. Maintains the appearance of a twenty-something but has been a guardian for approx. 700 years (over 800 years old in Archivist 0). The third oldest guardian. Accepted the mantle of ‘She of All Forms’ when she was unknowingly pregnant with Darius (Archivist 0). She’s a shapeshifter, can take any and all forms. Such as the black cat in Dowser 4. In Dowser 5, Warner suggests that she is the only dragon who remembers their true form. Claims that Desmond is ‘one of hers’ in Dowser 3. According to Jade, her magic tastes like apricots and smoky syrup.

Resides in the nexus where she keeps a sarcophagus containing a deadly soul sucker as a coffee table (see Archivist 0).

Bixi first appeared in Dowser 2, and Dowser 4, uncredited in Dowser 6. Featured in Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0).

Pronunciation: BIC-SEE or click to listen to the audio.

Bixi. Dragon. The Guardian of North Africa. Capable of taking any and all shapes, human and animal, including strolling around the nexus in the form of a black cat. Has a nose for good chocolate, a grand sense of entitlement, and a memory stretched by time. Sketch by Memo.
Bixi. Dragon. The Guardian of North Africa. ‘She of All Forms’. Third oldest guardian dragon. “Then Bixi — doing her best Cleopatra impersonation — stood before us. White dress, gold armbands, heavily kohled eyes and all.” – Dowser 4. Dusk’s great-great-great-grandmother. Sketch by Memo.

Adept Universe Bible: Suanmi

Suanmi: guardian dragon. Aka one of the nine. Aka the Fire Breather. Territory: Western Europe. Rumored to have taken Jiaotu (as well as his father) as a lover, possibly centuries ago. Drake’s guardian. Dark hair, usually in a bun. Pale skin. Golden-flecked hazel eyes. French accent. Loves vintage Chanel, and red-soled Louboutins. But is terrifying in her shiny black samurai gear and known to wield an extra long katana. The Fire Breather can literally immolate a demon with a single whisper (see Dowser 3). Looks 45 but is actually 600+ years old (older than Pulou but younger than Bixi). According to Jade, her magic tastes like chocolate cream-filled eclairs and toasted hazelnuts with a finish of whiskey.

Resides in the nexus. Nexus door: embossed fleurs-de-lis cast of yellow gold.

Suanmi first appeared in Trinkets, Treasures, and Other Bloody Magic (Dowser 2), then again in Dowser 3, 4, 6, and Dowser 7. She is featured in the Archivist Series, having already made an appearance in Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0) and soon to be seen in Invoking Infinity (Archivist 1).

Pronunciation: sue-ann-me

Suanmi. Dragon. The Guardian of Western Europe. Capable of immolating demons with a mere whisper, always really with a refined sneer, and a plot … or two. Sketch by Memo.
Suanmi. Dragon. The Guardian of Western Europe. Fire breather. Sketch by Memo. “Give me spells and sorcerers and demons from hell. Those, I could handle. But cupcakes and coffee with the fire breather? Not so much.” – Dowser 6

Adept Universe Bible: Qiuniu

Qiuniu: guardian dragon. Aka one of the nine. Territory: South America. Possibly involved with Haoxin (see hints in Dowser 6 and Dowser 8). Dark caramel skin. High cheekbones. Deep brown eyes, also referred to as ‘melted milk chocolate’ (Dowser 5). Ridiculously gorgeous. Brazilian accent. The most powerful healer in the world. Known for administering that healing via a searingly hot kiss. Also, a poet and musician. “Qiuniu always somehow carried music with him wherever he went. I never knew the tune, but I could hear hints of it” (Dowser 4). Skilled at warding technology against magic. He has been a guardian for 100+ years, second youngest. According to Jade, his magic tastes like roasted coffee and Brazilian chocolate.

Resides in the Nexus. But maintains a residence in Peru, along with a silver Mercedes SUV. Nexus door: gold-carved handle, intricately carved bloodwood.

Qiuniu first appeared in Trinkets, Treasures, and Other Bloody Magic (Dowser 1), then again in Dowser 3, 4, 5, and 6, plus Dowser 8 and 9.

Pronunciation: key-new

Qiuniu. Dragon. The Guardian of South America. Healer. Drop-dead gorgeous Brazilian – even Pearl Godfrey has a massive crush on him – but thankfully he can get your heart going with a single, searing kiss. Sketch by Memo.
Qiuniu. Dragon. The Guardian of South America. Playful and sexy, just don’t invade his territory or ask for a commitment. Has brought Jade (and Kandy with some help from her pack) back from the brink of death on more than one occasion. Sketch by Memo.

Adept Universe Bible: Haoxin

Haoxin – guardian dragon. Aka one of the Nine. Territory: North America. American accent. Petite and curvy. Tan. Blue eyes. Slightly turned in eye teeth. Straight blonde hair (wavy in Archivist 0). Adores silk dresses in shades of blue, teal, and green. Carries a katana. Keeps an army-green Jeep Wrangler in Alberta. Likes espresso. Appears to be in her twenties but is 100+ years old. Accepted the mantle of Haoxin aka ‘Reckless and Adventurous’ in 2012 (one year prior to Dowser 3) from her mother. Youngest of the guardians. She can expand and contract her physical form. According to Jade, her magic tastes like sweet creamy tomatoes with a hint of basil. 

Resides in the Nexus. Her family is from San Francisco, where she also maintains a penthouse apartment. Nexus door: cedar carved in a First Nations design.

T-shirt designed by Kandy: (featured in Dowser 8) heathered blue with white text, “Fueled by coffee. And epic mystical powers.”

Haoxin first appeared in Dowser 2, then again in Dowser 3 and Dowser 6. Featured in Dowser 8, Dowser 9, and Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0). She also has a fun cameo in Idols and Enemies (Amplifier 4).

Pronunciation: HAWK-SIN (but the K is soft) or click to listen to audio.

Haoxin. Dragon. The Guardian of North America. Playful and sexy, just don’t get her mad … she holds rather gigantic grudges (literally). Sketch by Memo.
Haoxin. Dragon. One of the Guardian Nine. Most definitely addicted to espresso. Occasional flirt. Possibly hooking up with the Healer. But more than willing to dance with an elder vampire when given the opportunity (with her katana on hand, of course and always). Sketch by Memo.

Adept Universe Bible: Jiaotu

Jiaotu: guardian dragon. Aka one of the Nine. Territory: Northern Europe. Father of Sisu, who calls him Papa. Involved with Trissa. On again, off again lover of Suanmi, who was also his father’s lover. Descended from Jiaotu-Who-Was on his father’s side (she was his great-grandmother). White blond hair, pale-skinned. Bright blue eyes. Appears to be in his early 30s but is actually 300+ years old. He accepted the guardian mantle of Jiaotu and therefore wields the power that comes with it: silver-tongued (enchantment/story-teller). Great illusionist, including invisibility. Expert hunter. Retains all the memories from every Jiaotu that came before him and can recall them at will. Carries two axes. Has been a guardian for over 200 years, third youngest.

Resides in the Nexus. Door: shades of white and gray, carved with the images of a wolf and a raptor. 

Jiaotu first appeared in Dowser 2 (unnamed), then again in Dowser 3 and Dowser 6. Mentioned in Dowser 9. Supporting character in Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0). 

Pronunciation: JAW-TOO or click to listen to audio.

Jiaotu. Dragon. The Guardian of Northern Europe. Father of Sisu. Always ready with a judgemental sneer … or to chop someone’s head off. Sketch by Memo.
Jiaotu. Dragon. One of the guardian nine. Secretive and self-contained. Arrogant, but fiercely loyal to the few he considers under his protection. Sketch by Memo.

Adept Universe Bible: Tony

Anthony “Tony” Talbot: Tech Sorcerer. Exceedingly skilled in pattern recognition. When amplified by his sister Gabby, he can generate a magical electrical pulse. 20 in Misfits 1. Shaggy medium brown hair. Light brown skin. Thick glasses he rarely wears. Favours jeans, gamer t-shirts, and sneakers. Looks like his mom. Shorter than his brother Liam. Son of Angelica and Stephan. Brother of Gabby, Peggy, and Bitsy. Rarely leaves his tech lair aka his parents’ basement. Works for the witches’ Convocation. Mentor: Jasmine. Objects of power: builds and programs his own tech, computers, phones, etc.

Tony first appeared in Champagne, Misfits, and Other Shady Magic (Dowser 7) as well as Dowser 8, 8.5, and 9. He is a supporting character in Misplaced Souls (Misfits of the Adept Universe 1).

Tony. Tech Sorcerer extraordinaire. Never without a piece of tech in hand that he’s refurbished to his personal specifications, or a geek T-shirt of some sort (Legend of Zelda, anyone?), might have a bit of a crush on a certain necromancer. Sketch by Memo.
Tony. Tech sorcerer. The youngest of the Talbot brood in his typical setup, staring at multiple screens. Some of the ‘work’ he does while locked away in his lair might not totally be on the up and up. Has a thing for salty snacks, multiple player board games (but only with family), and intricate code. Sketch by Memo.

Adept Universe Bible: Peggy

Margaret “Peggy” Talbot: Telepath. Truth seeker. Customer service at Cake in a Cup. Willowy. Straight blonde hair. Sky blue eyes, brown spot in left eye. 20 in Misfits 1. Moonstone ring on left index finger. She favours lighter colours, and skirts. Into astrology. Loves mani/pedis. Training with Pearl. Peggy can easily sense moods, but excepting her ongoing two-way connection to her twin, she usually needs to touch people in order to read their minds. Younger twin of Gabrielle aka “Gabby”. Adopted daughter of Angelica and Stephan. Adopted sister of Liam, Tony, and Bitsy. Adopted at age eleven, birth parents unknown. The twins were rescued by the witches’ Convocation from a child prostitution ring, where they’d been bred and sold for their ‘magic.’ Still considered ‘spell damaged’ from this childhood trauma, Gabby and Peggy have been denied entry into the Academy. According to Jade, her magic tastes like blackberry jam. Magic manifests as a shade of white.

Gabby first appeared in Champagne, Misfits, and Other Shady Magic (Dowser 7). She also appears in Dowser 8, Dowser 8.5, Dowser 9, and Misplaced Souls (Misfits 1).

Peggy. Telepath. Effervescent. Eager to please, to be helpful. Utterly truthful, because she can sense lies with an extremely high accuracy. Sketch by Memo.
Peggy. Telepath. Once followed Jade into an alley, ready to help track an elf without a moment of concern for her own safety (Dowser 8). Has a massive, unrequited crush on Drake, a fledgling guardian dragon. Sketch by Memo.

Adept Universe Bible: Gabby

Gabrielle “Gabby” Talbot: Amplifier. Baker at Cake in a Cup, studying bookkeeping at night. Willowy blonde, 5’10”. Sky blue eyes. Usually wears her hair in a simple ponytail or bun (while baking). 20 in Misfits 1. DOB: June 8, 1999 (Gemini). Favours dark or black jeans. Moonstone ring on her right index finger. Goth look. Also owns a perfect, slightly felted charcoal cashmere ‘boyfriend’ sweater that she found while thrift store shopping with her friend, Mory. Afraid of snakes. Learning to wield the knife she keeps in a sheath on her right ankle during physical training sessions with the other misfits. Magical training with Pearl and Scarlett. Eldest twin of Margaret aka “Peggy”. The adopted daughter of Angelica and Stephan. Adopted sister of Liam, Tony, and Bitsy. Adopted at age eleven, birth parents unknown. The twins were rescued by the witches’ Convocation from a child prostitution ring, where they’d been bred and sold for their ‘magic.’ Still considered ‘spell damaged’ from this childhood trauma, Gabby and Peggy have been denied entry into the Academy. According to Jade, Gabby’s magic tastes like raspberry jam. 

Gabby first appeared in Champagne, Misfits, and Other Shady Magic (Dowser 7). She also appears in Dowser 8, Dowser 8.5, Dowser 9, and Misplaced Souls (Misfits 1).

Gabby. Amplifier. Whipping up a batch of Allure in a Cup (her contribution to the Cake in a Cup menu, see Misfits 1). She once helped thwart an elf invasion, nearly draining all of her magic to help Mory close an other-dimensional portal. Sketch by Memo.
Gabby. Amplifier. Quick, clever, stalwart. Still figuring out her place within the Misfits. Would do anything for her family and few chosen friends. Sketch by Memo.

Women of the Adept Universe, Phase One

Okay, the epically talented, and ever-lovely Memo made us a treat!! Okay, she made me a treat but I thought you all might like it as well. Squee!!!

The Women of the Adept Universe – Phase One:

From left to right: Kandy (werewolf), Scarlett (witch), Jade (dowser/alchemist), Pearl (witch), Mory (necromancer), Burgundy (witch/healer), Gabby (amplifier), and Peggy (telepath).

Guess what my new desktop photo is???!!! 🙂

New to the Adept Universe? The first book Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1) is currently free on all platforms. Click here for the full reading order.

Waiting on the next book in the Adept universe? Idols and Enemies (Amplifier 4) is coming soon!! Subscribe to my mailing list to make sure you never miss a new release!