On My Desk Today: Ready? Set. Go!


  •  background / location /characters /plot  – brainstormed – check.
  •  new 300 page notebook, titled, and blank page awaiting brilliance (or at least some words … hopefully pieced together into a story) – check.
  •  red ink topped in the fountain pen – check.


  • new Marianas Trench & Alanis Morissette & The Killers on the headphones


Love, blood, & lemon-filled donuts . . .

“On the floor, the lemon-filling had spattered out of his half eaten donut. Phil kicked at the donut, missed, and slipped in the powdered sugar that now coated the immediate vicinity. Once he’d regained his balance, Phil felt bad about the mess, so he retrieved the donut with the hanky he carried in his breast pocket. It would have been smarter to use the handkerchief on his broken nose, but Phil always had a difficult time putting his own needs first.”

– Love Lies Bleeding, the novella (TBR September 2012)

I have a big desk …

When we moved into this house three years ago, I was blessed with my own office (with ocean view!!) and a garden in the backyard. Michael made the office even cooler by building me a gorgeous desk out of 100-year-old reclaimed fir. He made the desk to fit the exact dimensions of the room.

It was beautiful. It was perfect. I loved my desk.

I imagine spreading out index cards and images and brainstorming, and generally occupying the entire, decedent space.

Instead, this is what a typical writing day looks like around there:

That’s me in the far right corner attempting to work on my newest novel. I am pretty much allowed the space of my keyboard, though today I had to  fight for even that much. Not complaining — much — cats do rule the world, at least around here.