Last chance to grab the tenth-anniversary copies of Dowser 1.

Just a quick note for anyone who missed the Kickstarter (Jan 2023), I’ve made the last remaining* tenth-anniversary editions of Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1) available for purchase.

Only 12 paperbacks (some slight foil damage on all) and 13 hardcovers (8 have some minor damage to the cover) are available. Please see the listings for more info and pictures.

Click here for the Tenth Anniversary Dowser 1 Hardcover – $75+ $25 CDN/USA tracked shipping = $100.

Click here for the Tenth Anniversary Dowser 1 Paperback – $45 + $25 CDN/USA tracked shipping = $70.

Prices in Canadian funds (as always). I hope to ship the second week in March along with the annotated copies (my highlighters ran out, so I only have four of the ten of those done right now).

*I still haven’t heard from all backers so I’m holding back a few copies in case they finally contact me.

Quick writing update, thank yous, and other things of minor interest.

I usually write a ‘day after a new release’ post and then a ‘week after a release’ post, but alas I have done neither after the release of Awry (Conduit 1). And not because the release wasn’t a success – it really was! Thank you all so, so much. At one point, likely for a very brief moment, Awry was nestled lovingly between Yarros (Fourth Wing) and Mass (Crescent City, A Court of Thorns and Roses, etc) on the sci-fi/fantasy bestseller list on Apple Books.

Let me find the screenshot I shared on my socials.

So thank you, thank you for following me into a new universe and a slightly new format (present tense) and a slightly different tenor (the present tense comes with a certain natural intensity) and slightly new structure (an ongoing story where the overall plot is continued through several books).

[side note] And yes, the Conduit Series is a slooooow burn why choose urban fantasy romance. This means that Zaya will eventually have multiple partners/fated mates. There are REASONS (plot and story) for this choice. Yes, actual overall universe reasons. Some of you might have already figured it out. 😊

Since the release, I’m getting the sense that it is slightly disconcerting to some of my lovely readers that I appear to not be actively writing Conduit 2 (or Archivist 3, for that matter).

Yes, I’m currently deep into writing a why choose duology set in the same universe as the Conduit (not a slow burn! 😜), which I’m referring to as Mirth or Mirth 1 in my updates on Facebook and Instagram.

If you’ve been reading me since Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1) (or even before) then you’ve been on this journey with me before – aka the expansion of a universe.

Opening up a new universe takes time. I’m sorry, it just does. Plus, the books that make up that universe aren’t wholly independent of each other.

For example, (as some of you have already picked up) Reconstructionist 1 was supposed to fall after Dowser 4. Yes, I already knew the entire story arc (at least in brief) of the Reconstructionist trilogy BEFORE writing Dowser 4 (in which, spoiler alert, Kett is already stalking Wisteria). And AT THE SAME TIME, I already knew the entire arc of the second Dower trilogy (Dowser 4, 5, and 6).

That’s a minimum of six books in my head at once. At least six. With each of them informing the other in some way, then – in that particular case – calling back (and forward) to the Oracle.

So … the universe of the Conduit and Mirth (so far) is the same. A slow build of slightly (in this case) entwined stories.

I’m almost finished writing the first Mirth book. And I know exactly what occurs in the second book (it’s two parts of an overarching story).

I also know all the major plot points of the next three (or four?) Conduit books. And this morning, I sharpened the structure of each of those books in a major way. A breakthrough, if you will.

[side note: I also know the plot of Archivist 3, including two major reveals that bookend that story. I also know the plot of the next three ebooks in the Misfit series and the plot of Jasmine’s first book].

BUT IT TAKES TIME TO WRITE A BOOK. Before my drug-resistant chronic daily migraine (of almost four and half years now), I might have been able to write four (average length) books a year. Now I just do my best.

[FYI I deleted a large section of this post because it went places I didn’t want to go].

I just really want to thank you for embarking on this new journey with me and to assure my lovely readers I’m working, slowly and steadily on all the books. And I promise to release them as quickly as I am able (though I might hold back Mirth 1 until I can make sure Mirth 2 is available very quickly after).

I’m dedicated to writing all through 2024 and taking better care of myself, which means there won’t be as many extras and freebies, and I will be less personally present on social media, etc, but hopefully, there will be more books!

As always, ‘shares’ and reviews are welcomed and appreciated.

[Final side note 😂] if you’ve been waiting to use a credit or your subscription to grab Awry in audio, it’s slowly appearing on all the retailers (not just direct from me) including Audible and Spotify, etc. I’ll update the links on the main page when I get a chance.


Conduit 1 L.E. preorder closing

Hello, my lovely readers! Just a quick note that I will be closing the preorders for the limited edition eBook and the ‘preorder priced’ audiobook for Awry (Conduit 1) at the end of day tomorrow (Saturday, Jan 20 PST) because I’ll be delivering (via BookFunnel) the eBook and audiobook to everyone who has ordered by end of day on Sunday, Jan 21. I will also email you with instructions, etc.

The limited edition ebook contains art and extras. The audiobook is $2 less to preorder (and even more $$ if purchased through another retailer).

The preorder for the regular ebook will, of course, still be available through all retailers. And audiobook will be available directly from me (at $12CDN) and through all retailers after release day as well.

Oh, and please, please double-check your email receipts before preordering if you have any inkling that you might have already preordered. I keep coming on doubles, etc, and each refund actually costs me $$.

Thank you for all your support with this new series/new universe!! I can’t wait for you to read it!!








Available on release day from Amazon (etc).

Quick Awry (Conduit 1) limited edition update:

Paperback: there have now been two significant delays at the printer level (and yes, I’m peeved about it as well). Combined with the holidays, the worst-case scenario is the paperbacks WON’T ship before release day. Best case and no delays with shipping? Still, a (slim) chance that some of you WILL have the paperbacks in hand on or around release day. I will definitely keep you posted. In case you missed in on my socials I embedded a quick video of me ‘unboxing’ the proof below.

The limited-edition eBook will still released three days ahead of the official release [January 21 at midnight PST][you know this is going to release early because … well, I’m me 😂]. Regular eBook releases via all the other retailers on January 25, 2024.

The Conduit 1 audiobook goes into production this week. Erin (aka Felicia) just let me know that she is starting recording tomorrow! Whoot! So that means (as long as I don’t slow anything down too badly in January when I’m doing my listening proof) the audiobook will be released around the end of January as well – this is just for the ‘direct sales audiobook’. It will take an extra three or so weeks to show up on other retailers (because that’s how long it usually takes to upload on Audible, etc).

If you missed out on the limited-edition paperback, the regular paperback will be available to order from Amazon (etc) starting January 25 as well.

And now I have some postcards and stickers to get designed/ordered!

Fun! Fun!

Audiobooks: Dowser 8.5

Yes! You asked and the narrators, the producer/engineer, Julie, and I have been sneakily working in the background to bring Graveyard, Visions, and Other Things that Byte (Dowser 8.5) to audio!

The audiobook was meant to be a holiday treat but it is ready a couple of weeks early, and you know how terrible I am at keeping secrets. 😂 It will be available on all retailers in approximately three to four weeks but you can grab it directly from me now (and at the best price, as always).

Graveyards, Visions, and Other Things that Byte (Dowser 8.5), narrated by Tia Rider (Mory), Jennifer Grace (Rochelle), and Erin Moon (Jasmine). $10CDN


And yes, there is definitely some match-matching going on between narrators and characters! Tia Rider (Amplifier Series) will be voicing Mory’s books, including Misplaced Souls (Misfits 1) later in 2024 (as well as any future Mory books). Jennifer Grace already narrated the Oracle trilogy! And Erin Moon (Dowser Series) will be tackling Jasmine whenever I manage to get to writing her series!

Fun! Fun!

All audiobooks available directly from MCD:

Dowser Series

Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1)

Trinkets, Treasures, and Other Bloody Magic (Dowser 2)

Treasures, Demons, and Other Black Magic (Dowser 3)

Shadows, Maps, and Other Ancient Magic (Dowser 4)

Maps, Artifacts, and Other Arcane Magic (Dowser 5)

Artifacts, Dragons, and Other Lethal Magic (Dowser 6)

Champagne, Misfits, and Other Shady Magic (Dowser 7)

Misfits, Gemstones, and Other Shattered Magic (Dowser 8)

Graveyards, Visions, and Other Things that Byte (Dowser 8.5)

Gemstones, Elves, and Other Insidious Magic (Dowser 9)

Oracle Series

I See Me (Oracle 1)

I See You (Oracle 2)

I See Us (Oracle 3)

Reconstructionist Series

Catching Echoes (Reconstructionist 1)

Tangled Echoes (Reconstructionist 2)

Unleashing Echoes (Reconstructionist 3)

Amplifier Series

The Amplifier Protocol (Amplifier 0)

Demons & DNA (Amplifier 1)

Bonds and Broken Dreams (Amplifier 2)

Mystics and Mental Blocks (Amplifier 3)

Idols and Enemies (Amplifier 4)

Instincts and Impostors (Amplifier 5)

Recon Misson: Bee (Amplifier 5.5)

Endings and Empathy (Amplifier 6)

Archivist Series

Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0)

Invoking Infinity (Archivist 1)

Compelling Infinity (Archivist 2)

Coming soon

Conduit 1 – early 2024

Click here for the reading order of the Adept Universe, including downloads, etc.

Conduit Series: the first of many, many polls to come 😜

Okay! I need to put together some sort of ‘marketing’ schedule leading up to the official* release of Awry (Conduit 1) on January 25, 2024. And yes, now you know that everything I’ve done marketing-wise (except the cover reveal) has been completely winged. 😂

Anyway! I’ve commissioned a ton of art but a few pieces must remain secret until the limited-editions have been delivered. I mean, ideally, they would remain secret until everyone has read the first book, but we all know that’s not going to happen. I have seven illustrations that I think can be revealed, one a week leading up to the release, and I thought it would be fun for you (me?) to ask you to help me determine the order of those reveals.

So without further ado here is the poll.

Which order would you like to see the following illustrations revealed (on Tuesdays)?

View Results

Art will be posted (possibly with some teasers/extras) on Tuesdays in the order determined by the poll, starting next week! Fun! Fun!

*official release: the limited-edition version of Awry (Conduit 1) will be released earlier, depending on shipping times for the paperbacks, of course.

Conduit 1: cover reveal, synopsis, and preorder links

Cover design by G&S Cover Design Studio

On my way to investigate my aunt’s untimely death, I chance upon a teenager with purple eyes. Her destiny is so vibrant, so intertwined with the essence that fuels all our lives, that I cannot stand to see her caged and crushed.

What I don’t know is that rescuing the teen isn’t chance or happenstance at all. It isn’t just another random bit of destiny I can fix. It’s a snag in the weave of the universe that unravels … everything.

I am exactly who I am meant to be. I belong to no one but the universe. My destiny was spun and measured before I was born. I never really had a choice. But the path that brought me to becoming the Conduit at least a century before my time has been manipulated. And along the way, I’ve somehow lost far more than I ever knew I had.



Soul-bound mates.

More than just my life has been twisted, all our fates ripped away.

And I remember none of it.

Awry is the first book in the Conduit Series, which is a secondary-world urban fantasy romance. Content warnings and tropes/themes can be found at the beginning of the book or on the author’s website.










MCD officially licensed merch: Vampire Unicorns

Vampire Unicorns and I inked a licensing agreement a couple of months ago, and phase one of their freaking adorable designs is now live (and I desperately want one of each)!


Screenshot of the Dowser Series inspired designs from Vampire Unicorns. How freaking adorable is that cupcake tumbler!!!?

What does ‘officially licensed’ mean? It means that Vampire Unicorns can legally sell merchandise using my IP (intellectual property), specifically the Dowser Series, as inspiration. 20% of their net proceeds are then paid to me (or the author/creator in question). I’ve requested that my 20% is donated to a charity, specifically (for now) the Covenant House, which I already support monthly.

I don’t have any involvement with Vampire Unicorns designs (like I do when I commission artists myself), but I do approve the designs ahead of time just to make sure that there aren’t any conflicts, say with my own merchandize or if my IP is being used in a way that I don’t think suits the series or reflects me. I’m also not involved in the sales or shipping or returns. Please direct those sorts of questions to Vampire Unicorns.

Screenshot of the Dowser Series inspired designs from Vampire Unicorns. I love, love all the T-shirt designs, but the ‘What’s Your Signature Magic’ design is freaking brilliant.

If you are looking to pad your holiday wish list, I’m pretty sure you’ll find something among these pretties. Oh! If you grabbed one of the Spill the Tea 2023 Boxes, I purchased the spell pens from Vampire Unicorns.

Which is your favourite design?

Reminders, a quick update, and other things MCD always forgets to mention multiple times.

Okay! Things you all might want to know/participate in and might miss because I’m terrible at repeating myself and the various social algos and email providers love to control what actually shows up in our feeds and inboxes.

The reminders:

The preorder for the limited-edition PAPERBACKS for [title to be revealed] (Conduit 1) will close on December 2. The final files/final number needs to be to the printers on Dec 4, so that I can get my hands on the paperbacks in time to get them shipped to you!!

Click here for more info about all the limited-editions.

Another Stuff Your Earbuds Day is coming! Yes, on November 30 more than 100+ romance (etc) audiobooks will be available to download for free! But! You need to be signed up for my mailing list/newsletter to get the reminder/link dropped in your inbox on the day (and even then that isn’t a guarantee the email will actually be delivered). I’ll mention it on social media, etc, as well. But not here on my blog.

Following my blog is not the same as subscribing to my newsletter. Different formats, different content.

Here is the direct link to either subscribe or check to see if you are subscribed to my newsletter.

Audiobooks! Dowser 7, 8, and 9 have been uploaded to all the retailers (if you are waiting to buy them via Audible, etc).

Here is a direct link to all the audiobooks that you can buy directly through me (only a couple are missing now … 😉)

The mini update:

Dowser 1 Kickstarter paperbacks/hardcovers: only 17 parcels remain undelivered, and most of those are international (Europe, Australia, etc). The remaining Canadian and USA packages are marked ‘out for delivery’ and have been that way for over two weeks, or they are ‘being held at the post office’, etc. I’m hoping those have actually been delivered. If you are missing your hardcover or paperback, feel free to drop me an email to check on its status (just in case those are actually missing).

With the caveat that thirteen (now eleven) backers never got me their mailing addresses, so obviously I didn’t ship those boxes (yet).

Dowser 1 Kickstarter damaged and/or extra copies: I have a (very) few damaged/extra copies remaining. I will bundle them together into doubles (first), figure out shipping, and post buy links in a Kickstarter update (since the books are technically supposed to be exclusive to the Kickstarter). I hope to send that update tomorrow (but I might try for this afternoon). If they aren’t all purchased fairly quickly, I will make them available to the rest of my readership. I’m offering doubles first because, in all honesty, fewer packages are less work for me. The shipping will also be more expensive because I’m shipping from Canada Post here on my tiny island, not traveling to Vancouver to ship. If the doubles don’t sell (or I have more) I will offer singles. I will TRY to get the packages in the mail in time for them to get to you before the holidays, but I’m still insanely swamped and still can only do my best.

Conduit 1 (in brief):

  • The proofread has been completed (it’s currently sitting in my inbox from Pauline).
  • The book cover design has been finalized (yay!) and the cover designer is working on all the final files, etc. The cover reveal is currently scheduled for Nov 29.
  • Lillie is putting together the bible (for the back of the limited edition).
  • Nicole, Jade, and Kateryna are working on various illustrations. I will get as many of them into the limited-edition versions as possible.
  • Amanda (Eternal Geekery) has designed the chapter heading and one of the maps. She is working on the second map and the page break designs. Then she will design some of the sticker (t-shirt?) designs, etc. Again, as much of this as possible will be in the limited-editions.
  • The narrators (and schedule) have been confirmed for the audiobook – yay! And yes, dual POV means two narrators!! Actually, the book/series has four POVs but the male narrator will voice Rath, Rought, and Reck.
  • Preorders for the regular editions should start going up on all retailers next week.

I’m slightly scared to list all the things I MUST accomplish this week (and next week) so I’m just going to put my head down and try to get it all done. But, before that, because I forced a lot of you to read a bunch of updates and reminders that you already knew about here is a short excerpt for your patience!

[It is exceedingly difficult to find nonspoiler excerpts for this book. But I thought a ‘sweet’ moment, which are few and far between in the Conduit Series (for the Conduit?), might be a good way to start the week – MCD].

His eyes are both green and blue at once.

Tattoos twine around his forearms, decorating the backs of his hands and up his fingers. More black ink teases the edge of his collar, as if trying to creep up his neck.

He doesn’t pause at the base of the front patio steps.

He climbs. One step. Two steps. And now we’re the same height. Then he takes that third step and he’s slightly taller than me. Then one more, still a step lower but towering over me now.

Still holding my gaze, his hand lifts, reaching for me, for my face …

I’m not wearing my sunglasses. I’m the Conduit, standing on a claimed intersection point. I must be radiating power, my eyes glowing purple. Yet he doesn’t hesitate for a moment.

I tip my chin up. 

Am I going to let him kiss me? A total stranger?

His hair is long enough that it curls at the ends. It’s tousled as if he’s been running his fingers through it, not crisp and perfect as if he’s styled it that way.

“Rought!” Presh cries from somewhere near his elbow. “You said you’d behave!”

Rought’s grin widens, but he keeps leaning over me despite his sister’s admonishment. His hand is poised to cup my face, though he doesn’t touch me. He leans close enough that he brushes his cheek along mine, inhaling deeply as he does so.

Scenting me.

Scent-marking me?

Presh shoves at his shoulder. He doesn’t move an inch, but he chuckles — deep and husky — as he shifts back enough to meet my gaze again.

I realize I was wrong about his eyes. Both are an even mixture of green and blue, yes. But both are now also thickly rimmed in burnished gold.

“Zaya Gage,” he says, pure joy laced through his words. As if it delights him to say my name.

I don’t scare him in the least. My violet eyes don’t bother him at all.

“Rought Guerra,” I say, my tone smooth … too smooth? Am I … flirting? “Your reputation precedes you.”

He laughs.

My chest warms, as if he’s the fucking sun and I’m a beleaguered flower.

– Conduit 1, Chapter Ten


Audiobooks: Dowser 7, 8, and 9.

Updated November 29, 2023.

The final trilogy of the Dowser Series, narrated by the freaking perfect Erin Moon, is now available in audiobook! Yay! Currently available to purchase (at a discount) directly from me, and I’ve collected all the retailer links on the dedicated book page (click the name of the book).

Dowser Series audiobooks (via MCD):

Champagne, Misfits, and Other Shady Magic (Dowser 7), narrated by Erin Moon. $10CDN


Misfits, Gemstones, and Other Shattered Magic (Dowser 8), narrated by Erin Moon. $10CDN


Gemstones, Elves, and Other Insidious Magic (Dowser 9), narrated by Erin Moon. $10CDN


All audiobooks available directly from MCD:

Dowser Series

Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1)

Trinkets, Treasures, and Other Bloody Magic (Dowser 2)

Treasures, Demons, and Other Black Magic (Dowser 3)

Shadows, Maps, and Other Ancient Magic (Dowser 4)

Maps, Artifacts, and Other Arcane Magic (Dowser 5)

Artifacts, Dragons, and Other Lethal Magic (Dowser 6)

Champagne, Misfits, and Other Shady Magic (Dowser 7)

Misfits, Gemstones, and Other Shattered Magic (Dowser 8)

Gemstones, Elves, and Other Insidious Magic (Dowser 9)

Oracle Series

I See Me (Oracle 1)

I See You (Oracle 2)

I See Us (Oracle 3)

Reconstructionist Series

Catching Echoes (Reconstructionist 1)

Tangled Echoes (Reconstructionist 2)

Unleashing Echoes (Reconstructionist 3)

Amplifier Series

The Amplifier Protocol (Amplifier 0)

Demons & DNA (Amplifier 1)

Bonds and Broken Dreams (Amplifier 2)

Mystics and Mental Blocks (Amplifier 3)

Idols and Enemies (Amplifier 4)

Instincts and Impostors (Amplifier 5)

Recon Misson: Bee (Amplifier 5.5)

Endings and Empathy (Amplifier 6)

Archivist Series

Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0)

Invoking Infinity (Archivist 1)

Compelling Infinity (Archivist 2)

Coming soon

Conduit 1 – early 2024

Click here for the reading order of the Adept Universe, including downloads, etc.