Amplifier 0: audiobook giveaway

Okay! The Amplifier Protocol (Amplifier 0) (bundled with Close to Home, Amplifier 0.5) is launching a month of giveaways leading up to the release of Idols and Enemies (Amplifier 4) on Sept 29, 2020. YAY!

Cover design by: Gene Mollica Studios Model: Devon Ericksen Narrator: Tia Rider

This is a first-come, first-win deal. The giveaway remains open until all the download codes have been claimed. I’ll give away codes for Demons and DNA (Amplifier 1) next Sunday at 2pm.

If you listen to books via Audible USA (or a country other than the UK, such as Canada), then claim one of the codes below, click the link, and paste the code into the box that appears. You might need to sign in to your account, or create an account if you are new to Audible.

Please comment below and let everyone know which code you took (by number and country).

If you have previously won an audiobook from me, please consider letting others having a chance to win. I have fewer codes for some of the Amplifier books. Thank you – MCD.


Available codes:

  1. ALL REDEEMED as of Sept 1

If you listen to books via AUDIBLE UK (or a country other than the US), then claim one of the codes below, click the link, and paste the code into the box that appears. You might need to sign in to your account, or create an account if you are new to Audible.

Please comment below and let everyone know which code you took (by number and country), I’ll delete the used codes every couple of hours until they are all gone.


Available codes:

  6. MU7ZQYPZE7368
  7. PS36ZXS97RQAN

Did you miss this giveaway? Don’t worry, free codes for Amplifier 1 will go live on Sunday, September 6 at 2pm!

Amplifier 0: Flynn

I’m working my way through the Amplifier books today, making sure all the ‘marketing’ bits are in place as I ready for the upcoming push through to the release of book four (preorder TBA). And I happened upon this scene (and the scene right before), and – once again – blubbered through it. Ugh. So much heartache on the Five’s path to freedom of choice.

We were about three-quarters of the way along the corridor when Flynn unleashed his death curse in the northeast stairwell.

By succumbing to death.

Magic slammed against Fish’s nullifying field. It actually shoved him forward into Knox and Bee.

The concrete floor rumbled under our feet. Anyone in the path of the spell, whatever team was blocking the northeast stairwell and whoever had hit Flynn with the spell that had killed him, wouldn’t be left standing. In fact, based on the light display pulsing across Fish’s shield, I doubted whether the stairwell would even be passable.

A sorcerer of Flynn’s caliber held a lot of magic in his blood, in his life force. Enough to wipe out many enemies.

But then, if you were willing to die to do so, you could wreak a lot of vengeance.

Waiting for the residual to fade before moving, we all turned to look at Zans.

She was standing a couple of steps ahead, head bowed, hands clenched at her sides.

Flynn’s magic faded.

Zans glanced back down the corridor, snarling and laughing at the same time. “I bet that stung them. And I haven’t even gotten started yet.” She pinned her dark gaze to me. “Are you with me, Socks?”

She didn’t have to ask. Truthfully, she really shouldn’t have asked, because there was wild magic embedded in vows — when the words were wielded by those such as us.

“To the end,” I said.

“To the end.” Knox, Bee, and Fish echoed the words behind me.

Magic shifted around us, then settled. We were already tied. By birth, by blood, and by magic. Those bonds might have been forced upon us, but we had no one else. No reason not to die for each other.

The Amplifier Protocol (Amplifier 0)

Amplifier 0 and 0.5: audiobook bundle now available, plus giveaway

The audiobook bundle containing The Amplifier Protocol (Amplifier 0) and Close to Home (Amplifier 0.5) is now available! YAY!

Cover design by: Gene Mollica Studios
Model: Devon Ericksen
Narrator: Tia Rider

The Amplifier Series is narrated by Tia Rider and I absolutely adore her take on Emma/Socks/Amp5. I hope you will enjoy listening as well!!

The Amplifier Protocol (Amplifier 0) – audiobook sample





Fun! Fun!

Reviews are welcomed and very much appreciated.


Would you like to win an audiobook of The Amplifier Protocol (Amplifier 0) and Close to Home (Amplifier 0.5)?

Yes? Yes!

Comment below and let me know why you’re interested in listening to book 0 and 0.5 of the Amplifier Series. For example, a fav character or fav scene or fav situation that you are looking forward to hearing. Or …? Any other reason you like audiobooks! I’ll select THREE winners by random number generator.

Likes and shares are always welcomed and appreciated.

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. But you must be able to download the audiobook from or One entry per person. Three winners will be selected by random number generator. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than to contact the winner. No purchase necessary.

Giveaway closes SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2019 at 8pm PST.

Are you new to the Adept Universe series? Click here for the reading order.

Oh, and full disclosure, the audible links are ‘bounty’ links, so if you aren’t an audible member and you sign up for a membership via one of my links I get a kickback. Just FYI.

Amplifier 0: ebook giveaway

Continuing my random giveaway spree (today I’m celebrating finishing the third draft of Amplifier 3!) I thought I’d give away 10 ecopies of The Amplifier Protocol (Amplifier 0) and Close to Home (Amplifier 0.5).

iPad not included in eBook giveaway, otherwise I wouldn’t have anything to read on! LOL

So! If you haven’t had a chance to start the Amplifier Series, or if you read it while it was on my blog, or you think a friend of yours would enjoy the Amplifier, to enter, simply comment below and I’ll draw ten winners. 🙂

Likes and shares are always welcomed and appreciated.

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. One entry per person. Ten (10) winners will be selected by random number generator. Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than to contact the winner. No purchase necessary.

Giveaway closes SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 , 2019 at 8pm PDT.

Are you new to the Adept Universe? Book one is Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1).

Click here for the reading order of the Adept Universe.

Amplifier 0: early reviews

The Amplifier Protocol (Amplifier 0) and the novelette, Close to Home (Amplifier 0.5) have been officially released into the wilds of all the online retailers for one week today! Paperback version coming very soon!

Thank you to everyone who has read and reviewed, or tagged me with an encouraging note on social media. You all seem to be enjoying the Amplifier offshoot of the Adept Universe so far! YAY!

Here are a few spoiler-free review snippets for any of you who might not had a chance to read the new book yet:

5 stars – love this– What an awesome wordsmith! Meghan Ciana Doidge has given us a wonderful taste of a continuation of the Adept world. I love Socks and look forward to more of her stories!!!! – reviewer from Amazon USA

5 stars – Awesome job– Always keeps me on the edge of my seat! Another great story from Adept universe! Ms. Doidge never dissatisfies! I am very much looking forward to the next Amplifier!– reviewer from Amazon USA

5 stars – Fantastic!– Absolutely fab. I’ve pre ordered the next as I can’t wait to see where it goes. Brilliant. – reviewer from Amazon UK

5 stars – Great kick off to the new series– Once again MCD has pulled me into her magical world from page one. I am so excited for the ride that this series is sure to be. – reviewer from Barnes & Noble

5 stars – This new series is promising to be outstanding!– This prequel is excellent with action right from page one. I can’t wait for the rest of the series! – reviewer from Goodreads

Cover design by: Gene Mollica Studios
Model: Devon Ericksen

Are you new to the Adept Universe? Book one is Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1). Click here for the entire reading order.

Amplifier 0: cover reveal

Book cover from the crazy talented Gene Mollica Studios. Model: Devon Ericksen.

Chapter One, Part One releases on January 8, 2019

They called me an amplifier. And they had bred me, raised me, and trained me to be a killer with preternatural precision. I was capable of taking, holding, and transferring power that wasn’t my own with a simple touch. Skin-to-skin contact. Along with four others of my generation, I could infiltrate any magical organization, extracting whoever or whatever I’d been ordered to extricate. Then I could destroy all evidence of our passing presence.

They had made me. They directed me. Controlled me.

Then they tried to kill me.


This short novel (40k) will be shared with readers through the blog every Tuesday and Thursday starting Tuesday, January 8, 2019. Subscribe to the blog so you don’t miss a single post!! The book will then be released on all retailers.

Amplifier 0: synopsis

A page from MCD’s notebook …

They called me an amplifier. And they had bred me, raised me, and trained me to be a killer with preternatural precision. I was capable of taking, holding, and transferring power that wasn’t my own with a simple touch. Skin-to-skin contact. Along with four others of my generation, I could infiltrate any magical organization, extracting whoever or whatever I’d been ordered to extricate. Then I could destroy all evidence of our passing presence.

They had made me. They directed me. Controlled me.

Then they tried to kill me.

The Amplifier Protocol (Amplifier 0)

Coming January 8, 2019

Amplifier 0: A murder of sorcerers.

A cluster of sorcerers had fortified the doors to the stairwell, and likely the entire staircase leading down to the fourth level. Evidentially I hadn’t fooled anyone as to my objective.

A murder of sorcerers. Not a cluster. Bee’s presence brushed through my mind. She laughed, quietly deadly.

“Helpful,” I muttered, risking a glance down the long, straight hall. Looking for possible egresses, or anything I could use for shelter. There were none, which I’d already known But double checking never hurt.

A red laser sight bloomed on the wall above my head. I was crouched — the gun-toting extraction team were aiming for where my head should be. I retreated a couple steps, running the floor plan in my head. I could backtrack. But, since they knew where I was going, eliminating the other four while they were trapped in their rooms was most likely being discussed.

A botched attempt on my life was one thing. Perhaps the heart attack Macy had planned to induce was supposed to look like a complication from my wounds. But murdering the others without a traceable kill order was going to be difficult to justify.

Still, time was of the essence.

– The Amplifier Protocol, Amplifier 0, second draft