Happy December 1st!
Last year we decided – because we really can’t have a tree in our small space – that we would make Advent calendars and fill them with little treats for each other. It took us a couple of months to cobble together all the materials, but last night we blasted Christmas music, sipped hot chocolate, and put the finishing touches on these:
Mine – sneakily filled by Michael – is hung over the gable beside the fridge with a doubled red velvet ribbon (because we didn’t want to nail it up.) I bought the antique frame years ago on Main Street in Vancouver. It usually hangs in my office.
And Michael’s – sneakily filled by me – displayed on our fridge. [Some of the magnets are slightly weak, so we’ll replace them next year].
We are pretty pleased with our efforts and I believe I shall annoy everyone for the next 23 days by posting the contents of mine every single day on Instagram and Twitter.
Our process (in pictures):

And, finally, all that work for a tasty reward every day until Christmas:

ETA (2017): we bought the metal tins from Uline. They have a bunch of different sizes. Ours are the 2 x 1.5 inch.