In which I get bamboozled.

I just wandered into the kitchen to find Michael playing Tetris with the fridge freezer.

“Wow,” I said, seriously impressed that he’d taken the time to divide the turkey mushroom casserole into individual meals and portion out the turkey pot pie filling.

“We have a lot of food,” he said, grunting with effort. “I’m trying to get it to all fit.”

“Oh,” I said, blindly walking into his trap. “Maybe we should take something out.”

“Good idea. How about this?” Michael grabbed a green Tupperware container, popping it open to reveal the very last Clarity in a Cup*. “Oh,” he said, utterly blithely. “Only one left.”

So yeah. That’s how Michael just tried to steal the last cupcake in the house.

I got the final word though. Just as I was exiting the kitchen and dashing out to the office, I said, “we’ll halve it at coffee break.”


*Clarity in a Cup will release in my newsletter, Cupcakes, Chocolate, and Other Magical Musings on November 1, 2016. If you aren’t a subscriber yet, you can sign up here.