Adept Universe Bible: Mory’s sketches

Morana “Mory” Novak: Necromancer. Soul seer. Junior specialist for the witches’ Convocation. The wielder’s necromancer. Purple hair, naturally ash brown. With shades of blue in Dowser 7. In Oracle 3, it was sunset-dyed. In Misfits 1, her hair is a deep purple streaked with pink and light blue. Large dark brown eyes, round cheeks, short and petite. “Pixie-like.” Brother: Rusty (d). Mother: Danica. Father was a witch, descended from the founding members of the Godfrey coven, who died before she was born. DOB: February 8, 1998. 15 years old in Dowser 2, 19 in Dowser 7, 21 in Misfits 1. Obsessed with knitting. Lives in a weathered cream-colored Georgian manor in Shaughnessy, with a laurel hedge, wrought iron fence, marble entrance way, massive library, and eight bedrooms. Empty pool, and an overgrown yard. Apprenticed to Pearl, head of the Convocation. Graduated the Academy in 2019. Best friends with Burgundy, witch. According to Jade, her magic tastes like toasted marshmallows with a candied violet undertone. Objects of power: a heavy linked silver chain and thinner flat-linked gold chain, with a jade stone in a cage made from gold bangles, made by Jade, and modified into a coin-ladened necklace by Dowser 7. Dead red-eared slider named Ed, animated with Mory’s power and further enhanced when Jade bled all over him in Dowser 9. Knitting needles that amplify her own ability to wield soul magic.

Mory first appeared in Trinkets, Treasures, and Other Bloody Magic (Dowser 2) as well as the other books in the Dowser series. She narrates the first novella in Graveyards, Visions, and Other Things that Byte (Dowser 8.5), and is the main character in Misplaced Souls (Misfits 1).

Mory. Necromancer. Soul Seer. On her favourite tombstone in Mountain View Cemetery aka her claimed territory. With Ed. Swathed in knitting. Sketch by Memo.
Mory. Necromancer. Soul Seer. Knitting forever after. Wearing her T-shirt designed by Kandy. Sketch by Memo.
Mory. Necromancer. Soul Seer. Wearing her favourite red poncho with the beaded fringe. With Ed. Sketch by Memo.
Ed. Mory’s undead familiar. Capable of turning himself invisible at will, but definitely not a jumper. Likes to wear a mouse skull as a hat. Sketch by Memo.
Mory’s necklace. A magical artifact that protects her from malicious magic (or intent), created by Jade. Sketch by Memo.

Misfits 1: wallpapers: Mory & Ed

Memo, the illustrator who is working on the sketches for the Adept Universe bible, made some wallpapers of Mory and Ed from Misplaced Souls (Misfits 1). She formatted each of the following images for Android, iPhone X, older Phone, and tablet/desktop. Clicking on the corresponding link below each sketch should take you to the full-sized image, and there you can download it to your computer/phone/tablet.

Well, in theory … so let’s give it a try!

Mory with Ed!! Sketch by Memo.

Click on the link for: Android, iPhone X, older iPhone, Tablet/Desktop (landscape).

Mory knitting. Sketch by Memo.

Click on the link for: Android, iPhone X, older iPhone, Tablet/Desktop (landscape).

Ed!! Sketch by Memo

Click on the link for: Android, iPhone X, older iPhone, Tablet/Desktop (landscape).

I pulled some ‘How To’s’ off the web as well, but please do a little Googling if you need more help (I’m not a tech guru by any means):

How to download an image onto my Android device.

How to download an image onto my iPhone. < this is a really old article but I believe it still works.

How to download an image onto my desktop.

Feel free to share these images on your social media pages as well. You can use the tags: #AdeptUniverse or #MisfitsOfTheAdeptUniverse #MeghanCianaDoidge, etc, etc.

Misplaced Souls (Misfits of the Adept Universe 1) releases tomorrow (April 14, 2020)!!

Misfits 1: A snippet of Ed

As I was working through my final read of Misfits 1 (before sending it to the proofreader), this made me smile:

Ed was perched on the edge of Tony’s desk, looking as though he was contemplating leaping off to get to me. He was wearing what appeared to be a tiny pirate hat on his head. I peered closer. The hat had been meticulously folded out of a bubblegum wrapper and secured with an elastic band.

“Tony,” I groaned.

Tony swiveled, glancing at Ed, then at me, grinning. “He likes it.”

–Misplaced Souls (Misfits of the Adept Universe 1)

Ed – the undead red-earred slider familiar of a necromancer (aka Mory) – from the Dowser and the Misfits of the Adept Universe series. Illustration by Memo (Instagram)