Haoxin – guardian dragon. Aka one of the Nine. Territory: North America. American accent. Petite and curvy. Tan. Blue eyes. Slightly turned in eye teeth. Straight blonde hair (wavy in Archivist 0). Adores silk dresses in shades of blue, teal, and green. Carries a katana. Keeps an army-green Jeep Wrangler in Alberta. Likes espresso. Appears to be in her twenties but is 100+ years old. Accepted the mantle of Haoxin aka ‘Reckless and Adventurous’ in 2012 (one year prior to Dowser 3) from her mother. Youngest of the guardians. She can expand and contract her physical form. According to Jade, her magic tastes like sweet creamy tomatoes with a hint of basil.
Resides in the Nexus. Her family is from San Francisco, where she also maintains a penthouse apartment. Nexus door: cedar carved in a First Nations design.
T-shirt designed by Kandy: (featured in Dowser 8) heathered blue with white text, “Fueled by coffee. And epic mystical powers.”
Haoxin first appeared in Dowser 2, then again in Dowser 3 and Dowser 6. Featured in Dowser 8, Dowser 9, and Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0). She also has a fun cameo in Idols and Enemies (Amplifier 4).
Pronunciation: HAWK-SIN (but the K is soft) or click to listen to audio.