Michael: *knocking on the window of the kitchen door*
Me: *making a hot chocolate, calling through the window* Yes? Did you want to come in?
Michael: Yes.
Meghan: Through this door?
Michael: Yes.
Meghan: Even though you just left through that door? *gestures toward the door on the other side of the tiny cabin* You want me to come over and unlock this door and let you in?
Michael: Yes.
Meghan: *takes three steps, unlocks, and opens door* You just wanted me to do some sort of work today.
Michael: *grinning* Nope. I just wanted to tell you to not use that door. *points* See that piece of wood, blocking the door?
Meghan: so … don’t use the other door?
Michael: Don’t use that door.
Meghan: Like, never again?
Michael: Never, ever again. Is there anything else you’d like me to break while I’m at it?
Meghan *thoughtfully* well … not this door, because then we’d have to climb in and out of the house through the bathroom window.

BTW. In the time is has taken me to write this post, the offending piece of wood is no longer blocking the door. So apparently Michael completely lied about the ‘never again’ thing. 😂