Mirth, Part 2: Chapter 1, Part 1

By reader request (šŸ˜˜) I’ve made Mirth, Part 2 available for preorder direct from me. Because I haven’t spent the time to figure out how to charge in multiple currencies (yet), the book is more expensive for my fellow Canadians (sorry!), as well as Austrailians and New Zealanders. For US and UK-based readers depending on the exchange rate, it might be slightly less expensive for you to preorder through me. Again, I see more of your hard-earned cash if you order through me, but I totally understand purchasing through a fav retailer (or if you already preordered)!!


Not even twenty-four hours after I walked away from my own matchmaking event, Iā€™m sliding out of the converted classic Rolls-Royce Phantom that I absconded with from my fatherā€™s collection of cars. With a brief stop for some food and to stretch our legs, Roz and I have driven all the way from Waterfell Castle, my fatherā€™s seat of power, to Prague. 

And yes, this pampered princess can actually drive. Fleeing kidnapping or assassination attempts would be rather difficult if I couldnā€™t, according to the head of the royal guard. Though Anne, my fatherā€™s chosen mate, had seriously freaked out when Raoul got my brother Armin and me both learning to ride motorcycles even while we were technically too young to have our licenses. Raoul and Anne hadnā€™t been bonded then, as they are now with each other, my father, and Eleanor ā€” the two of them exchanging bites in the shifter way. And Anne had pretty much lost her mind seeing us grapple with bikes far too big for us.

Speaking of disgruntled protectors, my royal guard, Roz, slams the passenger door shut and crosses around to the front of the car to join me. Even while doing more than her share of the driving, my combat mage has had her lips perpetually pressed together in disapproval the whole trip. Ignoring the fact that I could have wandered off without notifying her at all, as I had done countless times before, trailing in Arminā€™s wake. Granted, he and I didnā€™t usually drive partway across Europe without letting anyone know where we were.

Itā€™s midmorning. Weā€™ve arrived earlier than I planned. Though the former estate is set on the edge of the city, the sound of the bustling metropolis is muted by the tall walls and the even taller, ancient-looking trees sporadically growing all across the front of the property.

Roz sweeps a dark-eyed gaze around the mostly empty visitor car park, then scans the ostentatious brick building set back on the property.

The Prague Phrontistery. Well, the main building, at least.

ā€œItā€™s still spring break,ā€ I say, only slightly exasperated as I retrieve my black designer backpack from the back seat. ā€œThey have security.ā€ We had to cross through the wards at the gates.

Roz only grunts in response. Her thumbs are already flying over her phone as she sends out updates, most likely to my other personal royal guard, Greg, as well as their supervisor. The cat shifter is still in London at my request. Getting a phone to the children, Tommy and Kitty, whom Iā€™ve inadvertently ā€” and possibly inappropriately ā€” taken under my protection. I should know the name of Greg and Rozā€™s royal guard supervisor, but I donā€™t. Though I have a sense that Roz might report directly to Raoul. 

ā€œThe guard at the gate didnā€™t even ask you for ID,ā€ Roz says sourly, not looking up from her phone. ā€œAnd heā€™s new since we did our last security checks.ā€

ā€œWell, thatā€™s probably a good thing,ā€ I say casually. ā€œSince I donā€™t actually have any ID. In the traditional sense.ā€

Roz throws me a look. I just grin at her, then deliberately point to my thick-framed black designer sunglasses, indicating the purple-hued eyes hidden behind those vintage shades more than the glasses themselves.

She grimaces, her own dark-brown eyes only partially shaded behind sleek aviators. ā€œSorry. Weā€™ve never traveled like this before.ā€ She sweeps a hand down her body. Sheā€™s not in her royal guard uniform. Her casual outfit ā€” dark jeans, leather jacket over a thin sweater, and kick-ass boots ā€” was what she was wearing when I gave her exactly no notice before I stole the car.

In my defense, I was rather ā€¦ distracted.

Right after I stole Arminā€™s ashes from my fatherā€™s study.

Right after I realized all the ramifications ā€” or at least all the ones I hadnā€™t already spelled out for myself ā€” of being my fatherā€™s only heir. All the reasons that I needed to accept and bond with a well-established bond group. I would need to help my father hold the intersection point. I would need to be grounded and steady enough to hold that point myself when the time comes. Because an imbalanced intersection point has worldwide ramifications. Itā€™s a massive responsibility. One I was born and bred to undertake.

Honestly, giving Roz any notice at all was rather generous of me. Especially given that I took off from Lake Thun Castle without her, forcing her to race after me to Waterfell.

I sling my backpack over both shoulders. Itā€™s comfortingly heavy. Anchoring. Still, it seems as though carrying a marble urn around in a backpack should be disconcerting. 

Iā€™m wearing a black cashmere-and-wool duster that falls to my lower calves and comes with a glorious cowl hood, over perfectly stretchy, straight-legged dark-wash jeans. The duster is more of a coat than a sweater, and Iā€™ve layered it over a cobweb-thin, long-sleeved, tight-fitting sweater, then paired the entire outfit with sleek, square-toe ankle boots with a generous heel. I had found the entire outfit in prettily wrapped boxes in my rooms at Waterfell and thrown it on before I left. Clearly, the clothing was another courting gift from Sully, either sent to the castle before or during the matchmaking event so I wouldnā€™t be overwhelmed by too many gifts from him all at once.

And yes, despite leaving Sully and all my other suitors behind without a more formal goodbye, I greedily accepted the absolutely perfect outfit.

My heirloom pearl necklace lies warm against my skin. Arminā€™s emerald ring weighs down my right hand. But I already know Iā€™m no longer the princess to whom both were gifted years ago. Iā€™m also not all shiny and new.

Iā€™m floating in the becoming between my recent past and my near present.

And that is ā€¦ okay. I can slow down ā€” my mind, my heart. I can take the time to ā€¦ grieve. Hopefully in a healthier way than Iā€™ve been doing so far. If only for the few days I promised my father.

ā€“ Mirth, Part 2, Chapter 1, Part 1




The Mirth duology is set in the Conduit World. While itā€™s not necessary to read all the interconnected series, the ideal reading order is as follows:

Adult 18+ While choice vs. duty is a strong theme in the Mirth duology, Mirth doesnā€™t have to choose between her suitors, and theyā€™re more than happy to lend a helping hand to each other as well.

Mirth, Part One: PR Box giveaway

Ahem, why yes, I wanted to have this all together for release day … but better late than never?? This is the exact box (only missing a couple of extra touches, not pictured below) that I would put together as a PR Box. I thought it might be fun for one of my readers to win it. šŸ˜

Book Cover designed and hand-lettered by Alicia (aka @CheekyLettering)
Scenery illustration by Kateryna Vitkovska
Character Illustrations by Nicole Deal

Are you interested in winning an autographed paperback of Mirth, Part 1? A set of seven character/art postcards? A peaches and cream soy candle hand-poured by MCD? And a bookplate? [Plus one more adorable addition that I don’t have my hands on yet].


To enter,Ā comment on this blog post with your favourite quote or moment from Mirth, Part One!

Notes/Rules: OPEN INTERNATIONALLY. One entry per person. One winner will be selected by random number generator. Only entries that follow the stated requirements will be valid (i.e. it must be an actual quote/fav scene, not just a copy/paste of the synopsis, etc). Email addresses are not collected for any purpose other than to contact the winner. No purchase necessary ā€“ all my books are available for free via your local library. The comments are moderated. I will approve your entry just as soon as I have a moment to do so.

Giveaway closes SUNDAY, AUGUST 18, 2024 at 8 pm PDT.

Mirth: Rian Callaghan

Rian Callaghan. Wolf shifter. Horse Trainer/Breeder. Character illustration by Nicole Deal (@nicole.deal.art).

Content Note: language.

Heā€™s not rescuing me.

Heā€™s protecting the horse still dancing and snorting in the ring. Protecting Perseus from me.

My energy is so volatile that a stranger thinks that I would harm ā€”

Shifting his hands from my upper arms, he presses his forearm across my chest, leaning into me and finally switching to slightly accented English. ā€œWhat the fuck were you thinking? Trying to ride him in the dark? Do you want to die? Do you want him to kill you? Do you want to be responsible for his death when he breaks a fucking leg?ā€

Thatā€™s too many questions to answer. Even if I had the answers.

ā€œLook at him! The ears, the eyes!ā€ the enraged figure spits madly. ā€œHeā€™s scared of whatever the fuck youā€™re trying to do in the middle of the fucking night.ā€

Realizing that my arms are free to move and that the ground is once again solid under my feet ā€” as if my mind is still checked out, still expecting the death blow I saw coming and did nothing to thwart ā€” I finally shove my hair out of my face.

I look at Perseus in the ring.

I look and see everything Iā€™ve willfully ignored.

My rescuer eases back, slowly removing his arm from across my upper chest and muttering a disconcerted, ā€œFuck, fuck ā€¦ā€ under his breath.

I stay pressed up against the side of the stable, knowing Iā€™ve fucked up and not really wanting to face it. Cowardly, yes. Except ā€¦

Iā€™m no longer coming out of my skin.

As stupid and reckless as my actions might be, I feel invigorated for the first time in months.

So I meet the strangerā€™s gaze.

Heā€™s fucking gorgeous. In that way that only a pretty boy transitioning into a grown man can be. 

Sharp jawed, wide green eyes, slashes of prominent cheekbones, medium-brown skin flushed with health. Full lips. Straight teeth. A shifter of some sort.

Heā€™s holding his hands up now, his gaze flicking between my eyes and my left shoulder.

Because he canā€™t remember if itā€™s okay to look royalty in the eyes? Or because heā€™s noticed the purple hue to my gaze?

His palms face forward placatingly. No, pleadingly.

Heā€™s just realized who I am.

Who heā€™s pinned up against the side of a stable.

Putting unwanted hands on me is technically punishable by death. As in, thereā€™s an actual archaic law covering that, still logged in some ancient tome in my fatherā€™s study.

ā€œYour Highness ā€¦ā€ he murmurs, his tone gentle as if waiting for me to bite back. To lash out with whatever my purple eyes declare I can do.

I am, however, not my fatherā€™s child in essence. Not like Armin was.

ā€œHave I ā€¦ā€ He stammers as he continues, ā€œI didnā€™t know ā€¦ I would never hurt ā€¦ā€

A slow, wide grin spreads across my face. Iā€™m all riled up, but invigorated rather than desperate now ā€” and Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ve ever been so struck by someone in my life. Attraction is usually a slow sort of burn for me.

Confusion mars his perfect fucking brow, and he swallows hard.

Maybe heā€™ll be less pretty in the daylight. But as inappropriate as the impulse is, Iā€™m moments away from asking him to press me against the side of the stable again. Even if it doesnā€™t go anywhere sexual, just being ā€¦ dominated? No, that isnā€™t the right word, not the right feeling. 

Just being out of control of my own body, my own choices, even for just a moment was ā€¦ freeing? But not in a destructive way.

His hands and guidance are forceful, but not ā€” 

A soft smile finally overtakes his confusion, possibly because heā€™s noticed Iā€™m still just staring at him and still smiling myself. As if Iā€™m shocked dumb by his beauty, by our abrupt ā€¦ introduction.

And maybe I am.

ā€“ Grand Romantic Delusions and the Madness of Mirth,Ā Part One

Mirth: Princess Euphrosyne

[I just realized I hadn’t shared this illustration here, and I need it for the Extras and Freebies page šŸ˜][it is also in the limited-edition eBook of Mirth, Part One].

Her Royal Higness Princesss Euphrosyne. Aka Mirth. Awry. Heir to the United European Nation. Character illustration by Nicole Deal (@nicole.deal.art).

CONTENT NOTE: language

The door to the suite opens. Anne hustles in. Sheā€™s wearing a light-gold full-length wrap-style silk dress. She pauses just inside the door, blinking at me, then taking in Sully, then Bolan.

ā€œOh,ā€ she finally says. ā€œGood. Sully. Youā€™ll help Mirth get into her dress? Mimi and Tavi have been roped into service by the Mertons. Apparently, our lack of ability to house all the staff they would have preferred to bring is ā€¦ irksome.ā€

No titles in private. No formalities.

Unless I impose them.

But only after I explicitly lift those protocols in the first place.

That was Sullyā€™s point. About protocol.

ā€œYes, of course.ā€ Sully grins widely and wickedly. ā€œWhy else would I be in Her Royal Highnessā€™s suite?ā€

Anne huffs, playfully pleased. ā€œI have your father waiting to escort you,ā€ she says to me.

ā€œEscort me?ā€ I echo, abruptly displeased.

ā€œWeā€™ll go straight through to dinner,ā€ Anne says, ignoring my tone. ā€œThe rest of the guests will start arriving around nine for the ball.ā€

ā€œOf course,ā€ I say. I did know that already, but apparently Iā€™m still having issues with holding everything in my head all at once. As if new information is at constant war with the continual grief and the continual state of overwhelm.

Anne casts a look over all three of us again, then smirks. ā€œTen minutes. Or Iā€™ll send in the twins.ā€

Sully raises his hands in surrender.

Anne steps back the way she came, snagging the door closed.

ā€œWell, this is going to be a blast,ā€ Bolan says sarcastically.

ā€œIt will be awful to do sober,ā€ Sully says blithely over his shoulder.

ā€œFuck you, asshole.ā€

ā€œNot today. But I do like it when you beg.ā€

I huff, spinning away from them both.

Sully attempts to follow me, but stops instantly at my snapped, ā€œNo!ā€

Bolanā€™s laughter follows me back through to my bedroom, then beyond the door that I slam in my wake.

I put on the decadently voluminous silk ballgown skirt and the beaded bustier. Then I carefully slip a diamond-crusted platinum coronet into my perfectly coiffed hair.

Because if they want a fucking princess, Iā€™ll give them a fucking princess.

ā€“ Grand Romantic Delusions and the Madness of Mirth, Part One

Mirth: Waterfell Castle

Waterfell Castle from the Mirth duology. Scenery illustration by Kateryna Vitkovska.

The early morning is dark, cloud shrouded, though a half moon intermittently shimmers through thinner patches of that cloud. Tiny flakes of snow filter down from the otherwise starless sky. Not even a hint of the pending sunrise tinges the horizon as I slip out a side door. I immediately dart across the short yard to half-jog down the narrow stone stairway that twists down from the cliff on which the towering edifice of Waterfell Castle is perched. Kilometers away, deep in a valley nestled between neighboring peaks, I glimpse the faint, sporadic lights that emanate from the nearest town, before the path at the bottom of the stairway abruptly changes direction. 

The few castle guards, both mages and shifters, patrolling the various ramparts and posted in the towers above ignore me. Not that I look back.

My breath comes out in chilled puffs.

Tiny mage lights trigger as I descend, situated at ankle height so as not to compromise my sight. If I were a null without the ability to actively wield essence, Iā€™d be stumbling around in the dark.

Despite my light sensitivity, Iā€™ve never been much of a fan of the dark. Though curling up on a winterā€™s eve next to a fire with a book, sipping a hot chocolate, and reading by candlelight is a hazy memory ā€¦

Or possibly an unrequited dream.

Before that stupid kiss. Before he shoved me away with pure pain etched across his face, as if I ā€¦ as if my touch was ā€¦ is ā€¦

I resolve to shred that stupid list of names the moment I get back to my rooms. I wasnā€™t thinking ā€¦ in fact, Iā€™m still not certain I moved the pen of my own volition. I never would have rationally chosen to put his name down.

He belongs to Armin more than me, anyway.


Past tense.

I canā€™t remember the last time I managed to maintain any level of rationality, not even for a full day. Was it the day before I felt my chest crack open and my soul sunder? While I attended some fucking charity event, commenting on the pretty fucking flowers and smiling at children, even as I wondered why my chest was hurting and my texts were going unanswered. Assuming the entire time that Armin had gone on a bender or was romancing someone new for the weekend instead of checking in with me. A rare but occasional occurrence when he needed ā€¦ when he needed to run ā€¦

Just as I now practically ran, tripping down the path, through the snowy early morning.

Had I still been rational as I raced to the mountain township to identify my brother? Before I found him so ā€¦ empty, and still. So silent.

Armin. Armin was even more trapped than I am. 

Or rather, more trapped than I used to be. But never as trapped as I am now.

Because my father never would have forced Armin to choose bond mates only six months after my death. Armin would have been granted more time.

ā€“ Grand Romantic Delusions and the Madness of Mirth, Part One [excerpt from Chapter Two]







MCD’s Book Club update, plus other little bits of news

Hello, my lovelies! Just a quick update with a lot of links.

MCD’s Fav Things: Book Club

July:Ā The Last Wolf (The Legend of All Wolves 1) by Maria Vale.

CANADA:Ā https://amzn.to/4cmuhlC
USA:Ā https://amzn.to/4cjCPtp
UK:Ā https://amzn.to/4bpdFZg

Genre: Paranormal Romance. Series (5 books) Complete (POV shifts).

A Conversation and a Hot Chocolate with Maria Vale: July 27, 2024 at 2pm PT. Join the guest list for the live zoom: https://forms.gle/4vEeH2TqLC2D8Upd6 (instructions and link will be emailed three days ahead)(also these lists don’t roll over, you must sign up every month, pretty please).

Join the discussion in MCD’s Adepts Discord.

Giveaway (see paperback above): drop a question in the discord (there is a thread under July) or in the chat during the live zoom event to enter to win the autographed paperback and bookmark.

A Conversation and a Hot Chocolate with Hailey EdwardsĀ – video now available!

Follow me on YouTube if you don’t want to miss any other videos (though I will try to post here as well). This is an edited version of the live Zoom event, with fewer puppy interruptions, disarray, amusing tangents, and much less cackling.

June Giveaway: Kat won the autographed paperback of How To Live and Undead Life!

Other news (in brief):

By request, I just updated this post about ‘Vancouver according to the Adept Universe’ to include a bunch of my current favs (scroll down):

Mirth, Part One: update

I’m awaiting the six character portraits from Nicole Deal for the limited edition eBook, but otherwise, the main book is all formatted and ready to go! The paperback will be available on release day as well (and the cover is sooo pretty!!). I’m implementing my social media blackout protocols and devoting next week to finishing the novelette that will be included in the limited edition eBook.


R&R Tours is handling the Release Day Blitz. If you’re an influencer or booksgrammer, please contact Shannon (and/or sign up to be a tour host). And just to avoid confusion, this isn’t about reviews (thank you in advance to all my lovely readers who take the time to leave them for me!!) it’s about having an active booksgram or tiktok, etc, that is focused on books/reading.

Okay … I’m sure there is more … there is always more … LOL … but I can’t think of anything else right now …

I hope you are all well!!