Monthly Newsletter: Feb 2018 – cancelled

Sorry, as you might have noticed already, there is no newsletter from me in your inbox this morning. I was planning to ‘launch’ the new T-shirt designs from Dowser 7 but the final test prints haven’t even shipped (three weeks and counting) so apparently whatever annoying curse I have going with T-shirts is still holding strong. Oh, well. It will eventually sort itself out.

Anyway, I didn’t want to clutter your inboxes without any new or exclusive content, so I’ve decided to skip the February newsletter. I’ll try to get my act together in March … with something that doesn’t hinge on T-shirts being available. Promise.

To make it up to you I’ll be posting a paperback giveaway for Dowser 7 later on today. Yay!

Have no idea what I’m talking about? Click here to subscribe to my monthly newsletter (which is separate from the new release mailing list).