First egg!

We moved to Salt Spring Island last September on an adventure. As this adventure unfolded, I decided I would like chickens for the garden … why not dive in? And, yes, going to the Fall Fair might have had something to do with this sudden desire.

So chicks aren’t particularly easy to source in the fall, but Heidi from Greendale Heritage Farms had some Black Copper Marans and Blue-Laced Red Wyandottes that she’d hatched for her own breeding program and decided to sell to us on October 16, 2014.

And so it began. From the little chicks we were worried about keeping warm during the ferry trip home to this:

First pullet egg from our Blue-Laced Red Wyandotte Splash hens
First pullet egg from our Blue-Laced Red Wyandotte Splash hens. She laid just perfectly in the nesting box – first try! Though for some reason she removed all the straw first.

I admit I squealed a little and made Michael run back to the house for his phone (for pictures).

First pullet egg
First pullet egg and the coop
The flock
The flock. Two Blue-Laced Red Wyandotte Splash pullets, One BLRW Splash Cockerel, and two Black Copper Maran tucked in the corner.

And one tasty medium-soft boiled egg with a touch of salt:

Soft boiled egg

So that was today’s new experience. Life is ever changing.