Guess who just realized that she’d never shared Nicole Deal‘s amazing illustration of Ravine on her blog and therefore couldn’t link to it under Extras and Freebies? Me. That’s who. *shakes head at self* Thankfully the illustration also appears in the book!

Ravine’s bright-blue gaze was riveted to me. Then she smirked. “I can be powerful too, Dusk.” She tightened her grip on the crown.
I caught Prince’s frown from the corner of my eye.
The metal mage raised the crown, deliberately holding it over her head.
“No!” Prince shouted. “You aren’t powerful enough.”
He lunged for her, though I was already certain he couldn’t actually take the crown from Ravine without permission. That was why he’d released her from his beguilement. Magic had rules, in all dimensions.
Ravine placed the crown on her head.
– Excerpt from Compelling Infinity (Archivist 2)
Are you new to the Archivist Series? The first book is Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0). Are you new to the Adept Universe? Book one is Cupcakes, Trinkets, and Other Deadly Magic (Dowser 1) or click here for the full reading order.