Archivist Series: Dusk and Sisu

As I’ve mentioned before, I commissioned illustrations from Nicole Deal for each of the Archivist series novels. Of which I have three planned for 2021 release. I’m so, so pleased that I was able to convince Nicole to work with me because it has been a total blast so far.

I’ve had the first of the illustrations (as well as Nicole’s earlier sketches) open on my desktop while writing Archivist 1 and it’s been so inspiring to catch glimpses of Dusk and Sisu while shaping and refining the story/series!!

Dusk and Sisu from the Archivist Series by Meghan Ciana Doidge. Illustration by Nicole Deal.

You will find Nicole’s absolutely striking take on Dusk and Sisu tucked between Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 of Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0). It will be in full-colour in the eBook version (unless your eReader doesn’t do colour) and grayscale in the paperback.

Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0) is available for preorder on all retailers. The book releases on March 2, 2021. [SOON!!]


Are you new to the Adept Universe? Click here for the reading order. Or click here for the Welcome! sequence.