Suanmi: guardian dragon. Aka one of the nine. Aka the Fire Breather. Territory: Western Europe. Rumored to have taken Jiaotu (as well as his father) as a lover, possibly centuries ago. Drake’s guardian. Dark hair, usually in a bun. Pale skin. Golden-flecked hazel eyes. French accent. Loves vintage Chanel, and red-soled Louboutins. But is terrifying in her shiny black samurai gear and known to wield an extra long katana. The Fire Breather can literally immolate a demon with a single whisper (see Dowser 3). Looks 45 but is actually 600+ years old (older than Pulou but younger than Bixi). According to Jade, her magic tastes like chocolate cream-filled eclairs and toasted hazelnuts with a finish of whiskey.
Resides in the nexus. Nexus door: embossed fleurs-de-lis cast of yellow gold.
Suanmi first appeared in Trinkets, Treasures, and Other Bloody Magic (Dowser 2), then again in Dowser 3, 4, 6, and Dowser 7. She is featured in the Archivist Series, having already made an appearance in Awakening Infinity (Archivist 0) and soon to be seen in Invoking Infinity (Archivist 1).
Pronunciation: sue-ann-me