Anthony “Tony” Talbot: Tech Sorcerer. Exceedingly skilled in pattern recognition. When amplified by his sister Gabby, he can generate a magical electrical pulse. 20 in Misfits 1. Shaggy medium brown hair. Light brown skin. Thick glasses he rarely wears. Favours jeans, gamer t-shirts, and sneakers. Looks like his mom. Shorter than his brother Liam. Son of Angelica and Stephan. Brother of Gabby, Peggy, and Bitsy. Rarely leaves his tech lair aka his parents’ basement. Works for the witches’ Convocation. Mentor: Jasmine. Objects of power: builds and programs his own tech, computers, phones, etc.
Tony first appeared in Champagne, Misfits, and Other Shady Magic (Dowser 7) as well as Dowser 8, 8.5, and 9. He is a supporting character in Misplaced Souls (Misfits of the Adept Universe 1).