If you haven’t been following the drama of #windstorm2018 via my Facebook or Twitter feed, the short version is that we are now on day five of a massive power outage and the holidays don’t even remotely resemble our regular traditions – absolutely no baking has been done!! We will attempt to make seafood chowder and garlic bread on the wood stove tonight. And it looks like – barring a Christmas miracle – that we will also be roasting the turkey on the barbecue tomorrow. Michael wants our Christmas morning blueberry cinnamon buns despite the lack of a mixmaster and the need to bake on the BBQ. We shall see.

So! Normally to celebrate the season I would have shared a new recipe, a holiday favourite, on my blog, but I will have to make do with a short list of recipes shared from other years:
- from December 2015 – Rustic Butter Tarts
- from March 2017 (mentioning this because I’m going to make some for Michael on the wood stove this afternoon. Well … fingers crossed.) – White Chocolate Bark
- from December 2017 – Naniamo Bars
- and, of course, the recently released Blitzen in a Cup
What are your favourite holiday baked goods?
Since I’m not in the position to be shopping/wrapping gifts/baking/hosting a holiday party (we had to cancel ours) this year I decided to top up our charitable contributions with a couple of our favourite organizations and one new one. We tithe monthly to the Covenant House and Make A Wish Foundation (BC chapter), as well as a few others through the year, but I just made extra donations to the SPCA (BC chapter) and Knitters Against Malaria.
Even on day five of a power outage with a rather large tree blocking our front door, a second tree threatening to fall on my tiny office shed, and wires down all over the street, we are still lucky enough to have each other and a roof over our heads. Many are much less fortunate than us this holidays season. So a few donations always makes me feel a bit better about being so blessed.
Thank you so much for spending time with me in 2018 – reading my books, as well as chatting on the blog or in the fan group or on social media. January 2019 is going to be packed full of goodies – including Amplifier 0, a fun book bundle, a BIG sale on the first Dowser trilogy, etc. It all starts on my blog on January 8th! I hope to see you here!!

Happy Holidays!!